Gefundene Ergebnisse: 799
28.04.2017 in Rate a player!
8/10 good contributions to the community but an annoying avatar D
28.04.2017 in Player Bios
Name (most commonly known as): Wheelo or whee

Date of arrival (aw): June 2013

Religion: Catholic

Ethnicity: Irish

Best map: Any of the default, all interesting

Worst map: WW1

Best strat: GC

Worst strat: Blitz

Hidden power: computers

Ambitions: make money, develop knowledge and meet new people ;p

Clan: As in favourite? Vibes, but I'm in Immortals now.

What do you hope to see come to aw the most?: An active admin can do so, so much.. the list is endless.

Best friend: I can't say just one ;p

Favourite food: Pasta

Favourite game: Atwar and Black ops 1 (of all time)

Your estimated score 1-100 for yourself: 70

A fact few people know about you:
Alright lads enough of the dick measuring, just duel 3 times on 3 different maps and get it over with.
LB? Little do people know its one of the strongest strategies in the game.
Geschrieben von Darth., 17.04.2017 at 12:03

India needs more cities!

Just kidding. But seriously, Italy needs a port on the east side more, but I wouldn't be opposed to having a port for Northern Italy. It's actually quite annoying. The port on east side (or even just bari) should be made standard even without extra cities Odessa for Ukraine

You guys need to think outside the box... even though the ports are on the west side, there is only one that actually serves the west side, and thats Cagiliari. Naples, palermo and Bari only serve the balkans, which is to the east.
17.04.2017 in My Channel
Hey, I've started an AtWar channel where I plan to post CW's, duels and 3v3s. They're mainly shortened and sped up so people dont have to spend 40 minutes+ on it. If there is an expansion you would like to see I'll make a video on it if you like (for the newer players).
Damn it Sid, you've exposed all my secrets...
A message from commando (don't shoot the messenger <3)
17.04.2017 in Big merge?
A message from commando (don't shoot the messenger <3)
Geschrieben von Guest, 17.04.2017 at 04:18

Geschrieben von Free_Warrior, 17.04.2017 at 04:16

Geschrieben von Guest, 17.04.2017 at 03:23

Where's USA?

Trump isn't a dictator

didnt say he was

If you're saying the US should be an option in a "best dictatorship" poll, then you are saying Trump is a dictator.
Geschrieben von Darth., 17.04.2017 at 11:33

Lol you moron. America, Pakistan, Egypt...where the fuck are those countries?

I really hope you're talking about the whole continent of America but it seems you're talking about the north. Trump was democratically elected, it seems these days if you show any kind of authority and fulfill the president's position you're a dictator. Great logic.
Geschrieben von Zephyrusu, 16.04.2017 at 16:36

Why would someone waste his time coming up with an idea that doesn't involve scenarios?

Because some people prefer to see skill being displayed instead of spamming walls and trying to stack unbalanced units against the other enemy.
15.04.2017 in Big merge?
Support, except 4 would be perfect.
Geschrieben von brianwl, 10.04.2017 at 06:07

Geschrieben von RaulPB, 10.04.2017 at 04:47

Geschrieben von Guest, 10.04.2017 at 03:30

If your unit is extremely close to their land and it wallfucks it then I'd say you respect it, But you're in Enigma now so you don't have to respect much since most scumbags join Enigma.

Why thanks for such a free unrelated unproved attack there buddy, love you too....

Typical 'A Lister' ♥

13.04.2017 in Game Strat
Geschrieben von Phoenix, 13.04.2017 at 01:52

Geschrieben von Wheelo, 12.04.2017 at 19:22

Geschrieben von Phoenix, 12.04.2017 at 14:59

Geschrieben von Permamuted, 12.04.2017 at 14:03

Geschrieben von Phoenix, 12.04.2017 at 11:33

Geschrieben von Wheelo, 12.04.2017 at 06:33

Just ignore this retard he thinks he knows everything about the game. Got shut down by players x4 better than him.

Hi wheelo, have you learned how to wall yet?

it must be great not to be burdened with qualities such as self awareness, shame and arguably a brain. You've totally humiliated yourself in this thread. I've literally pointed ppl here to laugh at you and yet you are still here talking shit.

Good on ya phoenix.

The fact you "sent" people here to laugh at me doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the fact you feel the need to. Big old laochra needs to laugh at other people to feel better about himself?

Wheelo can talk as much shit about me as he likes, but the fact is I spent time with him trying to teach him the basics and it still took him months to grasp them, demonstrates how mentally challenged he is (yet I'm the retard)....

to clarify, I don't feel embarrased for a single thing i've said here, I had a point to make.

>kicked from your clan after 2 days
>I'm mentally challenged, but you can't take rnw with ds at r10?

Good one pho, you lost this one bud, walk

Someone else who can't read?
I came up with the DS expansion to RNW by myself, whether I invented it or not, thats more than you could ever figure out.

You WD and Lao seem to be reading everything I say and turning it on its head.

FYI you are correct, you werent in my clan for 2 months, you were there for exactly 8 days.. we were then in Illyria together... but I did spend time with you and when I grew frustrated at your lack of progress (using the same methods I used for prometheus and franz) you called me a bully? Please.

Change "bully" to "arrogant" then. This is self awareness pho, accept when you've embarrassed yourself and move on. I'm not going to waste any more time on you.
12.04.2017 in Game Strat
Geschrieben von Phoenix, 12.04.2017 at 14:59

Geschrieben von Permamuted, 12.04.2017 at 14:03

Geschrieben von Phoenix, 12.04.2017 at 11:33

Geschrieben von Wheelo, 12.04.2017 at 06:33

Just ignore this retard he thinks he knows everything about the game. Got shut down by players x4 better than him.

Hi wheelo, have you learned how to wall yet?

it must be great not to be burdened with qualities such as self awareness, shame and arguably a brain. You've totally humiliated yourself in this thread. I've literally pointed ppl here to laugh at you and yet you are still here talking shit.

Good on ya phoenix.

The fact you "sent" people here to laugh at me doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the fact you feel the need to. Big old laochra needs to laugh at other people to feel better about himself?

Wheelo can talk as much shit about me as he likes, but the fact is I spent time with him trying to teach him the basics and it still took him months to grasp them, demonstrates how mentally challenged he is (yet I'm the retard)....

to clarify, I don't feel embarrased for a single thing i've said here, I had a point to make.

>kicked from your clan after 2 days
>I'm mentally challenged, but you can't take rnw with ds at r10?

Good one pho, you lost this one bud, walk
12.04.2017 in Game Strat
Geschrieben von Phoenix, 12.04.2017 at 11:33

Geschrieben von Wheelo, 12.04.2017 at 06:33

Just ignore this retard he thinks he knows everything about the game. Got shut down by players x4 better than him.

Hi wheelo, have you learned how to wall yet?

12.04.2017 in Game Strat
Just ignore this retard he thinks he knows everything about the game. Got shut down by players x4 better than him.
Geschrieben von Guest, 11.04.2017 at 06:42

Nope, there are more important and realistic changes that have yet to be added.

It doesn't mean it's not worth a suggestion/debate.
Geschrieben von Nero, 10.04.2017 at 16:36

That would give 4 ports on west side, Palermo, Cagliari, Naples, and now Genoa. I always wanted another port on East, like Venice.

But naples, Cagliari and palermo are really, in essence, only serving the East side and balkans, since they can't reach anything to the West. Only with a chain from Cagliari can get you one trans to Spain.
Geschrieben von 4nic, 10.04.2017 at 16:14

There's no room for another city on north,turin milan and genoa will be clustered AF..unless 1 of them is removed

Remove turin. It could be a 3 reinf city too, it has roughly the same population as Turin.
I personally think it would make Italy way more competitive because of its ability to reach spain in one turn with a sea trans. It would be a 3-res city, turin would be removed and is currently Italy's 6th largest city. It has the same population as Dublin and Copenhagen, which are also 3-res cities. Let me know down below what advantage/disadvantage it would be!
Ban now, the Atwar community shall not be in fear of his DS ukr any longer!
Geschrieben von Khal.eesi, 09.04.2017 at 07:22

Geschrieben von Wheelo, 09.04.2017 at 06:07

Im sure some of the rebels from each of the four factions would be prepared to attend parliament. You can't be certain something like this wouldn't work. Maybe it's a 4 way war right now but if the smaller factions (isis) and the kurdish militia were eliminated you could have a coalition government, or two of the parties againt each other and do it democratically with votes. Getting the gulf states to stop funding rebels would be a good start, then get turkey to step out, and then you're left with the USA and russia, which as you said, could end up like the cold war.

Lol, poor sweet wheelo, kind of naive Parliament what now?!!

Look the factions who are fighting Assad at the moment, the people we, the West, support are these :

FSA : (Free Syrian Army) Opportunists, criminals, Syrian army defectors. A third of them deserted and joined ISIS, another third joined Al-qaeda. they get financial aid and weapons from the West and sell them to Al qaeda and Isis. Isis official went on the record and said that the FSA are ISIS number one arms dealer. Human rights watch has issued a ton of human rights abuses by the FSA, including torture and imprisonment of children and using civilians as human shields.

Jaysh al Islam : Islamist terrorists, supported by Saudi and the gulf state monarchies, the West still refuses to declare them a terrorist organizaton despite the blatant evidence. They advocate for an Islamic state ruled by sharia law, they have denounced democracy openly, they use torture and mass executions and have been proven to use chemical weapons.

Al Nusra (Al qaeda branch) The worst terrorist organization in the world along with ISIS. We all know Al qaida right, not much to say..

Yes i am pretty sure none of the above would ever use chemical weapons.... And im also sure the minute Assad falls these peacefull, liberal fronts will create a parliament and a constitution..

That's me trying to be as democratically correct as possible, but I still stand with my initial suggestion, a puppet government controlled by the US. Put in someone whom the west deem fit, get the country a decent civil service, but of course this would mean eliminating the rebels AND Assad first. I can't see the rebels being a huge problem to put down but seeing as Assad's backed by Russia it's obviously going to be next to impossible to do so without instigating a war. Unless you could persuade Putin to break off with Assad... Despite the people who seem to have all the answers, nobody knows how it will pan out.
Geschrieben von Darth., 08.04.2017 at 23:30

Look Syria is fucked. A puppet government inserted by the West isn't going to do shit. This is why:

There are 4 different factions fighting the Syrian War. All of them are against each other. Think of it like Middle East FFA :/

Faction 1: Turkey and the Free Syrian Army FSA) Rebels who are against the Kurdish Militia (which is supported by the US), against the Syrian Government of Assad (supported by Russia), and against ISIS.

Faction 2: Kurdish Militia and its US & NATO allies against Assad, the FSA, and ISIS.

Faction 3: Assad and his Russian allies against US & NATO, the FSA and ISIS.

Faction 4: ISIS against Asia's Faction, FSA's Faction, and the Kurdish Militia's Faction.

This is a fucking 4 way war with other puppets in between with Saudi and other Middle East governments supporting one or the other faction to get back at their rivals who've chosen another faction to support, effectively making it a puppet war also. With ISIS terrorizing countries around the world, it is technically a global war too with so many countries involved...

My point being, Syria isn't going to settle down and become "civilized" [AKA westernized (AKA US lapdog)] anytime soon. Especially after US and NATO started sieging Raqqa and blocked all highways not letting the Syrian government move on Raqqa too, blocking the UN recognized government from reclaiming its land. So if Raqqa falls to the US, it has to hand it back to the Syrian government under international law. If it doesn't, well we'll be seeing an outright puppet conflict between Russia & the US reminiscent of the Cold War...

Im sure some of the rebels from each of the four factions would be prepared to attend parliament. You can't be certain something like this wouldn't work. Maybe it's a 4 way war right now but if the smaller factions (isis) and the kurdish militia were eliminated you could have a coalition government, or two of the parties againt each other and do it democratically with votes. Getting the gulf states to stop funding rebels would be a good start, then get turkey to step out, and then you're left with the USA and russia, which as you said, could end up like the cold war.
My biggest questions;
1. If Assad didn't use the chemical weapons, who else did? We know the chemical weapons were dropped from an aircraft of some sort, and according to wikipedia, the rebels do not have any aircraft.
2. Why didn't Russian S-400 Triumph air defense systems shoot down the US's missiles? They were fully in range of the missiles. We know Trump informed Putin prior to the strike.

My personal take on it is this; if Assad is prepared to drop barrel bombs on his own people, and Russia were willing to help, why wouldn't he or Russia be prepared to drop the chemical weapons on his people? Yes you can ask for proof all you want but unfortunately Syria isn't a political debate, it's a warzone. If children and civilians are being killed mercilessly, you act on where the arrows are pointing by process of elimination and past attacks. Assad knows where he stands.

In terms of a solution, I believe the only way for control over the country is for the US and allies to install a puppet government if they do decide to take out Assad. A puppet government that will be funded by the West and will aim to serve the people, if that is at all possible. Whether the rebels really are against Assad as much as they make out, or if they're power hungry too, I don't know. That's why I think the safest option is to put in the puppet government, we don't want a repeat of Gaddafi and Hussein. Hopefully Trump will recognise this.
06.04.2017 in Chicken
Geschrieben von Nations, 04.04.2017 at 17:21

Geschrieben von Davy Jones, 04.04.2017 at 17:05

Geschrieben von Nations, 04.04.2017 at 06:34

I suggest death cw

Too bad The Immortals dead already...

cw any time since we are "dead"

He'll probably play dirty and try take a cheap win again, guess we'll have to play dirty too
Geschrieben von Waffel, 05.04.2017 at 04:19

Geschrieben von Evic, 04.04.2017 at 19:23

Meh, its just arabs.

So wheres the ''oh so poor people'' thread now? Pretty sure you asked;)
04.04.2017 in The Popular List
Where is UnknownGamer?
03.04.2017 in The Popular List
Geschrieben von Witch-Doctor, 03.04.2017 at 16:16

Geschrieben von Wheelo, 03.04.2017 at 15:24

Geschrieben von Phoenix, 03.04.2017 at 15:19

Geschrieben von Wheelo, 03.04.2017 at 14:39

Geschrieben von Phoenix, 03.04.2017 at 12:43

No vdog?

Nice list, but no way are zenith and wheelo worthy of a mention.

Me on the other hand, I've played one game in 6 months, so thanks for still considering me relevant.

Just because I'm not a vulnerable noob anymore whom you can't bully? Fuck off bro

I wasted so much time trying to train both you and zenith. Time that I just won't get back.
Thats not the point though, its the fact you're up there when guys like Prometheus, dinoscout and devil are nowhere to be seen.

Its nothing against you, you could be a great player if you keep grinding it out. But you can't be compared to the likes of el creyente, or heatcheck.. and thats in terms of popularity.. not skill... even njab was more popular

Pretty sure its not a historical thing, its current popularity. And I don't think you've seen me play a proper game recently.

I will train you if you listen to me no questions asked.

Nah man I'm not the worst anymore but I'll let you know when I needa learn a rush ;p just don't see why some go out of their way to single out people (not just me)

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