Gefundene Ergebnisse: 839
13.02.2015 in Borders within maps.
Geschrieben von Tundy, 12.02.2015 at 20:03

Geschrieben von KYBL, 12.02.2015 at 17:18

Support this glitch makes me cry

Or you guys can use this tool and select all the points in that corner.

It will delete it all. No matter whether you delete them or not, they'll be there again once you come back.
12.02.2015 in Borders within maps.

This has been happening since the very first time making a map.

For those who don't notice it:
There shouldn't be the 2 additional draggable points.
12.02.2015 in 67P

map background image. Image editing credit to Columna Durruti.
Full size image here:

You can preview the map here:

this is how it looks. Screenshot credit to Grand Templar

The map has been based off of the regional map of the comet 67P.
Last year the spacecraft Rosetta, carrying the lander Philae reached the comet after a 10 year journey and several orbital maneuvres with the help of Earth's gravity.

The region map itself can be found on ESA's website:

the map is no longer updated as of the 22nd of June, year 15.
11.02.2015 in New bugs!!
Try clearing your cache and cookies.

I actually think the admins should leave it the way it is. The reason is, say in a 1 min game a player screws up and this player has the option to cancel all his moves.. it would be a disadvantage to other players who actually valued the 1 min game and made respectable moves.

I agree with you.
So when you make a map, there's that option:

But I found that either checking, nor having left it empty changes the playability of the map.

Could someone please be so kind and explain what does this option actually do? Thank you.
Geschrieben von RoyalKingKobra, 01.10.2013 at 10:14

Is there a way to do that? I've mad a scenario on a world map. But while editing it I do not have options to change the map itself. If there is a way to do it, can you explain it?

You've based your scenario on a map that you can edit, right? So Save your scenario, go back to Maps, click Edit. Then click Save and go back to editing your scenario.
02.02.2015 in Disabling comments
Geschrieben von International, 01.02.2015 at 08:10

How about selective approval?

Any post longer than some length (600 characters?) will be shown as "Approval Pending" until the original poster approves it. The original poster will get a notification asking him/her to review the comment.

Any shorter post will be posted immediately without need for approval.

This will still allow for free and open discussion, while ensuring that forum threads do not devolve into cluttered, incoherent, and unreadable nightmares.

You could still slice the crap in half to fit into the short length. Austerity works!
31.01.2015 in Disabling comments
Geschrieben von Columna Durruti, 30.01.2015 at 18:09

Maybe something like a space in forum, where players can start topics and everybody that adds comments to this topic has his post provisionally published (pending approval) in a gray backgrounded box or with a light colored background.
The creator of the topic can then approve the comment (NOT EDIT) and it becomes a permanent part of the topic... or the creator of the topic can disapprove the comment and it becomes hidden (NOT DELETED).
In the upper part of the topic there could be a check-box, which could allow players to read all comments (Approved and Dismissed).

Additionally, the dismissed comments could be rested from a players' post count, avoiding some posts that do not add to a discussion.

This could be implemented in a part of the forum as a testing ground... to see what happens.

Now that's all we need!
30.01.2015 in Disabling comments
I support this, but I think there should be a list for who can and can not disable comments, based on the history of how they used the feature.

Would be nice to see who is spectating. But before you join a game, you get notified whether or not your name will be visible in the list.
That means you can vote on 'show/ hide' spectators' names.
Geschrieben von theFuehrer, 19.01.2015 at 17:31

Can you explain?

Some things need to be kept private. Others, like you suggested, could use an option in the scenario options.
19.01.2015 in Reporting
Geschrieben von Funtime, 18.01.2015 at 14:24

If that thing is added, it will be very beneficial however i'm sure people will mis-use it as well and mods don't always have time to sort out the non-trolls or do they?
but overall i like the suggestion. Most popular games have them

As for misusing - It will actually be easier to ban certain people from using it for a while as the computer will automatically count the number of clicks made by each person and which have/ have not been accepted. Depending on those numbers, moderators will have it easier to actually limit overuse.
19.01.2015 in Identifying the host
The idea:

add a (host) after the name of the player who is the host.
Geschrieben von Columna Durruti, 08.01.2015 at 09:33

Support but only from maps that are free to clone; not the locked ones. OFC!

That's what it says "...or one that allows copying."
Geschrieben von The Bastard, 19.12.2014 at 08:38

Geschrieben von EndsOfInvention, 18.12.2014 at 18:47

In essence, it doesn't work, because silverlight is old and being phased out. If you want to use IE, you have to use the one in the desktop version.

OK, thanks anyway.

Just use Chrome or Firefox.
You can submit the names of those players to the map creators. They will add it to their banlist and those trolls won't be able to join anymore, unless, of course they would create a new account. But then they'd just get their IP address banned.
06.01.2015 in Add in enemy button
Geschrieben von Black Swans, 06.01.2015 at 13:44

Last night played game got allyfaged 4v1 they didnt speak anything in chat so i couldnt add them in enemies. To go on site and then search them it's too long i play from downloaded AW. Simply Amok/Ivan can add button add in enemies like here
when we go in players and click on player we can have option add in enemies,add in friends not needed cuz we probabbly wouldnt add someone if we dont talk with him,right ?
Its simply and i think it would be usefull

Actually, if you hover over a player's name in the 'Players' screen, you will see the options to:
add as a friend
as an enemy
or ignore
05.01.2015 in Palestine
Sorry, it's not a country.
03.01.2015 in ATWAR BREAK
A 'Propose Pause' option would be nice, after clicking which, there'd be a vote( that you can't just ignore by clicking X) that would require 3/4 of the players to agree.
03.01.2015 in Reporting
Geschrieben von Columna Durruti, 02.01.2015 at 23:39

Support. Just a button on player tab may be not sufficient.
Each report needs a content, that in the best case should look like this:

Report: [player reporting]+[player(s) to be reported]+[reason of report]

Player reporting: automatically added by system
Player(s) to be reported: Add the correct name(s) of player(s) to be reported
Reason of report:
  • Screen-shot (for private, clan or game chats; for in-game behavior like SP farming, playing game with more than 1 account, etc.)
  • Copy-paste of chat (sufficient if in a public chat: room, global, radio or help)
  • Asking mods to check chat log

Screen-shots: take wider screen-shots, not just the tiny detail of what is being reported. Wider SS allow to review the authenticity of the image. Personally I have dismissed many SS because they were to small and possible image manipulation could not be discarded. Be generous with SS, make it wider to have some elements of the background.

Perhaps, the game could take the copy of the chat when the player would press the 'R' button( when hovered over the name of the person being reported).
02.01.2015 in Reporting
Geschrieben von clovis1122, 02.01.2015 at 15:03

Geschrieben von e Mare, 02.01.2015 at 14:50

Wouldn't it all be easier if there was just that one button? Currently, you have to use that "/report" code which is troubling for many new players.

Agree + suggested.

I will take this post down if it has been suggested. Or is that not what you meant? If it is, then please give me the link to the post.
02.01.2015 in Reporting
Wouldn't it all be easier if there was just that one button? Currently, you have to use that "/report" code which is troubling for many new players.
Geschrieben von Magyar Szittya, 02.01.2015 at 14:04

And what you want to do with it ?

Use it in order to remove the fuss associated with making maps, which I described in the post above.
Hey there,
so my idea is as follows:

When making a map, you can't copy units from another map which you made or one that allows copying.

A solution to this problem is to add a button "Copy units from a map" in Units

So the people from ignore list will already be in the banlist or not? You didn't mention that in your post.
29.03.2014 in HTML5 website preview
This is just an absolutely amazingly done job! Can't wait for the full release, guys!
11.07.2013 in Enlist as a helper
well, I can help too. And I'm doing it already by posting stuff on my Facebook profile. I've added links to atWar on my Kong profile. Also, my friends are playing it - posting on Fb too.
I can help you with Latvian if needed

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