11.03.2019 - 16:23
Dumb idea. People have the right to play in pr if they choose too You cant punish everyone just because a few players used this to farm elo in the past. Not everyone feels like its their burden to teach low ranks or let them watch their expansions. And no one has to allow you to watch their game just because you want too. You sound like a child
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11.03.2019 - 17:15
If you want a private game, play 1v1. If you're dueling for a trophy your games need to be public.
11.03.2019 - 19:29
Says you. I disagree and not because i play pr duels I couldnt care less if im being spectated I just think players have a right to play in pr For the exception of tournament games maybe.
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12.03.2019 - 10:39
But they should be able to win medals for playing easy competition and avoiding real competitors?
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
12.03.2019 - 10:58
Who's fault is that? The people who hand out those trophies, even if its automatic or not, should actually stop handing out trophies like that if it happened through shaddy ways like farming noobs and avoiding duelers from the same caliber. But basically disabling an option to private duel is not the way to do so. People will still be banlisted and w/e.
As if you care about any of that, lol. It's all about you not getting to spectate and shittalk grom's duels, because he makes them private. But hey, in order for you to spectate them, the rest of the game has to do your biddings, right? You just mentioned those points in order to justify that. This whole thread is filled with hypocrits tbh. Instead of mentioning real problems within the system, like for example last season Chess ignored & banned almost every dueler who was a threat to him and his #1 spot, yet nobody cared. Whilst you guys are here complaining about private duels and not being able to spectate and shittalk in your nemesis' duel.
12.03.2019 - 11:06
Oh wow did you just accuse me of virtue signaling? When you clearly have no reason to justify private duels so you attack me instead ![]()
12.03.2019 - 11:16
I didn't accuse you of virtue signalling lol, just think its a bit hypocrite, considering that there are more important issues than this, like I mentioned in my comment, (edited it, while you quoted me, hence the reason you didn't see it.) As for the reasons, I think every possible reason to justify private duels have already been mentioned here, don't see a reason to repeat them.
12.03.2019 - 11:26
Ok let start with 1. Why does a player who doesnt play the game or even duel like you need there to be private duels?
12.03.2019 - 14:37
I dont duel nore do i care about the flame war, plain and simple me and you actually agree! The system is broken.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
13.03.2019 - 10:38
You did not read the op then or did not understand. The act of "dueling" is a seperate game mode by which elo is exchanged. The op is only saying dueling for elo in a private match is fundementally wrong if you are offering a prize for the person who won the most elo.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
13.03.2019 - 12:07
Cant tell if trolling or didn't read post.
13.03.2019 - 12:58
Its competitive part of this game.. Just like cws. Private duels shouldnt exist, same goes for people that ban in duels. You can either play everyone or no one. If someone trolls tho, with enough proof mods should be able to slap them in the face with some nice punishment
14.03.2019 - 07:55
Stop trolling witch doctor just because you don't like him. He's 100% correct on this issue. You would think you of all people would understand how annoying private duels are regardless of whether you play them or not. Imagine if we all started playing then private. Rip spectating. People like you and godofwar are a cancer. Adding your voice to and opposing legitimate issues just because they haven't yet affected you.
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14.03.2019 - 10:19
Excuse me? Not sure where you get the idea from that I dislike WD, not to mention trolling him, but you're incorrect on that. As for your argument, subjective opinions about this case are not really helpful. As far as I am aware only a few players play private duels. While we have a more serious problem, which is that most of the people who get to #1 stop dueling for most of the season and collect their unrightfully trophies. But instead of complaining about that, other than 1 crythread every season which basically just repeats the same thing every season, nothing serious is done against it. So i'd rather see duels and clanwars not being participated into banlists, since its for trophies and competitive, instead of dictating that people can't play in private. Sure WD has a point there and I partly agree with it, but like numerous of people have commented above, private games have their purposes. So i'd say you have to weigh up both interests and come to a compromise instead of enforcing something on the rest of the community because you have a problem with a few individuals. But hey, you guys like to go ad-hominem on everyone who disagrees with your ideologies, so I guess so much for compromising.
14.03.2019 - 18:25
1. None of the points wd posted are subjective. 2. The counter arguments to his points are non-existant. You literally just attacked his motivations talking about shittalking grom and chess elo farming. Gow just said ppl should be able to play in private failing to address that we are talking about duels specifically. 3. You should look to your own posts in this thread before complaining that you're getting "ad-hominemed". ![]()
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14.03.2019 - 19:22
Non-existant? They are verry much existant and they are also verry much valid. I am not sure if you even seen any of the other comments that disagreed with this, besides gow's. Since thats basically the whole problem with the progress of this game, whenever people disagree with you guys, their arguments get labeled as non-existand and worthless.
15.03.2019 - 16:30
I read all the posts. You clearly didn't. Please list the objective arguments in this thread against private duels being removed. This will be fun. The name waffle actually really suits you sometimes. You sure like to waffle and project but rarely address peoples actual arguments or points.
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njab Konto gelöscht |
16.03.2019 - 12:24 njab Konto gelöscht
Mods cannot monitor the duels all the time. Not even normal players can, so how can you expect mods to do it? Let's look at one particular duel that happened today and by chance was public (GROM vs Lelouch). ![]() ![]() ![]() followed by many senseless explanations how he lost and had no idea what to do (even though he had every possible advantage) and finally [pr] ●Lelouch.: It's not farming. And you have no evidence to prove that it is. Now, I'm not saying they are farming. I'm not saying Lelouch. left on purpose to donate GROM elo, it may not be the case. But doesn't this leave you suspicious? Now imagine if a duel like this happened in private game. I think you get the idea. What's the most suspicious here is that people who are the most suspicious also support private duels the most. A coincidence? I think not...
21.03.2019 - 05:30
I support this. Duels should be like clan wars, easily accessible to the public.
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
21.03.2019 - 06:28
That's farming.
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njab Konto gelöscht |
31.08.2019 - 15:55 njab Konto gelöscht
09.06.2020 - 15:44
Ok... let's be honest. Private is privacy. if you don't want spectators to watch your game then make it private. I know watching duels its a way of learning, but i still don't see it viable to people to join if you don't want. this reminds me of something. I hosted a public game because i wanted spectators (why not) and to a friend to join. In that moment i said (ok i kick him and let my friend join) so he gets first pick, i try to run to kick him but it was too late, he picked ukraine (it was 5k) so i had to re... I know i can avoid this things by recreating the duel, but let's be honest, we don't want to waste sometimes our time sometimes.
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09.06.2020 - 16:33
How can someone who thinks there's a "right to privacy" think it's a good idea to ban private duels? Mind blown
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
13.06.2020 - 12:37
Imagine if football teams had "private" games with no spectators and just announced the winner to the public after the fact.
14.06.2020 - 13:12
I agree with that, but for example, a r3 and a r4 want to duel in private (7 days of prem free) and they can't because it's disable... they are low ranks, and low ranks will join just to bother (when i was in begginer it was very common), I still think there's no reason to ban private duels, you can always share with people the link to watch, and if u don't want x person to watch, just don't send him the link.
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