17.12.2023 - 14:07
Expected behavior: When I join casual games that are already in progress, I want my default strategy to be applied. Actual behavior When joining casual games that are in progress, if you do not make any changes to strategies, a default strategy will be displayed but it will not be used after joining the game. When you open the Units menu, your default strategy will be displayed as if it was being used but it will not be applied and your units will not be modified. Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Enter a casual game that has already started. 2. Confirm that you have a default strategy picked. 3. Do not change/select any strategy. 4. Join the game. 5. Open the Units menu. 6. Observe that your default strategy is displayed as the one that is being used. 7. Observe that the strategy is not actually applied. Your units stats are not modified, only your account upgrades apply. Information: Browser: Brave v 1.61.104 Edge 120.0.2210.77 OS: Windows 10 Attachments: Actual result (note that Master of Stealth is displayed as chosen strategy): Expected result:
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