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Verfasst von tesla, 16.08.2013 - 12:31

♕ Pure King Tournament ♛

Here we go again. New tournament with new rulezzz.

This time you will play without Upgrades&Strategies.

Default Match rules:

Game Type: Quick game
Map: Europe+
Turn duration: 3mins(changeable)
Starting funds: First 2 round is 10k. Other games are 5k.
Maximum players: 2
Joining until week: 0
Victory: Capture player capital and hold for at least 2 turns
Game duration: 50turns
Rares: None
Initial countries: 1
Extra cities: On
Allow rejoining: Off

Sign-Up (32/32)

  • 1. Acquiesce (11)
  • 2. Safari (10)
  • 3. Anon (8)
  • 4. Roncho (10)
  • 5. Spart (9)
  • 6. TheConqueror (8)
  • 7. Comrade In Arms (9)
  • 8. Chess (10)
  • 9. khal.eesi (9)
  • 10. tesla (11)
  • 11. Primal (8)
  • 12. Mr_Own_U (7)
  • 13. Tophats (13)
  • 14. BertanK (8)
  • 15. Desu (10)
  • 16. bargain (10)
  • 17. ZeroUno (6)
  • 18. Brandreas (8)
  • 19. krodin the almighty (5)
  • 20. Meester (9)
  • 21. Vermeer (7)
  • 22. Madara (8)
  • 23. b0nker2 (10)
  • 24. Hugosch (10)
  • 25. Dbacks (10)
  • 26. MelGibson (7)
  • 27. Deo Volente (9)
  • 28. time (9)
  • 29. pupbenny (8)
  • 30. Dictator King (8)
  • 31. Funtime (7)
  • 32. Kona-Chan (10)

  • 1. Tunder3 (9)
  • 2. Solaris_11 (2)
  • 3. Grimm (6)

  • You must upload your screenshot here to prove your win.
  • First round games will be played in one week after tourney starts. If one player doesnt response PM's will be eliminated.


    Tournament Table

    You can also see from here : http://challonge.com/awpure

    Winners :

  • 03.10.2013 - 13:54
    Geschrieben von Chess, 02.10.2013 at 11:48

    Geschrieben von Khal.eesi, 19.09.2013 at 14:44

    Tesla you are very strong opponent.Much respect.GG

    Can you and ~bargain play?
    Soon I have to get ready for alot of exams and will often only be online for checking casual games.

    And btw great work, tesla. The fact that 95% of all games have been played/finished within a month, shows that you are truly the best tournament host.

    I withdraw.good luck.
    03.10.2013 - 14:05
    Geschrieben von Khal.eesi, 03.10.2013 at 13:54

    Geschrieben von Chess, 02.10.2013 at 11:48

    Geschrieben von Khal.eesi, 19.09.2013 at 14:44

    Tesla you are very strong opponent.Much respect.GG

    Can you and ~bargain play?
    Soon I have to get ready for alot of exams and will often only be online for checking casual games.

    And btw great work, tesla. The fact that 95% of all games have been played/finished within a month, shows that you are truly the best tournament host.

    I withdraw.good luck.

    Should i replace myself with you ?

    atWar Radio<3

    play for fun, just for fun.
    03.10.2013 - 14:05
    Geschrieben von Chess, 02.10.2013 at 11:48

    Geschrieben von Khal.eesi, 19.09.2013 at 14:44

    Tesla you are very strong opponent.Much respect.GG

    Can you and ~bargain play?
    Soon I have to get ready for alot of exams and will often only be online for checking casual games.

    And btw great work, tesla. The fact that 95% of all games have been played/finished within a month, shows that you are truly the best tournament host.

    Thanks mate !

    atWar Radio<3

    play for fun, just for fun.
    05.10.2013 - 10:18
    Yeah sure.good luck to both of you!
    06.10.2013 - 14:51
    Geschrieben von Khal.eesi, 05.10.2013 at 10:18

    Yeah sure.good luck to both of you!

    Okay then. We shall have 2 players for 3.place trophy. Thank you for playing all your games fast.

    atWar Radio<3

    play for fun, just for fun.
    10.10.2013 - 17:52
    Yeap Pure King Tournament have finished. Thanks for all your effort.

    Chess is the winner of PKTOURNEY. Congratz mate! Also Bargain gets the 2.place.

    tesla and Khal.eesi won the 3.place.

    Here is the trophies for the winners. Check your profiles!

    Also full result :


    atWar Radio<3

    play for fun, just for fun.
    10.10.2013 - 21:00
    Konto gelöscht
    Congratz Chess
    11.10.2013 - 07:11
    Congrats Chess, good tourney all around!
    11.10.2013 - 13:27
    Congrats to chess
    We are not the same - I am a Martian.
    We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

    13.10.2013 - 04:09
    Congratulations Chess!

    It was an honour to be the first person to lose to you to in this tournament.

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