07.09.2020 - 10:22
I know many of you dont like me because i dont really care about my reputation here but i think we all can agree that this game needs a roll fix. I think at least 90% of competitive players thinks that this should be done and its unreal that we have to wait for such a long time to fix such an easy thing: I may not be expert in programming but that shouldnt take more than few hours invested and nobody is doing anything for years. For me it seems that it should be so easy and it would help game so much. At least it wont be so luck reliable as it is now when sometimes same amount of units can win by 5 or lose by 3 and you lose a game just because of that even if u play perfectly. And it happens often as well. My solution which is probably the easiest way to do it is to remove crit chance and LB since nobody really uses it after the nerf anyway because gc is just stronger and just make it so when you send fucking 4 infs to 3 mil city you win 100% of times like it should be. And just make a list like that about rolls between every single strategy how it should work out. For example 5 pd infs always win against 3 imp infs and loses against 4. Its not that hard to do where there are att/def numbers already in the game. I can make that if you want so you can change it or whatever how you like. I dont want anything in return i just want enjoy while playing this game. Or if you dont like my idea use your big west brains and make something else just fucking change something because this is not leading anywhere. There are no any new competitve players and its so coinflip that its not enjoyable at all when you lose a game just because you got unlucky even if u predicted your opponents moves and played as good as you could. I dont think that even guy who won a game just because of that feels any better. If you do that and do something about random 1/2 unit tbs this game would be so much better place to spend hours of our miserable lives.
07.09.2020 - 13:05
I think it's a good idea to have like a threshold for when tbs can occur, so that they are less luck-reliant. For example, it's determined that tbs are fair when their percentage of occurring is above, say, 35%. So, any tb attempts that the game calculates as being less than 35%, the game just treats them as 0%. That way, it rewards tbs that actually take resources to attempt in a more significant manner, and punishes things like sending 1 to everything.
07.09.2020 - 14:12
Nothing wrong with tbs. Every tb can be avoided and getting tbbed means you failed as a player. You could have walled that stack the previous turn, you could have had everything in one place ready to go from the previous turn instead of relying on merges this turn. So on and so forth. It adds an extra layer of complexity in how you play.
07.09.2020 - 22:00
I,m done with this stupid inactive game its to fucking time consuming and most of the player base as quit playing. RIP DAVE idc if you banned me btw your game is shit and needs a update. This game going is going down hill i dont recommend anyone play this until dave updates the server and game.
07.09.2020 - 22:01
A big problem with turn blocks is they were originally an unintended glitch that players accidentally found but Amok for whatever reason decided to keep them in, for all we know he might never have found where in the coding what caused turn blocks to arise. Whether I'm in agreement that they should be removed or changed or even if it is possible I think it would remove such a large part of the game that it could potentially kill as large as half the player base off. If anything is to be done about turnblocks I think they need to refined more in the coding so that they're at least a little more consistent, Osix here for example gets insanely lucky 1 unit tbs on stacks as large 50 that were first moved. As for rolls... well if we removed rolls then atwar would strictly become a numbers game and the luck element then removed which would crush a lot of newcomers chances of growing and progressing. I think the game would become too boring and many newcomers who needed that one lucky match to convince them to keep pushing on might never happen. Also just like before it is such a big part of the game that if removed then huge amounts of players would probably leave. So I guess all I'm saying is that if we drastically change the game that people still love to play and enjoy then they might not like what it becomes and you risk alienating many players who didnt know these were problems in the tiny little competitive community.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
08.09.2020 - 00:26
You know there is something called wallfuck. And 2 units can still tb 40 units stack lol, that's what happened in cw yesterday.
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08.09.2020 - 04:15
I know I was there T_T
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08.09.2020 - 18:27
Your fault for not tbing the wall fuck
08.09.2020 - 18:35
If he had 1 more unit on his stack, the chances of escaping would be higher.
08.09.2020 - 18:54
If you sent 1 more unit to tb his stack, the chances of tbing would be higher
08.09.2020 - 21:02
Easily countereable by having 1 more unit on the stack that is trying to escape.
09.09.2020 - 00:36
I just wanted to say that I've done a bit of work into investigating the rolls system, and even fully understanding the current roll system took me a lot more than a few hours. Programming really isn't as easy as it looks.
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09.09.2020 - 21:32
You can't tb a wf t1
10.09.2020 - 10:23
That also means you cant be tbbed t1
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