Hole Premium um die Werbung zu unterdrücken
Beiträge: 3   Besucht von: 69 users
27.04.2020 - 13:57
Look, I have not wanted to make this clear, as it should already be clear, but I need to repeat something. Sanda despises SP farming, and apologizes for the actions that two of its members have done. There is no way to 'rank up fast', and SP farming is illegal in all ways in atWar.

1.3 The term "FARMING" is used to describe the process of playing a game which uses exploits to gain SP or ELO. This may include using more than 1 account to win games or using custom maps made specific for ELO/SP gaining. Moderators ultimately will take into consideration with what they believe is just and unjust.

Example: Joining a game with 2 accounts or more accounts, playing a coalition war with an account on both teams, creating a map with the sole purpose of earning ELO or SP, creating a duel in which you control both accounts, and more.
27.04.2020 - 13:59
I dont despise sp farming.
27.04.2020 - 14:36
What happened

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