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30.04.2020 - 15:16
Hello people of Atwar before mod rush to see whos posting this it's me Echoo add time on my ban this is important to say

your fellow player Woojoo is one of the nicest players I have ever seen on Atwar and he's possibly losing A roof over his head to play this game. hes dream is to learn history and teach it to others how can he do that if he can't feed himself. people of atwar are not known to be the nicest of people, but Woojoo is one of the nicest players I have had the reward of meeting. He helps new players learn to clan war. he's in this predicament because of his love for this game and his passion to play. hes parents threaten him with everything to stop playing and yet he doesn't. if we all don't help him in whatever way we can we are truly toxic. even saying a kind word would mean so much in his darkest hour.
30.04.2020 - 15:26
Good luck to him.
30.04.2020 - 15:36
Here is the gofundme page
30.04.2020 - 15:38
If his parents are telling him to stop playing, then stop. Get a job and then play.
But again, if he is just a kid then that's messed up for his parents.
30.04.2020 - 15:43
I'm literally speachless. I utterly and completely agree that he's really nice. I have no doubt about that. However, getting involved in someone else's private life without knowing its details... this is dubious at best. Besides, funding him 1k$ will not help him survive out there, he would need a job in order to do such. This is so messed up... We don't even know why his parents are making him stop playing or if there's something worrying going on there...

The best thing he canexpect to achieve is to be welcomed in someone else's home and getting a job.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

30.04.2020 - 15:44
Geschrieben von smegma lover, 30.04.2020 at 15:38

If his parents are telling him to stop playing, then stop. Get a job and then play.
But again, if he is just a kid then that's messed up for his parents.

if its a kid then by all means take my money, but there is no way to confirm any of this story so probably a scam tbh

if its a reasonable adult, then just stop playing and get a job...
30.04.2020 - 15:46
Geschrieben von RaulPB, 30.04.2020 at 15:43

I'm literally speachless. I utterly and completely agree that he's really nice. I have no doubt about that. However, getting involved in someone else's private life without knowing its details... this is dubious at best. Besides, funding him 1k$ will not help him survive out there, he would need a job in order to do such. This is so messed up...

but 1k would help mitigate the beginning of the tough road hes going to have ahead, opposed to him having nothing at all.
30.04.2020 - 15:46
Geschrieben von RaulPB, 30.04.2020 at 15:43

I'm literally speachless. I utterly and completely agree that he's really nice. I have no doubt about that. However, getting involved in someone else's private life without knowing its details... this is dubious at best. Besides, funding him 1k$ will not help him survive out there, he would need a job in order to do such. This is so messed up...

I agree, and I wish the best of luck to him

30.04.2020 - 15:47
What does he need 1 thousand dollars for, if the fund raiser was 300 thats enough food for atleast a month if your on your own, eating out aswell and how old is this "Woojoo" because i have been working since i was 14 years old it sounds like hes a 30 year old bum too me if he still lives with his parents and they want him to get out and get a job, i have no sympathy for beggars like you all
BBW is the best
30.04.2020 - 15:49
Geschrieben von lcarus, 30.04.2020 at 15:46

but 1k would help mitigate the beginning of the tough road hes going to have ahead, opposed to him having nothing at all.

Do you guys even know why he's taking this road? Is there some reason to be worried about him or his health that we don't know? Again, we have no details at all on his life, we don't even know if he's underage
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

30.04.2020 - 15:50
This is truly sad, Your family is supposed to have your back.
Being homeless myself for the better part of a month living in a car, in the middle of winter it really irks me that your parents would do this.
I really hope things will turn out ok, If it's possible sit down and try to talk to them. Your parents are supposed to have your back.

If not, Shelters might be an option, Food pantries can be very generous depending on who you contact.
Here are a few good places to look
Glory to the Nexus, Glory to the LIN, Glory to the Imperial Union!
30.04.2020 - 15:58
Just to clarify, did woojoo actually allow this to be done?

30.04.2020 - 16:00
Need more info of age family capabilities and many more. Wish him best taking a break might be right for him. Good luck.
30.04.2020 - 16:23
UPDATE: he and his epic skillz have convinced his parents to let him stay another week but that's only more time to help him in any way we can if any of you can provide food and boarded near the town canastota NY.13032 I will personal pay for his food and board if need be
30.04.2020 - 16:31
Man the fuck you so kind for?
30.04.2020 - 17:03
Get off this game and listen to your parents. Are you people crazy enabling this?
30.04.2020 - 17:11
30.04.2020 - 17:24
sounds like woojew needs to get a job
30.04.2020 - 17:43
Locked from several reasons.

I had a chance to play and talk with woojoo, he really is a nice person and player and he earned alot of my respect.
However, he should respect his parents and his own self as well and focus to puzzle up his real life things.

Independently of his years, I find him mature enough to know that one virtual game, no matter how much he enjoys it or how much satisfied he feels while playing it, won't provide him existence. We all have our real life stuff, work, school and university tasks, credits, pressures, burdens and hundreds of rest problems and barriers that we're facing through each day.
Everyone can just sit at home and enjoy games, but that's not how life works, buddy.

@those who are seeking for money:
You guys gotta realize finally that atWar is not Red Cross or Caritas organisation.
All of this Money/Premium/Protocoins begging on this game has to stop already. I am getting sick of it.
We are all having blisters on our hands and brains, because we are just normal people who are working, studying and fighting for our better tomorrow; non of us is your virtual oasis of any kind of income or profit, no matter how much we willed or how much we are willing individually to help you sometimes.
Don't get me negaitve, but this escalated too much.
There won't be any kind of sharing additional woojoo's private info, neither any kind of private money transactions will be done through atWar.

Realize that your real life is your only priority, finish a school/university, find a job, get some money, situate yourself, make some basis and set up new goals and then find spare time for any kind of enjoyment.

@woojoo again:
Man, I really wish you all the best. Lie down in your bed, think twice about your life directions and set your priorities (no, those are not virtual games). Give some respect to your parents and yourself. Find any kind of job by which you'll produce your starting income. Once you achieve above mentioned, there will always be time for fun things from aside, including atWar.

If you need any personal advice or if you need someone to talk with or someone who will direct you on proper things when you're confused, feel free to contact me privately anytime.
Take care.


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