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20.02.2022 - 09:50
New Game Starting Now

Pax Romanus VII


1. Overview:

This is the seventh game of the Pax Romanus game series. There are two main changes to the game, one involving the game itself and the other the Game Protocols. The types of units have been significantly reduced and simplified for the game. Included are Heavy Cavalry, Chariots, Carpentum and 3 infantry units as well as 3 naval units. Simple elegance. The second major change is to the Game Protocols. The movement restrictions on turn one (1) have been removed. This is consistent with the Game Protocol changes to Modern Warfare. Players are now free to move units outside of their home country on turn one (1). Garrison units with an attack value of two (2), is the only unit available to players on turn one (1). The other two (2) protocols remain in place.

2. Game Protocols:

Please observe the following game protocols:
• Be considerate of other players when leaving a game early.
• Where possible, do not leave a game by timing out. If you have lost the game, surrender.
• Take your turn in a timely manner. Don't be the last player to take your turn every turn.

3. Settings:

• The maximum number of players is twenty (20).
• Starting funds are $25,000.
• Number of allies is 3.
• Minimum rank is five (5).
• Maximum number of turns is two hundred (200).

4. Player's Invitation List:

You will be added to the Player's Invitation List if:
• You are a new coalition member.
• You join a coalition game (coalition and non-coalition players).
• You request to be added (coalition and non-coalition players).

You will be removed from the Player's Invitation List if:
• You have been inactive in atWar for more than 7 days as of the game release date.
• You request to be removed. All requests are final. No dithering please.
• You have been banned from coalition games.

Good luck to all...


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