27.01.2021 - 08:21 PRUSSIA ![]() General review Prussias main enemy is russia and your main goal is to kill russia ~t24 and then help your allies at the other fronts (usually the alps and the west) and win the lategame for them. So what Prussia has to do against Russia is to effectively kill his walls without too many casualties and slowly build up an army to take kiev ~t24, but you have to be careful sometimes russias tend to stack their walls so they can destroy your arts with stack bonus or with arts/cossacks, so be carefull if you see that. Strategies:
Iron Fist: Iron Fist is probably the best strategy for Prussia , it is pretty strong in general since it gives extra hp to units and it can decimate walls and effectively kill the kiev stack that Russia will eventually build, meanwhile its very strong lategame since it can use the cons from the east and allycap ah/wg lategame and be in a strong position. But Iron fist has a big weakness, it has low range, which means that you cant really outmanuver Russia or make mind games with him since he knows your limits, also he can stack the walls and just kill your units (that you have for breaking walls) since your units have low mobility that way he can just replace the walls in many places because he killed your units with his stacked walls, but overall its the most dominant strategy for prussia right now. With Iron Fist you have to make mostly Infantry at the beggining and make artillery only for killing walls (75% Infantry 25% artillery), also you should kill romania if possible, since russia cant rush a big stack of Infantry and that will help your allies a lot with winning the balkan front, from the ~4th reinf turn and after you should just look at spamming artillery and preparing to capture Kiev ~t24. Needs ~4.5k-5k funds per reinf Relentless Attack: I dont have to say many things about this strategy since i avoid to use it because of its weak lategame, but nevertheless RA has its strengths, it needs less funds than what the other strategies require meanwhile its skill cap is pretty low. With RA you full spam art (duh) and you destroy the walls with the crazy amount of art that you have, RA puts a lot of pressure on russia early since it has a lot of attack and it can threaten russias provinces so russia has to be carefull, you have to rush romania if possible , and then you slowly take lands and just prepare to take kiev. RA becomes weaker at the lategame since it has to keep making 90 cost units with 4-5 defence and prussia usually cant afford that. Imp and HW are good against RA if Russia plays properly. needs 3k funds per reinf Great Combinator: The goal of GC is to make a super strong stack for t24(over 4k attack) where it will capture kiev and have a strong lategame with its cheaper units and strong main defence units. GC has to be played like Iron Fist, where you make mostly infantry and just enough artillery to push and break walls (75% Infantry 25% Artillery), you arent looking to kill stacks with gc (early at least), so with GC you stack cash (i usually have 20k+ t16 if everything goes to plan) and like from the 4th reinf you start spamming artillery, if you have done everything correctly, you should be able to crush a ~800 pd con stack easily. You need to play a lot of mind games and outmanuver russia since you cant beat him early so if you feel like you arent a good enough player or you feel like thats not for you, i suggest you going ra that has so much power early. needs 4k - 4.5k funds. Lucky Bastard: As i said at the suggested strategies LB is situational after the nerfs and it requires a lot of funds. The situations that it can be used are: when you know russia will go imp since russia cant win against lb because he cant rush you and if he kills your units that you use to break walls, all he does is make your income better and the other situation where LB is good is when you know that the player who plays Russia will always stack his walls, that means you will be killing units all the time and losing the upkeep of the units and your infs are strong unlike gc where they have 2 att, or like iron fist where they have 5 range.LB should be just played like IF and GC, majority inf stack early (70% Infantry 30% Artillery), and arts just to break walls and then after some reinf turns you spam arts for kiev. needs 1k t3 ~5-6k every reinf. Tips:
Terminolgy of words you might not understand: https://prnt.sc/xppa33 By the way thanks to ItsGiGi for helping with improving the guide.
---- Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks. Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople ![]()
27.01.2021 - 08:22
I made this guide mostly with my own experience and from watching others. Incase you feel like i missed something or something of what i said is wrong please say it so i can improve the guide. check Sames guide for Russia here by the way https://atwar-game.com//forum/topic.php?topic_id=43916
---- Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks. Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople ![]()
27.01.2021 - 08:56
This should be helpful for not just new players but also regular ww1 players hoping to improve their prussia, great work.
09.02.2023 - 16:52
I defeated Alex's Pruss and I wasn't funded. After that day he never played prussia again. true story
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