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26.02.2017 - 08:58
I ask you to create the possibility to save movementes not only for the "next turn" but also "during a turn".
I ask you this improvement because there are games with more cities, that need more time to be played(at least one hour in my case). It happens very often that connection doesn't work, and I lose all my movements after one hour.
In this situation I won't play games with more cities than the normal (premium games) and also other people may think the same.

Best regards.
26.02.2017 - 12:13
Agreed, it has been suggested many times in many different threads. To name only a few:

I did not look thoroughly, but I think it has not been added yet to the main "Suggestions To Be Possibly Implemented To AtWar" thread:
02.03.2017 - 17:15
I agree also. This would be a necessary feature not just in long but is fast games also because it is very flustrating that sometime I loose a round because of a connection problem and the whole game can go wrong because of it. It has happened today also in a duel game in the first turn and thats why I have lost. It is very-very embarrassing, I was very upset.
05.03.2017 - 07:35
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When I have connection problems (in a quick game), I tell to the other player/s to just don't end the turn or when others don't answer me I try to save most of my moves by pressing End turn, if you press that button and then again and again Save button your moves are saved (provided that your counterpart/s dont all end the turn so that the new turn would begin).
24.03.2017 - 10:56
Geschrieben von NorthernPeickJr, 23.03.2017 at 08:50

This is the exact kind of shit that needs to get fixed, first of all. Even before map editor. These are the reasons people quit the game. This topic should get promoted. In a 1v1, when disconnection happens, the other player should not be able to end turn to begin the next turn! It is ridiculous! It literally wrecks the entire game experience, and drives people away.

i created new thread


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