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05.08.2014 - 11:43
After you cap a neutral country's capital, do you continue to send bombers and 1 infantry to its remaining neutrals or use another unit? I find spamming bombers and using them against anything other than capitals takes a larger toll on my income.
05.08.2014 - 15:49
Um ...i guess it depends, are you attacking militia or infantry. I think i would rather send just infantry to take out militia and bombers for infantry.

Idk long time i used SM :/
05.08.2014 - 16:05
Use your ATs to transport militia, and use them whenever you can, leaving cities unwalled temporarily if you are certain that they are out of enemies range/too costly for enemies to take (don't spam ATs ofc), inf (-1 attack) should only be used when there is a city with one militia, out of the range of your militia with no AT. otherwise use bombers and militia for attacking only (you may need to use inf range to capture cities sometimes, add one in for these situations, be aware that if another player who you are at war with attacks the same city, you will also be attacked by them, and your inf will defend first, so even if you win the battle, if all your inf are gone defending it will be left neutral without another unit to capture. If you are sure that it will be contested, you can add more inf to protect your bombers weaker defence, as well as one or more militia in case all your inf die). Also look at whether the countries full country bonus(1/5 of income from country)/other cities income is worth taking or not before others. Unless you are crowded, with your range there will likely be better targets.
Make sure you are putting the right amount of bombers in capturing neutrals, not too many.
Also look at whether SM is a good choice for your country selection, in the funds you are in and the map/location.
05.08.2014 - 19:10
Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it. I usually only play on world maps and my main choices for countries are Spain, USA: Pacific, China: South, and Turkey.

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