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26.02.2015 - 14:43
The Wars of the Diadochi

Scenario creator: Leonista

Map: Based in Wars of Alexander by Pyrrhus

Game end in turn 25, 4 min each turn, 1:40 hs.

Win Condition: team with more sp.

Defeat Condition: Total Annihilation.


team 1 Macedonian Empire

team 2 Diadocs Allied

team 3 Macedonian Regency

team 4 Antigonides


In First and Second War (turn 1 - turn 9) all factions can make secret or public peace against The Empire (orange team: Perdiccas, Eumenes and Polyperchon)

In Thrid and Fourthy War (turn 10 - turn 25) all factions can make secret or public peace against Antigonides (pink team: Antigonus, Demetrius, Nicander)

List of Events

323 Alexander die, all Greece revolt against macedonians. Antipater and Leonnatus fight against revolt.Greek revolt in Bactria.

322 Craterus, Antigonus and Polyperchon fight the revolt in Greece. Ptolomeo start The First War of the Diadochi attacking Perdiccas in Cyrene.

321 Perdiccas attack Ptolemy in Egipt. Antigonus, Antipater and Craterus help Ptolemy. Craterus attack Eumenes in Cappadocia.

320 Seleucus betray and kill Perdiccas. Antigonus and Nicander take all Perdiccas land and own The Empire. The First War of Diadochi end.

319 Antipater die, Polyperchon is The Regency. Antigonus support Casander as Regency and start The Second War of the Diadochi in Macedonia.

318 Eumenes support Polyperchon Regency against Antigonus, Casander, Lisimachus and Ptolemy. Eumenes is Strategos of Asia.

317 Eumenes attack Ptolemy in Phoenicia. Greece support Casander, and The Imperial Navy support Polyperchon.

316 Antigonus make a navy and attack Eumenes in Cappadocia, Eumenes run to East. East Satrapas support Eumenes. Epiro and Olimpia attack Macedonia.

315 Antigonus and Demetrius attack Eumenes in Gabiena. Eumenes die. Antigonus attack Seleucus in Babiloni and Media. Seleuco run to Egipt. Antigonus win The Second War of the Diadochi.

314 The Thrid War of the Diadochi start against Antigonus. The Imperial Navy support Casander and attack Cappadocia and Caria. Antigonus attack Ptolemy in Phoenicia and Chipre. Polyperchon support Antigonus and attack Casander.

313 Antigonus send Polemaius to attack Casander in Greece. Demetrius attack Ptolemy in Gaza.

312 Seleuco attack Antigonus in Babilonia.

311 The Thrid War of the Diadochi end. Antigonus win againt. Seleucus start the conquest of East.

310 Demetrius attack Seleucus in Babilonia

309 Fourth War of the Diadochi start. Ptolemy attack Chipre, Caria and Cilicia.

308 Demetrius help Antigonus in West.

307 Demetrius make a navy and attack Ptolemy in sea.

306 Antigonus prepare an army to attack Egipt with Demetrius.

305 Casander attack Athens. Demetrius siege Rhodes.

304 Demetrius help Athens.

303 Demetrius help Peloponesos

302 Ptolemy, Seleucus, Lisimachus and Casander prepare army to attack Antigonus in Asia. Casander retake Greece.

301 Battle of Ipsus. Casander, Lisimachus and Seleucus against Antigonus. Demetrius help Antigonus.

300 The Fourth War of the Diadochi end. Seleucus own The Empire.

299 The Game End.
28.02.2015 - 11:18
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