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Beiträge: 3   Besucht von: 69 users
27.03.2011 - 13:27
I know there's been a bit of talk about movement order, but how concrete is it? I believe that my moves happen in the order I set them. So, if I move a tank, then a bomber, the tank moves first when the turn generates. But, if I cancel a move, does it keep track of that? and does building impact the order of a move? If I build 4 militia and set a security line first thing in a turn, and someone attacks me as their 2nd move, what happens? Also, what if I load tanks on a transport, move the transport and move the tanks again?

and last, how is player move order decided? I assume it's 1st moves by all players, then 2nd moves, etc. But is player order set so if I move first among on players on turn 1, I do so on every turn? Or is it reset each round?

There may be exact answers from the devs, or anecdotal answers from players or neither, but I'm curious.
27.03.2011 - 18:39
The only thing counted as a move is the creation of a line from one point where units start to a different point, nothing else is counted. However creating a defense line can't be done in one turn unless there is already a unit there to form the line with a new one. Canceled moves do not count. In your transport example each time a new line is created it is a move, so that would be 3 moves: loading, moving the transport, unloading. Amok has said that the way it works is it randomly selects which move to make starting with the first moves that were made by each player so theoretically player A's first two moves could go through before player B's first move does but that's not likely (This is what I remember being said not 100% sure though.)
27.03.2011 - 22:06
Great, thanks!

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