17.10.2014 - 09:40
otvori oci kad vo hrvatska ovi se namnoze na 30% onda srbite za vas ke bidat med i mleko vo sporedba so ovi siptarski primitivci mozna e treta balkanska vojna albanskiot nacionalizam e vo podem traze golema albanija pola makedonija ,grcija ,del od crna gora ,srbija ![]() ali do sada dobili su kosovo ostala je makedonija,crna gora i grcija da i nas uzme del provokacija so znameto na golema albanija na mecot srbija albanija e poraka deka ke ima novi prekrojuvanja na granicite na balkanot ova scenario e na amerika i albancite ovu sam vec video vo ex yu evo dokaz posle ovaj fodbalski mec zapocnala je vojna vo ex yu kako su samo amerikanci uspeli da nasadat omraza vo hrvatite i srbite nie site sme brajka alo !!! vidi vo ukrajna gi skaraja i rusite i ukraincite
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17.10.2014 - 09:50
nice avatar picture did you know thats Coat of arms of the serbian Kastrioti family ![]()
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17.10.2014 - 11:39
Btw im commando this is my alt
When the albanian athemn was singing, serbs started yelling BOOO and we barely listend to the hymn. During the game serbs were saying "Kill ,slaughter albanians. A good albanian is a dead albanian" , they were insulting our players and throwing fireworks in the stadium. When albanian fans brought that drone with albanian flag now suddenly we are the bad guys? A serbian guy was getting ready to rip the flag off, if it wasent for the albanian players who took it back. They only took back their own flag, and apparantly that was insulting for serbs that went into the field started hitting our guys. How you think an albanian would calm a situation? You were hoping for an albanian to go in serbs tribune and telling them to calm down? Its like throwing more gas to the fire.
Kastrioti was albanian family! When skenderbeu came from turkey he came to give freedom to Albania not serbia. Stop trying to take away our heroes. When skenderbeu was gonna join Huniad's army to fight against ottomans serbs said they would let him pass thro serbia but then they backstabed him and offered him a deal with ottoman which he refused. So just stop doing that, makes you look bad
17.10.2014 - 12:11 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Jel ima naroda da netrazi neku svoju Veliku državu? Is there a nation on the balkan that isnt asking some Great State?
17.10.2014 - 12:27
lol..well yeah same goes to avatar too..i want to know what you guys are talking about..always mysterious stuff going on at balkanski forum and we cant understand..gonna drop my spanish lessons and start yugoslavian if u keep up ![]() ![]()
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17.10.2014 - 12:30
lol map of the balkan ...I DONT LIVE IN THE BALKANS XD ![]()
17.10.2014 - 12:42
ha..nice trying to take your tail are half balkan half central and romania is half balkan half east.Not to mention Greece is not supposed and does not want to be called a balkan country, like the other backward countries that reside there.Balkan slavs didnt even had the brains to adopt the strongest and first written language on the planet, Greek.Instead they came and made their own shitty noob language.The slavic.Word originating from Greek σκλαβος = slave = because these people were slaves.We have nothing in common with these monkeys.We are a civilized, modern, advanced people that live in the 21st century.They have more in common with Turkey to be honest.Balkans minus Greece plus Turkey = nice midieval countries. So that being said , i dont live in the balkans either xD p.s. to all my future insulters, dont bother, i wont be able to reply as im leaving for work.bye balkanians, i hope you join us in the modern times ![]()
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17.10.2014 - 14:39
Wow I just meant i personly live, my city is located in the area that is outside the balkan highlighted in the picture -___- you crazy fuckin greek xD
17.10.2014 - 17:59
he is from orthodox family fact some of scanderbeg's sisters were married off to serbs and where are skenderbeg's father and brother buried? in serbian monastir ![]() look at his coat of arms: it's the exact same as the sigil of the Serbian Imperial House its also orthodox christian symbol ,its shame this symbol to became flag of albanian teror what you did in kosovo and massacres in macedonia in 2001 is terrible you think if skenderbeg was alive he will allow you to burn church? you are worst then isis ,very primitive tribe from caucasian The Kanun is a set of traditional Albanian laws +you threath women like slaves they dont have human rights in 21 century ![]() albanians in picnic albanian kid with weapon Enver Hoxha Comrade-Chairman-Prime Minister-Foreign-Minister-Minister of War-Commander-in-Chief of the People's Army Enver Hoxha, was the dictator of Albania. He got that title because he rewarded all cabinet positions to himself. He banned beards, typewriters and color TVs. He built 750,000 bunkers in the nation for a population of 3 Million, out of fear of a Yugoslavian invasion. Each Bunker was big enough to hold 1 person. Hoxha had a close personal relationship with Josef Stalin. i think is enough dont need to mention albanian mafia and human organs trade in kosovo "yellow house" leave your basement go outside little fresh air will not kill you.
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18.10.2014 - 00:06
I dont know where to start from this. From the hate you got or from the high rate ignorance you got? Scanderbeg was borned in christian family in albania. When he returend to motherland he returned in Albania and not in macedonia or serbia. Why you always have to turn this into religion? Islam doesnt tell you to burn churches or be like isis. Do not jugde a religion based on the actions of a few because thats unfair and it makes you a hypocryte. Albanians are ancesters of Illyrians. I dont understand why macedonians,greeks,serbs hate us so much when they are the ones doing bad things to us in the first place? Dont we have the right to disslike you guys more? We dont treat womens like slaves, in Islam it says that a women should be treated like queen. Our womens are not bitchy and they dont get naked at the first guy who throws them a bone, like your womens. Womens in my country have selfrespect, meanwhile in your country womens would be the worse example for their own kids. Btw enver hoxha was a dictator. I dont agree with most of what he did. What i liked about some of his things were free hospital,food for everyone,free homes for all, free schools. He didnt build bonkers cuz he was afraid of yugoslavia, he was fanatic about west powers tyring to invade Albania. We had enough power to go against yugosllavia ourself. We had 6 - 7 submarines almost more than any other country in mediterranean. WHen you get a better attitude and grow up, quote me back and we can talk, until then i wont answer anymore to your comments
18.10.2014 - 08:16
Qur'an (4:11) "The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females" Qur'an (2:228) - "and the men are a degree above them [women] Qur'an (5:6) - "And if ye are unclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it" MEANING: IF A DIRTY SMELLING MALE MUSLIM MALE APE, HANDSHAKES A BEAUTIFULL LADY HE IS SUPPOSED TO WASH HIS HANDS ![]() Qur'an (24:31) - Women are to lower their gaze around men, so they do not look them in the eye Qur'an (2:223) - "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will..." Qur'an (4:3) - (Wife-to-husband ratio) "Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four" OR 5 OR 10 OR 100 ![]() Qur'an (4:24) and Qur'an (33:50) - A man is permitted to take women as sex slaves outside of marriage. SEX SLAVES -/- QUEENS ![]() ![]() Oh and your precious righteous Prophet?Muhammad?A serial rapist who was raping little girls, trading and swapping female,sex slaves with his friends, or even trading them for weapons and horses?Queens you said?He had women regarded in the same category as dogs. Nice prophet you have there.When do i throw up, now or later? Bukhari (62:58) - A woman presents herself in marriage to Muhammad, but he does not find her attractive, so he "donates" her on the spot to another man Ibn Ishaq (693) your prophet traded female sex slaves for horses Ishaq 593 your prophet gifting captured female sex slaves to his monkey broes Abu Dawud (2155) women are established as evil and are compared to slaves Al-Tirmidhi 3272 - When Allah's Messenger was asked which woman was best he replied, 'The one who pleases (her husband) when he looks at her, obeys him when he gives a command, and does not go against his wishes regarding her person or property by doing anything of which he disapproves' Tabari IX:137 - "Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to Muhammad as booty." Ishaq 969 Claims women are prisoners of men and they have no control on theirselfs.Also later justifies beating of your woman. Tabari Vol 9, Number 1754 - "Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves." From Muhammad's 'Farewell Sermon'
Really?Women in the West are regarded as equals at least.And they have the freedom to wear anything they want, go anywhere they want and do anything they want.Are burkas a sign of self respect?It is forced upon them.Are women not able to go out or freely associate with other people, self respect? Remember, the revered Islamic scholar, al-Ghazali, who has been called 'the greatest Muslim after Muhammad,' writes that the role of a Muslim woman is to "stay at home and get on with her sewing. She should not go out often, she must not be well-informed, nor must she be communicative with her neighbors and only visit them when absolutely necessary; she should take care of her husband... and seek to satisfy him in everything... Her sole worry should be her virtue... She should be clean and ready to satisfy her husband's sexual needs at any moment." [as quoted from Ibn Warraq I would like to meet face to face with that faggot pussy boy, who bullied women, because they couldnt defend themselfs.But bla, you regard subhumans like this guy, as heroes. Bottom line, Islam regards the status of a woman to somewhere between that of a camel and a man.Clearly states, that a man, has full control of his female and is also allowed to have female sex slaves.A dangerous religion, for dangerous people.Keep it far away, from me.Thanks.
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18.10.2014 - 09:08
I am amazed by Khal's knowledge of Quran and islamic culture yet, i am also fucking scared.
18.10.2014 - 11:00
Ill stop talking here. The ignorance and hate level in this forum is very high. Too bad that some ppl always put religion in the middle of arguement when its being talked about 2 nations.
18.10.2014 - 11:15
Ignorance?You are the one who posted false claims, based on your opinion, who is based on zero knowledge on the matter.I responded to your post about religion, i didnt brought it up.I was obviously joking about balkan countries earlier, but i am not about Islam.Im ready for a more in depth look into this if you want.You love women?Religion of peace?Radicals only a minority?Whatever you want, name it and i will tell you whats going on.Or you can do your own research, before opening your mouth, about things you clearly have no idea about. Have a nice day.
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21.10.2014 - 11:08
This is not necessary a truth. In bosnia people also lived 70 years together and I watched documentary where one of Bosniaks is speaking of his "neighbouh' Serb. Until the war started they were best freinds and after 1992 that Serb came to his house and killed his wife and children. So my point is that if they are living with serbs for 1 million years, now they hate "them". It's simple, Croats, Bosniaks, Albanians hate Serbs, it's because 1991-1999
21.10.2014 - 13:23
Not just 1991.-1999. • Albert Einstein in the year 1931. sent a letter to League of nations appealing that and i quote - "horrible brutality which is being practised upon the Croatian People" must be stoped in first yugoslavia. • british agents were sent in kingdom of yugoslavia ...their reports concluded that croats were heavily oppressed in first yugoslavia, murdered and that all the high positions in croatia were taken by serbs • serbs killed croatian politicans in parlament ...ordered, planed killing of greatest croatian politicans of that time ...that is nothing to fuckin flag flying over a stadium • so croats being oppressed and killed from 1918. till the end of first yugoslavia (30 years of opression) ...croatian terorists ustashe arise to power in 1941. and kill around 300,000 serbs • in WW1 serbs massacred the albanian population and were called for dozens of war crimes by the international community the list could go on... A map of locations of mass graves foud were serbs murdered and buried croats: ![]() This was clearly not a war for saving yugoslavia, but a planed extermination and conquering of territory on which they never had any claim in all of history. Btw. croatian president after the fall of terrorist self proclaimed serbian krajina ensured the serbs to stay in their homes and promised no harm will come their way Serbian propaganda urged them to leave croatia -> Croats didnt force them out <- and 250,000 people left croatia. Sadest thing about it was seeing how serbian cowards runned over their own civilians with their tanks while they were running away from the croatian army.
24.10.2014 - 07:26
3:0 for Serbia, nice. GG.
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24.10.2014 - 17:41
Gg uefa corrupted. Uefa says yes to racism
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24.10.2014 - 18:03
neither side will get any points GG Portugal and Denmark
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24.10.2014 - 18:11
dude write your own opinion dont put albanian newspapers here axaxax why you believe to albanians newspapers?? true is next UEFA say yes to Denmark and Portugal ![]() and no to balkan retard countries,football is sport there no place for political msg or racism!!!!
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26.10.2014 - 11:04
How did albanians provoke it first when in the beggining of the match and during of the match serbs were saying KILL KILL THE ALBANIANS TILL NO ONE IS LEFT ALIVE.... dude keep your facts straight
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26.10.2014 - 16:05
What serbs should did was laugh out loud at the flag and not act like its realistic scenario. Ubij hrvata da siptar nema brata was screamed too hoolingans mentioning us? ...serious complex.
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