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18.10.2014 - 21:03
Specifically remove SP redution on RP map. This is unfair to them. I have the feeling that this configuration was made by a group of players that want to remove the freedoom of the user's choise. Those players probably are trying to bring back what they call "Competitive Environment" by nerfing Role-Play maps, but on their own way.

I swear this configuration will only cause leavers between AtWar. Not only this but also grow the favoritism that some players have for Default map, specifically Europe+. This is a fall-back for the game. Now we count with great MapMarker Tools and awesome border style. Now we can play GoT, Middle Earth, Ancient, and a lot of more maps. We even have other competitive maps like Destoria and Dreamworld.

What I am asking for can be resume on this:

•) Remove the harm against RP. The % of SP can be adjusted sure, but 50% of the SP earned is, way, too much.

•) An announcements by own Admins/Mods that this tool will NOT BE USED in ANY KIND OF WAY for boost the favoritism in one specific map. They should clarify by now that this tool will not boost the SP earned in any kind of gameplay based only on europe+ or other "competitive" maps.


•) Warn the MapMarker before nerf the map - Give him some reasonable days for charge his map.

•) Dont boost ANY MAP unless special event in Trend days.

•)No Arbitrary nerf - There must be an agreement between the MapMarker and The Mods. The MapMarker also have the right for call out this agreement.

Thanks. Have a good day.
18.10.2014 - 21:05
Konto gelöscht
Long live RP
18.10.2014 - 21:07
SUPPORT !!! WHY do u make people go awaz from this game ?if they like rp let them play rp !!!! they dont har anyone ,they dont have anyything with euro+ so dont let ''small'' and retarded people to bully away some nice people !
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
18.10.2014 - 21:09
They can play rp. they just cant farm sp anymore
18.10.2014 - 21:11
This is bullshit, you people are missing the point, roleplay does not endorse good sportsmenship or make people want to get better at the game, it is just a way to get easy sp, with little or no effort, before you could tell by rank who liked the game and who was just passing through, now with rp sp farming you cant tell whos3 years player and whos been here a month and will be gone next monday, so when they ruin other maps they shrug it off cuase they are not invested in the community. While the rest of us sometimes wait 2 hours for a game to start to have these fake high rank farmers ruin the game. I 100% agree with sp scaling, I will go as far as to say 25% multiplier is a tad harsh and 50% would be more fair, but this has been a long time comming and, for you that do not even play rp to defend it is pissing me off. Please do not let the minority make a majority vote as most of the community agree with this sp multiplier.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
18.10.2014 - 21:21
btw why u all are so much looking at other people look at urself a bit and leave people have fun !!!
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
18.10.2014 - 21:23
Geschrieben von clovis1122, 18.10.2014 at 21:03

Specifically remove SP redution on RP map. This is unfair to them. I have the feeling that this configuration was made by a group of players that want to remove the freedoom of the user's choise. Those players probably are trying to bring back what they call "Competitive Environment" by nerfing Role-Play maps, but on their own way.

I swear this configuration will only cause leavers between AtWar. Not only this but also grow the favoritism that some players have for Default map, specifically Europe+. This is a fall-back for the game. Now we count with great MapMarker Tools and awesome border style. Now we can play GoT, Middle Earth, Ancient, and a lot of more maps. We even have other competitive maps like Destoria and Dreamworld.

What I am asking for can be resume on this:

•) Remove the harm against RP. The SP can be adjusted sure, but 50% of the SP earned is, way, too much.

•) An announcements by own Admins/Mods that this tool will NOT BE USED in ANY KIND OF WAY for boost the favoritism in one specific map. They should clarify by now that this tool will not boost the SP earned in any kind of gameplay based only on europe+ or other "competitive" maps.

Thanks. Have a good day.

The diference is if you play 3v3 you learned the fundimentals of atwar and could potentially play anything your heart wants, a player who comes from rp knows nothing plays 4 turns loses rages, and joins another rp to restablish the supperiority complex cuase they actually can win. Noted this is not true always but its 80% true on both sides, cuase JFK is from 3v3 and is retarded and Opi is from RP and is pretty good, but that being said i rather be wrong 20 percent of the time and play peacefully then be right 80% of the time and watch this game i invested so much time in go down the drain.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
18.10.2014 - 21:28
Nice troll thread.
I'm glad RP has SP reduced and should stay like that forever.

TJM !!!
18.10.2014 - 21:29
Supperiority complex...i like that word !
isnt that what are u all doing now
why are u bothering them ?let them play in rp by their own rules,sp should be same,why it hurts u when someone is higher rank then u ??
and if they want to try eu 3v3 u help them dont laugh them ! i was playing only ancient till month ago and now i can play 3v3 with anyone in game ....dont be haters!!!! spread love and remember WHAT COMES AROUND IT COMES AROUND!!!!
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
18.10.2014 - 21:30
What the hell is with this. A long fought victory now needs to be experienced for the community and see if it makes a compromise between the two sides; nothing can simply just be one side dominating the other for a game to function properly. Just let the update go through and see exactly what the effects are.
18.10.2014 - 21:31
Geschrieben von Ferlucci1389, 18.10.2014 at 21:29

Supperiority complex...i like that word !
isnt that what are u all doing now
why are u bothering them ?let them play in rp by their own rules,sp should be same,why it hurts u when someone is higher rank then u ??
and if they want to try eu 3v3 u help them dont laugh them ! i was playing only ancient till month ago and now i can play 3v3 with anyone in game ....dont be haters!!!! spread love and remember WHAT COMES AROUND IT COMES AROUND!!!!

Your the 20% i was talking about Fer, that does not happen often, most of the time they never learn to play and just leave anyways, this premotes other maps that take skill cuase you get more sp, like in main brand title games, you get more sp on higher dificulty.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
18.10.2014 - 21:34
Geschrieben von Aleph One, 18.10.2014 at 21:30

nothing can simply just be one side dominating the other for a game to function properly. Just let the update go through and see exactly what the effects are.

Exactly. What if you make a map and suddely it gets 50% of SP? Do you think people will keep playing it?

This is unfair for RP players. Exactly one side is dominating now, while the other side is losing players. Waiting for implement charges will only make RP players to either quit game or stop playing the map they like. A fast charge need to be made now.
18.10.2014 - 21:36
Btw Hell how come 50percent lower sp makes them better players ??? so they can play ur map better ??
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
18.10.2014 - 21:38
No thats bullshit, they can learn to play like normal people and join the community or they can go play risk, your logic is broken, your thought process is retarded, they have been killing the competence of the avg player month by month this is a honest first step in reversing the rp noobism among other sp farms, as well as endorse playing maps that take skills to play, also its a system that is moderated if it is broken i trust the moderators to fix it, as of now though a majority of everyone who has been here for years agrees with this. TIME FOR CHANGE LORDY LORDY

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
18.10.2014 - 21:40
Geschrieben von Ferlucci1389, 18.10.2014 at 21:36

Btw Hell how come 50percent lower sp makes them better players ??? so they can play ur map better ??

Id like you to reprase that with better english i do not understand, the 50% reduction takes the high sp incentive away that makes them play rp forcing them to play more for the same sp, or player better for the same sp, or leave cuase we dont want noobs, they dont buy premium and help the community anyways they just spam MAKE RP.

50% means they will stop playing that trash for high sp is basically what im saying, the sp farmis why its so popular, sure some do really enjoy the map, they can still play the map, it just stops the farming, giving honests maps a chance to shine. Note: i have not played ultimate ww2 in 2 months cuase rp kills it.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
18.10.2014 - 21:42
The problem is me working for over a year and a half, playing this game literally every day. And having 500k so far. When someone new joins in May 2014, and has 510k sp from RP maps. That is what annoys me. Don't remove it, It's needed. People wont leave for SP deduction "Or else they wouldn't truly be RP fans after-all and were in it for the SP farm" So clovis whatever this thread is meant for is absolutely wrong. If the players enjoyed the RP then removing half of the SP should not be a problem if it is for a game they love.
It's not the end.

18.10.2014 - 21:43
First of all ,why are u rude now ?u said u want that 50% cuz they ruin ur games ....so tell me how will they play better with less sp and lower ranks ? u are just full of bullshit ,trying to sound important ...just let people have fun and mind ur own game....
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
18.10.2014 - 21:46
Geschrieben von Ferlucci1389, 18.10.2014 at 21:43

First of all ,why are u rude now ?u said u want that 50% cuz they ruin ur games ....so tell me how will they play better with less sp and lower ranks ? u are just full of bullshit ,trying to sound important ...just let people have fun and mind ur own game....

Less RP means more of anything else, even UN, which means learning tactics, which means being better prepared to stand up in a 1v1 fight in any map, and not a 4v1 in rp, which means they wont die before 1st reinf turn leaving, hurting my game. That is how the reduction helps me personally. Happy? I can back up why i want the reduction you guys cant back up why you dont, other then faceless cl
aims it will make players leave, well if they enjoy the maps then a reduction wont make them leave, if they enjoy sp farming it will make them leave as mou said.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
18.10.2014 - 21:52
Geschrieben von Ferlucci1389, 18.10.2014 at 21:43

First of all ,why are u rude now ?u said u want that 50% cuz they ruin ur games ....so tell me how will they play better with less sp and lower ranks ? u are just full of bullshit ,trying to sound important ...just let people have fun and mind ur own game....

.just let people have fun and mind ur own game.... THATS SELFISHNESS, by that standard, leaving by t4 cuase your not having fun is perfectly fine. I dont host maps to watch selfish assholes ruin them cuase they dont know how to play, learn, fight, have fun, Leavers, sp farmers, and selfishness has no room here they can go play risk.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
18.10.2014 - 22:06
Ferluci, reduction in sp doesnt mean they are hurting the map or the rp players.TThey just balance the Sp out, so players who spend the same amount of time as Rp players, playing other maps, will now get almost same SP.Its not fair for other people to play this game 3 years and a dude joining 2 months ago, be the same rank.Ranks have lost all meaning now and thats not good.All games hgave some kind of measurement like Exp/Sp or whatever, to show your experience in the game.RP made that concept nonexisted, when you have so many high rank noobs.Whats the point of ranks then?And i am one of those who doesnt give fucks for Sp, i abandoned as much games as i could to stay rank 9 forever.But there are others who care and i understand it.Reduction in Sp is tottaly fair.And i would support a penalty, maybe 2-3 ranks to all RP farmers.Fuck them.And fuck off clovis troll.
18.10.2014 - 22:22
Leave it to Clovis
18.10.2014 - 22:26
Dude you could still play RP so whats the big deal? I mean winning 5,000 SP for just winning 1 game is a little much and each game you lose is around 500 sp it's way too op. You can still play RP but now this is more fair to the community in general. You still get good SP from rp...
18.10.2014 - 22:27
If people actually play RP for FUN, they shouldn't have any trouble playing it with 25% SP
unless of course, they only played RP to farm SP
18.10.2014 - 22:28
Geschrieben von Tundy, 18.10.2014 at 22:27

If people actually play RP for FUN, they shouldn't have any trouble playing it with 25% SP
unless of course, they only played RP to farm SP

Couldn't of worded it better...
18.10.2014 - 22:29
This thread holds no relevance, and it feels like you're just posting it for the sake of posting.

Remove it? Obviously won't happen. This gives moderators the power to adjust maps that speed rank people.

Adjust it? Yeah sure, we can update it. That'd be nice.

Geschrieben von clovis1122, 18.10.2014 at 21:03

•) Remove the harm against RP. The % of SP can be adjusted sure, but 50% of the SP earned is, way, too much.

No, there are many threads discussing this subject and it's very clear that the people with knowledge agree that RP gives too much SP for too little work.
Geschrieben von clovis1122, 18.10.2014 at 21:03

•) An announcements by own Admins/Mods that this tool will NOT BE USED in ANY KIND OF WAY for boost the favoritism in one specific map. They should clarify by now that this tool will not boost the SP earned in any kind of gameplay based only on europe+ or other "competitive" maps.

This is already guaranteed.

Why? Well, Khal.eesi explains it in the post above pretty well.
Geschrieben von Khal.eesi, 18.10.2014 at 22:06

Ferluci, reduction in sp doesnt mean they are hurting the map or the rp players.TThey just balance the Sp out, so players who spend the same amount of time as Rp players, playing other maps, will now get almost same SP.

And also this part is very important:
Geschrieben von Khal.eesi, 18.10.2014 at 22:06
All games hgave some kind of measurement like Exp/Sp or whatever, to show your experience in the game.RP made that concept nonexisted, when you have so many high rank noobs.

Khal.eesi has perfectly explained the situation at hand. Now give me a reason not to close this almost pointless thread.
18.10.2014 - 22:31
Do not close cuase clovis will say biased mod silencing little rp freedom fighter lol

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
18.10.2014 - 23:04
Geschrieben von Desu, 18.10.2014 at 22:29

Geschrieben von clovis1122, 18.10.2014 at 21:03

•) An announcements by own Admins/Mods that this tool will NOT BE USED in ANY KIND OF WAY for boost the favoritism in one specific map. They should clarify by now that this tool will not boost the SP earned in any kind of gameplay based only on europe+ or other "competitive" maps.

This is already guaranteed.

Good to know. Now that this is guarantee, I can happly talk about the other stuff. I am also looking forward to see this guarantee as a truth.

The problem is the same as I said - This huge nerf to RP is basically draining the map. Nobody would really play somenthing with just 50% of the SP, that is a big nerf and need to be fixed. A fast update before the map dies and lose the already little amount of players it have is necessary.

Geschrieben von Tundy, 18.10.2014 at 22:22

RP is dead, i log on today and found 0 Rps and nobody asked for it in lobby

About RP:

Geschrieben von Desu, 18.10.2014 at 22:29

No, there are many threads discussing this subject and it's very clear that the people with knowledge agree that RP gives too much SP for too little work.

And who are those players? probably people that had NEVER played RP on their life. The units are expensives, and the countries are costly. You obvious dont start with more than 10k funds.

About khal post. Yeah, it explain the situation that other players feel, but not what people who play RP feel. Why their opinion are not taken into account? People keep sayding RP is a bad map but the proof that lots of people play or played the map before this proves the opposite. They also have a voice, they dont deserve this kind of punish.

As for the problem, I purpose two solutions:

1) Reduce the harm against RP. Half of the SP is damanging too much the map. A fast update is necessary.

2) Adjust the SP multiplier. If the problem is that you do nothing and earn SP, Why no lower the amount of SP that they get from allies and defeated enemies? In this way, the players who actually fight and earn their SP dont get heavy harmed.

Or you can simply Return all to the normality. This wont happen nor I expect to happen.

As for not lock the post, I can give you two reasons, but they would be off-topic. Better ask in PM.
18.10.2014 - 23:09
Geschrieben von clovis1122, 18.10.2014 at 23:04

Geschrieben von Desu, 18.10.2014 at 22:29

Geschrieben von clovis1122, 18.10.2014 at 21:03

•) An announcements by own Admins/Mods that this tool will NOT BE USED in ANY KIND OF WAY for boost the favoritism in one specific map. They should clarify by now that this tool will not boost the SP earned in any kind of gameplay based only on europe+ or other "competitive" maps.

This is already guaranteed.

Good to know. Now that this is guarantee, I can happly talk about the other stuff.

The problem is the same as I said - This huge nerf to RP is basically draining the map. Nobody would really play somenthing with just 50% of the SP, that is a big nerf and need to be fixed. A fast update before the map dies and lose the already little amount of players it have is necessary.

Geschrieben von Tundy, 18.10.2014 at 22:22

RP is dead, i log on today and found 0 Rps and nobody asked for it in lobby

About RP:

Geschrieben von Desu, 18.10.2014 at 22:29

No, there are many threads discussing this subject and it's very clear that the people with knowledge agree that RP gives too much SP for too little work.

And who are those players? probably people that had NEVER played RP on their life. The units are expensives, and the country are costly. You obvious dont start with more than 10k funds.

About khal post. Yeah, it explain the situation that other players feel, but not what people who play RP feel. Why their opinion are not taken into account? People keep sayding RP is a bad map but the proof that lots of people play or played the map before this proves the opposite. They also have a voice, they dont deserve this kind of punish.

As for the problem, I purpose two solutions:

1) Reduce the harm against RP. Half of the SP is damanging too much the map. A fast update is necessary.

2) Adjust the SP multiplier. If the problem is that you do nothing and earn SP, Why no lower the amount of SP that they get from allies and defeated enemies? In this way, the players who actually fight and earn their SP dont get heavy harmed.

Or you can simply Return all to the normality. This wont happen nor I expect to happen.

As for not lock the post, I can give you two reasons, but they would be off-topic. Better ask in PM.

Thats bullshit no such tuings as a 10k rp, they only play 50k rp sp farm end of story, your argument is invalid kill yourself.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
18.10.2014 - 23:11
Geschrieben von Helly, 18.10.2014 at 23:09

Thats bullshit no such tuings as a 10k rp, they only play 50k rp sp farm end of story, your argument is invalid kill yourself.

You had never played RP so who cares. Just picking Russia: Central cost 20k or somenthing like this. Same with Saint Petesburg.

Guess what: You already have less than 10k and still 2 more countries for pick. Please avoid talking if you had never played the map or else I ignore your posts like I was doing. Thanks
18.10.2014 - 23:12
Geschrieben von clovis1122, 18.10.2014 at 23:11

Geschrieben von Helly, 18.10.2014 at 23:09

Thats bullshit no such tuings as a 10k rp, they only play 50k rp sp farm end of story, your argument is invalid kill yourself.

You had never played RP so who cares. Just picking Russia: Central cost 20k or somenthing like this. Same with Saint Petesburg.

Guess what: You already have less than 10k and still 2 more countries for pick. Please avoid talking if you had never played the map or else I ignore your posts like I was doing. Thanks

50k - 20k = 30k are you retarded?

We are not the same- I am a Martian.

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