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Verfasst von AlBoZzZ, 13.10.2014 - 17:28
No flaming pls


football game (serbia vs albania ) who gonna win?


Totale Stimmen: 61
26.10.2014 - 16:45
Geschrieben von Skanderbeg, 26.10.2014 at 11:11

Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 26.10.2014 at 11:04

How did albanians provoke it first when in the beggining of the match and during of the match serbs were saying KILL KILL THE ALBANIANS TILL NO ONE IS LEFT ALIVE.... dude keep your facts straight

Thats not important and cant be used as excuse. Because everyone 'cheer' like that on football matches. It is obvious when people like me go to the match, they will sit, eat sandwitch and be silent, coz enjoying the game. But what can you expect from 20 year old kids who didnt finished school, are butthurt because poor country and have no future except to do crime? All stadiums are crowded with hooligans these days. They pushed good normal guys out. Check Germany-England matches, French-English, Greek-Turkish, Croatian-Serbian, Italian-Spanish, Russian-Polish. All hooligans threat and insult each other, its not only serbs.

Using drone with flag isnt good response to insults from the stadium. Invalid excuse.

Look if u wanna debate with me try to be reasonable and accept if you are wrong or if im right, because debating with someone who thinks is always right, its a waste of time and i dont loke wasting my time.

Secondly, albanians were treated as terrorists in belgrade airport, thir bus got hit with rocks by serb fans and i already mentioned the insults on the post above.

So youre saying serbs insults, the fireworks getting thrown at albanian players is normal and the drone with our flag is an insult to serbs? Youre defending serbs behavior cuz youre serb.

What will you say if albanian fans will behave the same with serb fans in the rematch next year? Will you keep saying its normal or youll insult albanians cuz they will do to serbs what serbs did to albanians? Maybe even worse of what serbs did to our guys there.

Thats not a hooligan behavior because players cant be attacked. In the next rematch in albania, if albo fans attack serb players it wobt br cuz they hate the players, but it will be as a revenge. Did your people forgot they have rematch in Albania? Why they made it worse for them and their players....

26.10.2014 - 17:47
Geschrieben von Skanderbeg, 26.10.2014 at 16:53

Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 26.10.2014 at 16:45

Look if u wanna debate with me try to be reasonable and accept if you are wrong or if im right, because debating with someone who thinks is always right, its a waste of time and i dont loke wasting my time.

Secondly, albanians were treated as terrorists in belgrade airport, thir bus got hit with rocks by serb fans and i already mentioned the insults on the post above.

So youre saying serbs insults, the fireworks getting thrown at albanian players is normal and the drone with our flag is an insult to serbs? Youre defending serbs behavior cuz youre serb.

What will you say if albanian fans will behave the same with serb fans in the rematch next year? Will you keep saying its normal or youll insult albanians cuz they will do to serbs what serbs did to albanians? Maybe even worse of what serbs did to our guys there.

Thats not a hooligan behavior because players cant be attacked. In the next rematch in albania, if albo fans attack serb players it wobt br cuz they hate the players, but it will be as a revenge. Did your people forgot they have rematch in Albania? Why they made it worse for them and their players....

But serbs players and fans were rocked in Pristina or Tirana since 1960, there is always 100 policemen following buses to protect serbs. Check matches from 60s, 70s, 80s, albanians insult serbs, and serbs insult albanians. This is not new.

Fireworks stopped both teams, not only albanian... in fact i counted throwed firework on the field and it was most when serbs had the lead in attack, or counter-attack, so firework stopped serbs not albanians, it worked for albanians as they could regroup on their part of the field.

Sorry but i see youre like those ppl i dnt wanna waste time debating

28.10.2014 - 03:57
Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 26.10.2014 at 17:47

Geschrieben von Skanderbeg, 26.10.2014 at 16:53

Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 26.10.2014 at 16:45

Look if u wanna debate with me try to be reasonable and accept if you are wrong or if im right, because debating with someone who thinks is always right, its a waste of time and i dont loke wasting my time.

Secondly, albanians were treated as terrorists in belgrade airport, thir bus got hit with rocks by serb fans and i already mentioned the insults on the post above.

So youre saying serbs insults, the fireworks getting thrown at albanian players is normal and the drone with our flag is an insult to serbs? Youre defending serbs behavior cuz youre serb.

What will you say if albanian fans will behave the same with serb fans in the rematch next year? Will you keep saying its normal or youll insult albanians cuz they will do to serbs what serbs did to albanians? Maybe even worse of what serbs did to our guys there.

Thats not a hooligan behavior because players cant be attacked. In the next rematch in albania, if albo fans attack serb players it wobt br cuz they hate the players, but it will be as a revenge. Did your people forgot they have rematch in Albania? Why they made it worse for them and their players....

But serbs players and fans were rocked in Pristina or Tirana since 1960, there is always 100 policemen following buses to protect serbs. Check matches from 60s, 70s, 80s, albanians insult serbs, and serbs insult albanians. This is not new.

Fireworks stopped both teams, not only albanian... in fact i counted throwed firework on the field and it was most when serbs had the lead in attack, or counter-attack, so firework stopped serbs not albanians, it worked for albanians as they could regroup on their part of the field.

Sorry but i see youre like those ppl i dnt wanna waste time debating

28.10.2014 - 06:57
Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 03:57

Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 26.10.2014 at 17:47

Geschrieben von Skanderbeg, 26.10.2014 at 16:53

Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 26.10.2014 at 16:45

Look if u wanna debate with me try to be reasonable and accept if you are wrong or if im right, because debating with someone who thinks is always right, its a waste of time and i dont loke wasting my time.

Secondly, albanians were treated as terrorists in belgrade airport, thir bus got hit with rocks by serb fans and i already mentioned the insults on the post above.

So youre saying serbs insults, the fireworks getting thrown at albanian players is normal and the drone with our flag is an insult to serbs? Youre defending serbs behavior cuz youre serb.

What will you say if albanian fans will behave the same with serb fans in the rematch next year? Will you keep saying its normal or youll insult albanians cuz they will do to serbs what serbs did to albanians? Maybe even worse of what serbs did to our guys there.

Thats not a hooligan behavior because players cant be attacked. In the next rematch in albania, if albo fans attack serb players it wobt br cuz they hate the players, but it will be as a revenge. Did your people forgot they have rematch in Albania? Why they made it worse for them and their players....

But serbs players and fans were rocked in Pristina or Tirana since 1960, there is always 100 policemen following buses to protect serbs. Check matches from 60s, 70s, 80s, albanians insult serbs, and serbs insult albanians. This is not new.

Fireworks stopped both teams, not only albanian... in fact i counted throwed firework on the field and it was most when serbs had the lead in attack, or counter-attack, so firework stopped serbs not albanians, it worked for albanians as they could regroup on their part of the field.

Sorry but i see youre like those ppl i dnt wanna waste time debating

28.10.2014 - 09:17
Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 03:57


Then Russia is obliged to accept the independence of Kosovo and recognise the free state of Kosovo - which she didnt - hypocrites aswell

Btw. there is one huge diference between Kosovo and Crimea - Kosovo didnt show no intent to join Albania, while Republic of Crimea creation and sole purpose was to join Russian Federation.

If Republic of Crimea was a stand-alone country sort a speak there would be no breaking of international agreements. Russia broke the agreement because she directly interfered into the creation of Republic of Crimea with sending troops etc. and then annexed the territory of a country she promised will respect their sovereignity.

That violates the pact Russia made, Russia broke its word ...Kosovo had no such agreement, no one broke their word here.

Thats something you guys dont get ...Republic of Crimea = Kosovo. Annexing Republic of Crimea is not the same thing ...and even if Albania annexed Kosovo its still wouldnt be the same thing since Albania has no agreement with Serbia.
28.10.2014 - 09:29
Geschrieben von Goblin, 28.10.2014 at 09:17

Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 03:57


Then Russia is obliged to accept the independence of Kosovo and recognise the free state of Kosovo - which she didnt - hypocrites aswell

Btw. there is one huge diference between Kosovo and Crimea - Kosovo didnt show no intent to join Albania, while Republic of Crimea creation and sole purpose was to join Russian Federation.

you are so wrong
USA and EU open pandora box with Kosovo and Metohija,atleast Crimea was Russian land in past.The transfer of Crimea in 1954 was an administrative action of the Supreme Soviet which transferred the government of most of the Crimean peninsula from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian SSR.
Kosovo and Metohija is always slavic orthodox holy land
you think kosovo and albania dont whant to unite in one state are you fucking blind??

IDRIZ Sinani je za albanski portal Almakos izjavio da ukoliko ovaj projekat i ideju ne prihvate Makedonci, „problem može biti rešen mirno, mi smo za mir, a ukoliko žele rat, mogu da izaberu šta žele".
28.10.2014 - 09:34
Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 09:29

you are so wrong
USA and EU open pandora box with Kosovo and Metohija,atleast Crimea was Russian land in past.The transfer of Crimea in 1954 was an administrative action of the Supreme Soviet which transferred the government of most of the Crimean peninsula from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian SSR.
Kosovo and Metohija is always slavic orthodox holy land
you think kosovo and albania dont whant to unite in one state are you fucking blind??

IDRIZ Sinani je za albanski portal Almakos izjavio da ukoliko ovaj projekat i ideju ne prihvate Makedonci, „problem može biti rešen mirno, mi smo za mir, a ukoliko žele rat, mogu da izaberu šta žele".

You didnt read what i said ...good day to you.
28.10.2014 - 09:43
Geschrieben von Goblin, 28.10.2014 at 09:34

Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 09:29

you are so wrong
USA and EU open pandora box with Kosovo and Metohija,atleast Crimea was Russian land in past.The transfer of Crimea in 1954 was an administrative action of the Supreme Soviet which transferred the government of most of the Crimean peninsula from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian SSR.
Kosovo and Metohija is always slavic orthodox holy land
you think kosovo and albania dont whant to unite in one state are you fucking blind??

IDRIZ Sinani je za albanski portal Almakos izjavio da ukoliko ovaj projekat i ideju ne prihvate Makedonci, „problem može biti rešen mirno, mi smo za mir, a ukoliko žele rat, mogu da izaberu šta žele".

You didnt read what i said ...good day to you.

i wish you in Croatia after 20 years albanians to became 30% of population,then you will see real face of your "illyrian albanet" brothers (but you both slavs)
you will see albanian freedom fighters evrywhere in Croatia


28.10.2014 - 09:51
Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 09:43

You didnt read what i said ...good day to you.

i wish you in Croatia after 20 years albanians to became 30% of population,then you will see real face of your "illyrian albanet" brothers (but you both slavs)
you will see albanian freedom fighters evrywhere in Croatia

We didnt have albanians we had our dear slav ortodox brothers that bombed us and wanted 1/3 of our land.

Watch what you are saying Avatar ...

and please ...stop posting to me kurir and other crapy news sites.
28.10.2014 - 10:40
Geschrieben von Goblin, 28.10.2014 at 09:51

Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 09:43

You didnt read what i said ...good day to you.

i wish you in Croatia after 20 years albanians to became 30% of population,then you will see real face of your "illyrian albanet" brothers (but you both slavs)
you will see albanian freedom fighters evrywhere in Croatia

We didnt have albanians we had our dear slav ortodox brothers that bombed us and wanted 1/3 of our land.

Watch what you are saying Avatar ...

and please ...stop posting to me kurir and other crapy news sites.

evrything is true in kurir,but problem is west propaganda in your country
you are brainwashed kid,you are lost like all kids in balkan you all read fake history
you cant blame all serbians ,that war was west scenario to destroy yugoslavia
first they support retard nacionalist like milosevic to became president,promise him great serbia
in meanwhile they start found nacionalist in bosnia,croatia and slovenia
then boom hyperinflation they fuck your economy
evrything is set for war now they need to give reason war to start

same shit like drone in belgrad
you think germany and japan are free countries???
you know where is germany and japan gold reserve???

German gold reserves, the second-biggest in the world after those of the U.S., totaled 3,386.4 tons on March 31, according to World Gold Council data. Due to German postwar history, the biggest part is stored at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; the rest is in London, Paris and Frankfurt.

USA democracy

"The Americans are taking good care of our gold," Norbert Barthle, the budget spokesman for Merkel's Christian Democratic bloc in parliament, said in an interview. "Objectively, there's absolutely no reason for mistrust."

also they spy Germany and Japan politicians there tons of usa military base in both country
how this countries are free?????????
to not mention Vietnam,Korea,Taiwan,Iraq,Syrria,Afganistan,Ukraine,ISIS
and you blame Russia )))

28.10.2014 - 12:30
You insult me.

Good day.

Btw. im fuckin tired of few of you trying to blame some mystical west forces for yugoslavia wars and your conspiracly bullshit.

Nationalism destroyed yugoslavia, hatred between nations flamed by the leaders ...you insult the victims.
28.10.2014 - 13:21
I would reply to all of these comments but as i said , debating with a non-reasonable person whi thinks he is always right, is a total waste of time. Why would i try to convince you that 2+2=4 when clearly you say 2+2=2

You know the easiest part of situations like this is? (Situation like the war serbs did in 90') the easiest part is for an aggressor to pretend he is the victimg and blame the real victims

28.10.2014 - 14:28
^ this is what i mean about aggressor pretending to be the victim and blame the oppressed

28.10.2014 - 16:04
Geschrieben von Skanderbeg, 28.10.2014 at 14:20

Same what Croatia did, first they killed 1,000,000 Serbs in WW2, then they ethnically cleansed 500,000 Serbs in 1995 to create ethnically pure land.

When Albert Einstein sends a letter to League of nations pleading that horrible oppresion and killings of croats in first yugoslavia must be stoped then you start to understand ww2 in yugoslavia.

You dont beat a man for 30 years and then expect love. Your number of 1 milion i commented milion times ...if you were a legit profesor and not just one of many serbian nut bags you would know better for this to be a blown up number and croatophobic propaganda. With every decade that number grows ...in 100 years serbs will claim 10 milion died.

500,000 cleansed serbs is another false statement ...i commented on this several times. Serbs left croatia on their own, by orders of their own ...your soldiers killed with tanks your own while running away. Croats would never do this.

Of course number of 500,000 is another laughing number.

Btw. did you read what Putin said when asked will after Serbia he visit Croatia?

Putin said, that he has no need to visit Croatia since Croats liberated themselfs from the nazis - this is something i liked from Putin.

And finaly ...im again suprised by how much serbs love russians. Russians mocked your military parade and called you their subjects ...thats not brotherhood, thats patronizing and russians have no real respect for Serbia.

Anyway ...this is Albania vs Serbia topic, so i should retrieve.

Good day.
28.10.2014 - 16:47
Im not one to defend Serbia, they are far from inoccent themselfs and have commited alot of attrocities and ethnic cleansing themselfs.
That being said, i think Goblin and Comando now, can stop being so biased,irational and franklly ignorant.I am all about justice and fairness, i am unbiased on this.Kosovo was Serbia.Serbs have every reason to be buthurt about this.And the reason Kosovo in the end had so much muslim population is because of muslim families tradition, where each family has 10 kids.Doesnt matter if these kids starve and become thiefs,murderers or beggars, it only matters that they breed.That being said, Usa intervention is not a concpiracy theory.That is really silly and ignorant man.3 months of bombing, raping Yugoslavian civilians and infastructure is not a fairy tale.That military intervention being illegal, even by THE FUCKING US CONSTITUTION itself,is not a conspiracy theory either.The USA had numerous oppurtunities to resolve this crisis diplomatically, but it refused.every single time.and against UN advice and other countries also.And dont tell me it was humanitarian, cause i didnt see the Usa humanitarians intervene in Rwanda or why they supported Indonesia massacres, where far worst shit went down.I didnt see them give money to UN to help those albanian refugees, they supposedly protected.And im not talking about money in the form of aid.Im talking about money the Usa owed the UN.Disgusting.And Albanians are no saints either.When the KLA came up they tried to ethnically cleanse their way to Great Albania, murdering and raping everything.The leadership of Albanian Kosovars is the same gang that infects all Europe with heroin,prostitution and extortion.We are not talking about the good normal christian Albanians now, we are talking about muslim terorists, that are in control of Kosovo and have expanded and infiltrated, in so many Europe countries and Balkans.The same who create trouble and kill people in Macedonia also.

On topic.USA raped Serbs, whilst helping Albanians.Albanians should be thankfull and act moderate, yet a gang with support from a corrupted politician are throwing Great Albanian flag drone in Serbia-Albania game to create trouble in an already "hot" atmosphere and then cheering how strong they are?Are you serious now?All in jail.Lock them the fuck up.All of them.And may they never see the light of the day again.
28.10.2014 - 18:54
Every time khal says something agaist me or albania, he always always blames muslims. Dont judge a hole group based on actions of a few

28.10.2014 - 19:12
Geschrieben von Khal.eesi, 28.10.2014 at 16:47

Im not one to defend Serbia, they are far from inoccent themselfs and have commited alot of attrocities and ethnic cleansing themselfs.
That being said, i think Goblin and Comando now, can stop being so biased,irational and franklly ignorant.

Im not biased Khal ...i talked against croatian nazis i can talk against USA, but when heavily biased people here show up and spit at one side while making saints out of their own ....i will defend the other side. Tired of that black and white, good - bad guys bullshit ...thats stories for children.

And you are just a tiny bit biased ...ortodox, hates muslims - did i say tiny?

And 3 months of bombing infrastracture? ...ha! tough, really tough ...compare that to bosnia and croatia and then kill yourself.
28.10.2014 - 19:43
Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 28.10.2014 at 18:54

Every time khal says something agaist me or albania, he always always blames muslims. Dont judge a hole group based on actions of a few

You complain without knowing the facts and you tell lies to benefit yourself. You are more emotive than rational.
albanians and croats act like victims ,why you hate whole serbian nation???
you know that usa and nato done to all of us in balkan more suffer then serbs
why you dont hate usa and nato they use uranium bombs in balkan now me,you,goblin,tito we all living in radiation
Mr. Haavisto said ''The local people do not understand the material.''
and your great ally USA whant to destroy tons of Syria chemical weapon in Albania lol
great friends,open your eyes you are just usa slaves
you think usa will alow albanians to use all resource in kosovo axaxxaxa
my country help to 500 000 kosovar albanian refugee in 1999 give you food,shelter,medical help
and how you back to us?? with terrorist atacks in 2001 year burn our church kill our kids
but we forgive to all of you, you don't know what are you doing.
you are blind people, radical islam is not religion, that is poison for your brain.
28.10.2014 - 19:53
Macedonian who had no war giving us lessons.

Gtfo avatar.
28.10.2014 - 20:15
Geschrieben von Goblin, 28.10.2014 at 19:53

Macedonian who had no war giving us lessons.

Gtfo avatar.

500 years revolutionary war for freedom against ottomans
then balkan wars,ww1 ,ww2 bulgarian invasion
"civil war" etnic cleaning, exodus of ethnic Macedonians from Greece in 1948year
2001 year albanian terrorist atacks in Macedonia
and you say macedonians dont have wars :)after this what you write you dont know nothing abaut balkan
my people suffer more then croats,but still i forgive to evryone i dont hate whole nations
tell me what is your fault,if tommorow your gouverment decide to bomb my country
should i hate you because decision of one retard leader??
if France and Germany after all that wars and rivalry in past ,today can life together in peace in EU
wtf wrong with balkan nations???

28.10.2014 - 20:41
Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 20:15

Geschrieben von Goblin, 28.10.2014 at 19:53

Macedonian who had no war giving us lessons.

Gtfo avatar.

500 years revolutionery war for freedom vs ottomans
then balkan wars,ww1 ,ww2 bulgarian invasion
"civil war" etnic cleaning, exodus of ethnic Macedonians from Greece in 1948year
2001 year albanian terrorist atacks in Macedonia
and you say macedonians dont have wars :)after this what you write you dont know nothing abaut balkan
my people suffer more then croats,but still i forgive to evryone i dont hate whole nations
tell me what is your fault,if tommorow your gouverment decide to bomb my country
should i hate you because decision of one retard leader??
if France and Germany after all that wars and rivalry in past ,today can life together in peace in EU
wtf wrong with balkan nations???

Goce Delcev "I understand the world, as a field for cultural competition between the nations."

When greece refused macedonua to join nato or UE (I DONT REMEMBER well ),the first who stood on the side of macedonians were albanians, we also supported macedonia name instead of north greece federation name proposed by greeks. Yet, you guys burned our flags and macedonians 30 yrs old went in elementary schools and beated albanian 9 yrs old kids with rocks and bats, if u wanna see those pics i can show them to you. Those cowards beted up kids, shame on them. Then when albanians protested in shkup and other macedonian citys none of those cowards showed up. Where were they? They picked up only on kids. And albanians were the bad guys right?

As for church getting burned pls dnt blame cuz muslims are prohibited to burn or destroy places where God is worshipped even if they are churches. So again dnt blame all muslims based on actions of a few .

You and tito are making albanins look like we are cancer of balkans? What the hell makes macedonia nd serbia so fucking perfect?

Whos tanks were those in kosovo war? Kosovo at first was albania, after ww1 it was given to serbia. How can kosovo be serbian , when ool in kosovo say they are albanians, when they wave albanian flag only, when they speak albanin only.

As for tito, you should know dyring Yugoslavia period, it was the russian dictator Joseph Stalin who warned albanian dictator from Yugoslavians. It was lways russia who supported albania and stood on our side in case Yugoslavia would attck us right? I support and disagree with russia and usa. Im open minded. Are albanians perfect? No. Neither are serbs ,macesonians or greeks. You guys have this orthodox bond with each other but when a muslim suppoets a muslim you are the first one playing victim role and call the word terrorist.

As for khal, did you forget what happend in Cameria? Souther albanian that now is nothern greece? While albanians fought along greeks agaisnt ottoman ,italian invasion, greek soldiers caught us weak and they went in southern albanians homes and took out homes all albanians claiming all that land for themself, yet albanian are the one hated. How many times greek soldiers singed somgs like "burn albanians,we will hang them " and nothing happened. What if albanian soldiers wouldve done same greek chickens would be complaining like sluts.

Ill keep repeating its easier for the aggressor to play victim role and blame real victims, even easier is brainwashing its own ppl making thwm think theyre right

28.10.2014 - 21:30
Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 28.10.2014 at 20:41

Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 20:15

Geschrieben von Goblin, 28.10.2014 at 19:53

Macedonian who had no war giving us lessons.

Gtfo avatar.

500 years revolutionery war for freedom vs ottomans
then balkan wars,ww1 ,ww2 bulgarian invasion
"civil war" etnic cleaning, exodus of ethnic Macedonians from Greece in 1948year
2001 year albanian terrorist atacks in Macedonia
and you say macedonians dont have wars :)after this what you write you dont know nothing abaut balkan
my people suffer more then croats,but still i forgive to evryone i dont hate whole nations
tell me what is your fault,if tommorow your gouverment decide to bomb my country
should i hate you because decision of one retard leader??
if France and Germany after all that wars and rivalry in past ,today can life together in peace in EU
wtf wrong with balkan nations???

Goce Delcev "I understand the world, as a field for cultural competition between the nations."

When greece refused macedonua to join nato or UE (I DONT REMEMBER well ),the first who stood on the side of macedonians were albanians, we also supported macedonia name instead of north greece federation name proposed by greeks. Yet, you guys burned our flags and macedonians 30 yrs old went in elementary schools and beated albanian 9 yrs old kids with rocks and bats, if u wanna see those pics i can show them to you. Those cowards beted up kids, shame on them. Then when albanians protested in shkup and other macedonian citys none of those cowards showed up. Where were they? They picked up only on kids. And albanians were the bad guys right?

Albania never recognized my country under our constitutional name
30 yrs old went in elementary schools and beated albanian 9 yrs old kids with rocks and bats
this never happand in my country.You are pathological liar you dont even know why albanians make protest in streets here
you mean albanians uck terrorist murder 4 kids in Macedonia,and then they escape in kosovo hide there and kosovo gouverment
dont whant to extradited this killers and terrorist to macedonian police. Who is coward here????
why if you so brave people always hide behind great powers in past ottomans today usa,nato
go fight alone again serbians if you so brave and other cowards
Macedonian army or police never kill albanian kid !!!
only albanian terrorist cowards kill kids from ambush then escape and hide like chickens

albanian kids fight macedonians and montenegro kids in schools,burn cars ,destroy whole city
you act like primitive tribe,problem is 70% from albanians are poor without education,they came from mountains to living in city
but they have big problem to communicate and social with others citizens

look this video this albanian old shepherd from sar planina mountain say he will burn skopje city with gasoline:)

its so sad we loyalty citizens who work hard and paid tax to our state will paid for evry damage you done
28.10.2014 - 21:58
Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 28.10.2014 at 20:41

Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 20:15

Geschrieben von Goblin, 28.10.2014 at 19:53

Macedonian who had no war giving us lessons.

Gtfo avatar.

500 years revolutionery war for freedom vs ottomans
then balkan wars,ww1 ,ww2 bulgarian invasion
"civil war" etnic cleaning, exodus of ethnic Macedonians from Greece in 1948year
2001 year albanian terrorist atacks in Macedonia
and you say macedonians dont have wars :)after this what you write you dont know nothing abaut balkan
my people suffer more then croats,but still i forgive to evryone i dont hate whole nations
tell me what is your fault,if tommorow your gouverment decide to bomb my country
should i hate you because decision of one retard leader??
if France and Germany after all that wars and rivalry in past ,today can life together in peace in EU
wtf wrong with balkan nations???

Goce Delcev "I understand the world, as a field for cultural competition between the nations."

Whos tanks were those in kosovo war? Kosovo at first was albania, after ww1 it was given to serbia. How can kosovo be serbian , when ool in kosovo say they are albanians, when they wave albanian flag only, when they speak albanin only.

pathological liar
ok explain me this

Prince Lazar knew that his chances against the Turkish aggressor were small and on the eve of the Battle of Kosovo he gathered his upper aristocracy and asked if they should fight for the Holy cross and Golden Freedom or surrender to their adversaries and live as slaves of the Muslims. They had to chose between the Heavenly Kingdom and earthly one. In the true spirit of Christianity they preferred to place their hope in Christ and Eternal Life. The Prince and all of this warriors took Holy communion and went into battle on Saint Vitus Day, Tuesday June 15th 1389.

In the beginning of the battle Serbian warriors were able to advance. Milos Obilic, the most famous hero of this Kosovo Battle, killed the Turkish King Murad. Despite this unexpected development, the Turkish army re-grouped and over ran the Serbs. They captured Prince Lazar alive, but beheaded him shortly thereafter.

show me one proof,fact ,map that kosovo was always albanian.
and pls dont tell me story for dardanians albanet illyrian tribe
albanians are not illyrians
croats are not illyrians
28.10.2014 - 22:15
All i can say is waw. Not only youre blind and stupid but also ignorant. You are full of bs and lies.

I wont waste my keyboard ink reolying you nack cuz i dont really care what an ignorant person says. Whatever i tell you, youll still be ignorant. Anyways as for albanians fighting serbs alone, we can do that no need for nato.

You are full of bs. I really feel bad for your kids if u got, having an ignorant persob teaching them false history. No wonder new generation in macedonia is grwoing hating albanians

28.10.2014 - 22:23
Geschrieben von AlBoZzZ, 28.10.2014 at 22:15

All i can say is waw. Not only youre blind and stupid but also ignorant. You are full of bs and lies.

I wont waste my keyboard ink reolying you nack cuz i dont really care what an ignorant person says. Whatever i tell you, youll still be ignorant. Anyways as for albanians fighting serbs alone, we can do that no need for nato.

You are full of bs. I really feel bad for your kids if u got, having an ignorant persob teaching them false history. No wonder new generation in macedonia is grwoing hating albanians

no proofs no facts no arguments well they dont exist kosovo was never albanian

ancient albania in caucasian and ancient illyrians in balkan existed in same time wtf(albanians ty to ottomans came in balkan to terror local orthodox population)
to not mention iberia in caucasian and iberian peninsula (arabs use mercenary in spain from caucasian)
Volga Bulgaria around the confluence of the Volga and Kama rivers in Russia and Bulgaria in balkan
at least my kids will read tons of books not only quran like your kids
29.10.2014 - 01:14
The kingdom of Caucasian Albania was founded in the late 4th - early 3rd century BC. Albanians are mentioned for the first time in 331 BC at the Battle of Gaugamela as participants from the satrapy of Media. Parts of Caucasian Albania, including Utik on the right bank of the Kura river were conquered by the Armenians, in the 1st century B.C.

imagine Alexander III Macedonian together with illyrian,thracian,helenic mercenaries fight again persians and ancient albanians
in 331 BC at the Battle of Gaugamela we have illyrians vs albanians battle

after Alexander will conquered ancient Albania.King of Albania gave Alexander the Great a gift of a large dog. Alexander was very impressed with this giant animal, until he tried to use it to hunt bears, wild boar and deer - the dog did not show the least bit of interest or inclination to participate in any way. Alexander the Great, mighty king and conqueror, was livid at the dog's "laziness" and subsequently had it destroyed. On hearing this news, the King of Albania immediately sent a replacement dog to Alexander with the instruction: "Do not waste the dog's time with minor things. Give him a lion or an elephant to fight."

The story goes that Alexander first pitted the dog against a lion, and the lion's back was broken within seconds of the fight starting. An elephant was next. In a panic it tried to evade the dog's continuous attacks and ended up falling to its death down an embankment.

caucasian shepherd

Sarplaninec from Balkan

meanwhile in azerbaijan

meanwhile in albania
29.10.2014 - 02:52


29.10.2014 - 06:38
Geschrieben von avatar, 28.10.2014 at 20:15

I said you personly havent seen war. Dont mention to me wars you warent even born.

And that conflict you had with albanians in 2001. ...thats a war? less then 200 people died and you call that war?

Btw. you are wrong with your Albanian theory ...linguistic has proven that theory wrong since Caucasian Albanians have no similarity in language with balkan Albanians.
29.10.2014 - 07:51
 Eagle (Mod)
I wanted to be kind enough and not to intervene, but lol u albanians are bunch of low life imbeciles.
So for little dumb albanians, and others, Austria Hungary together with Turkey created so called "Albanian League" in 1879, so it could help them in war against Serbs. They basically took bunch of low life goat raping gypsies, put them together and tell them here you go, here's a country, go fight Serbs. So since you dumbfucks only have your pity little piece of land for a century and a half, HOW COME KOSOVO WAS ALWAYS YOURS. You just got your land, and instead of being grateful, you begging planning how to create 'Great Albania', a country that doest exist, and never will. Then Serbia goes in war with USA, USA asks us to make a base on our land, we dont allow it, so they just took it by force. Nice 'peaceful' country. Then they take biggest living scum on earth, organ traffickers and war criminals, and give them the power over Kosovo. The only reason why there is so much albanian scum in kosovo, is because its a family tradition that one couple has 10 kids a guess, and they dont care pretty much if they become killers or rapist, as long as they continue to reproduce.

29.10.2014 - 08:52
Geschrieben von Eagle, 29.10.2014 at 07:51

you begging planning how to create 'Great Albania', a country that doest exist, and never will.

Did you see my post where i put the pictures of Great Albania, Great Serbia, Great Macedonia and Great Croatia?

Whats the difference? Extreme nationalists in all of this countries have this dreams ...do they represent the whole nation?

And out of all balkan countries ...tell me which country has spread more by conquest and populating territories then Serbia?

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