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02.07.2021 - 17:54

"When Two Queens clash for the throne, that's when the frivolous darkness strikes." lbonek, single atwar player.

Winds of Life or WL has been based on an open case of fiction but with realistic bases and information based on the Game of Thrones saga and series, this is a map that from beginning to end will fill you with intrigue and excitement knowing that if you commit a mistake you may have cast your team with the wolves; yes, as you just heard, Winds of Life is a 3-faction map.

The map have 10 spots, 5 for Targaryen Loyalist, 2 for Winter forces and 3 for Lannister Coalition.


Targaryen Royalist (TR)

-Daenery Targaryen

Winter Forces (WF)

-White Walkers
-Undead armies

Lannister Coalition(LC)


Targaryen Royalist (TR)

The royal faction is the one that defends Daenerys Targaryen daughter of the legitimate King Aerys of the House Targaryen, last since his arrival, they want to reestablish Westeros together with Daenerys as their queen. This faction aims to defend Westeros at all costs, even if it is necessary to confront a horde of the undead and counter Cersei's threats.

Although the houses: Tully, Arryn and Stark have not taken much liking the fact that a Targaryen rules them, they have decidedly changed their minds due to the unstable events that have happened in Westeros, since the Death of the Kings Robert , Joffrey and Tommen these parties decide to support Daenerys to maintain order in Westeros.

Winter Forces (WF)

The forces of winter play a decisive role, they will have to annex the north as quickly as possible, led by the King of the night.
The goal of this faction is to destroy Westeros at all costs, so that darkness reigns. Try to deal with Lannister coalition if you see Targaryen Loyalist are winning the game to balance and have chances of win

Lannister Coalition(LC)

The coalition directed between the union of Cersei Lannister and Euron Greyjoy tries to take advantage of the fact that the forces of Daenerys and Jon Snow are heading north to gain the advantage in the domain of commanding the 7 kingdoms, for this they will have to advance quickly through the riverlands supported by Lord Walder Frey, while Euron Greyjoy and his fleet will come into direct collision with the Tyrell house, which surprisingly for them, and after Margaery Tyrell's death they decide to return to the custom of supporting Daenerys. Try to deal with Winter Forces if you see Targaryen Loyalist are winning the game to balance and have chances of win

Let´s see them detailed

Daenerys Targaryen
Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): Her lands are ubicated in the Crownlands, center.
Reinforcements (¤): High-medium
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~): Moderate
Main role (!): Support spot, Daenerys must hold the north as long as she can, until reinforcements from King's Landing arrive and perhaps Stannis's troops to end the
winter forces, she must also support the Tully house against the Lannister invasion to this.
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Heart of the team | this spot can be defensive or offensive when you think is necessary
Advantages (+): If you manages your events in north and controll lannisters expansion, you will be fine, you never gonna be atacked, you atacked the others with your dragons.
Disadvantages (-): Depends many on your allies, if they faill so fast will be a hard game for Daenerys.
Recommended rank (^): (working on that)


Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): His lands are ubicated in the southern northern lands, north of the map.
Reinforcements (¤): Medium
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~): Very hard
Main role (!): Hold southern northern lands as long as you can against Winter Forces.
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Hold spot | this spot is ultra defensive | atack when your allies come.
Advantages (+): Have adventage in a long time, when your allies help you against WW
Disadvantages (-): Spam walls and defend your position against an army of the undead that multiplies you by 7 is not easy at all.
Recommended rank (^): (working on that)


Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): His lands are ubicated in the Riverlands, center of the map.
Reinforcements (¤): Medium
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~): Hard in the beggining, Medium later
Main role (!): Hold your lands as long as you can against Lannister army and Frey´s advance
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Hold spot | this spot is defensive | atack when your allies come.
Advantages (+): Have adventage in a long time, when your allies help you against Lannisters and Frey army,
Disadvantages (-): Spam walls and defend your position against 2 armies at the same time, is not easy at all.


Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): His lands are ubicated in the vale, center eastern of the map.
Reinforcements (¤): Medium
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~): Easy at the beggining, medium at the long time
Main role (!): Support your allies against their enemies-
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Supporter spot | atack when your allies get ready, cooperate with them.
Advantages (+): If you like do not have enemies turn 1, is perfect for you
Disadvantages (-): Becarefully with the braavos fleet


Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): His lands are ubicated in the reach, southern western of the map.
Reinforcements (¤): High
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~): Medium
Main role (!): Defend first turns against greyjoy fleet, and later full atack Cersei armies
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Defend and atack | atack when you are sure greyjoy armies get drowned,
Advantages (+): Your income and good reinf, with your good units will give you more chances for win.
Disadvantages (-): Becarefully with the Greyjoy fleet and Cersei invation (low probability)

White Walkers

Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): His lands are ubicated in the north, Extreme north of the map.
Reinforcements (¤): High
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~):Easy
Main role (!): Annex north fastly, and kill Daenerys event forces (She get dragons)
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Annex north fastly, and kill daenerys event
Advantages (+): Your good units (White Walkers and died dragon) will make you have high probabilities to beat your enemies
Disadvantages (-): Becarefully with Daenerys stack and her dragons, also Arryn can greatly annoy you, make sure to keep at bay, and if possible finish him.

Undead armies

Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): His lands are ubicated in the North, Middle north of the map.
Reinforcements (¤): Easy-Medium
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~): Easy
Main role (!):Offensive game and if is necessary a defensive game at least (Daenerys Dragons)
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Offensive game
Advantages (+): Your good units (White Walkers and died dragon) will make you have high probabilities to beat your enemies
Disadvantages (-): Becarefully with Daenerys stack and her dragons, also Arryn can greatly annoy you, make sure to keep at bay, and if possible finish him.


Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): His lands are ubicated in the Westernlands, Western part of the map.
Reinforcements (¤): High
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~): Medium-Hard
Main role (!):Offensive game in the begining, take Riverlands fast as you can, later focus on Daenerys and Tyrell.
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Offensive and defensive game, mix of both, you are the carry faction of your team, make sure they win his fronts and if is necessary fund them.
Advantages (+): Your good units and high income will make you have high probabilities to beat your enemies
Disadvantages (-): Becarefully with Daenerys and her dragons and Tyrell, make sure greyjoy hold tyrell as long he can, if he lose so fast you´ll have a hard game.


Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): His lands are ubicated in the West, Western part of the map.
Reinforcements (¤): Medium-High
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~): Medium
Main role (!):Offensive game, defend your conquered positions in the reach and hold till lannister arrives.
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Offensive and defensive game, mix of both, try to take redwyne, and kill Tyrell income taking oldtown and his important cities.
Advantages (+): You have the best ships units of the game, use it wisely with your event.
Disadvantages (-): Tyrel, your main enemy is a major pick, he have the better units, and a Highest income. Annoy him to be sure they can´t cut lannister campaign in Riverlands.


Color (/): (Working on that)
Relative position (*): His lands are ubicated in a relative position near the north and near the central map, and in Northern part of the Riverlans
Reinforcements (¤): Low
Money ($): (working on that)
Difficulty (~): Medium
Main role (!):Offensive game, defend your conquered positions in the Riverlands and protect against a possible Daenerys atack
Best strategies (=): (working on that)
Playstyle (|>): Offensive at least and defensive in a long game, Try to take tully lands, later build a decent stack to can survive in tedious war,
Advantages (+): You do not have a solid enemy in the beginning but when Daenerys Arrives ask Lannis help, cooperate with your allies and you´ll be fine
Disadvantages (-): Your low income and low reinf could make you be weak against major picks of the enemies like Daenerys, and others.

If you have any suggestion pm.
05.11.2021 - 21:02
This seems good but now all are playing the LOTR new scenario

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