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Which is the weakest strategy?

Tank General
Perfect Defence
Master Of Stealth
Naval Commander
Sky Menace
Guerrilla Warfare
Lucky Bastard

Totale Stimmen: 474
13.12.2010 - 11:36
 Ivan (Admin)
Which strategy could use a boost to make it more useful? Keep in mind that Naval Commander, Master Of Stealth and Sky Menace have already received a boost recently: http://afterwind.com/events/news_comments.php?news_id=12
13.12.2010 - 12:46
Naval commander wins...just because sea fighting isn't prominent enough on most maps. And with air trans you can usually hop past the sea if you need to

Imperialist doesnt make units cheap enough to justify I think

Perhaps Blitzkreig and Imperialist could be combined - weaker, but cheaper AND faster units? right now they seem to be unused because its not enough benefits for either one independently
13.12.2010 - 14:59
I think blitzkreig could be more viable if instead of loss of attack its a bigger loss of defense. It would be an interesting game play because you have to push quickly but cant be attacked yourself.
13.12.2010 - 16:05
 Ivan (Admin)
Geschrieben von Muncher, 13.12.2010 at 14:59

I think blitzkreig could be more viable if instead of loss of attack its a bigger loss of defense. It would be an interesting game play because you have to push quickly but cant be attacked yourself.

Good thinking, perhaps that would be a better way.
13.12.2010 - 17:34
Geschrieben von Muncher, 13.12.2010 at 14:59

I think blitzkreig could be more viable if instead of loss of attack its a bigger loss of defense. It would be an interesting game play because you have to push quickly but cant be attacked yourself.

This is how Tank Generals play anyway, right?
13.12.2010 - 17:36
Geschrieben von Guest14502, 13.12.2010 at 12:46

Naval commander wins...just because sea fighting isn't prominent enough on most maps. And with air trans you can usually hop past the sea if you need to

Yes, this. If I look at units built, I'm 40+k on land, ~630 naval units. (I have built at least 5 times more air transports than the entire navy, I think).
13.12.2010 - 19:17
Geschrieben von TP_MLD, 13.12.2010 at 17:34

Geschrieben von Muncher, 13.12.2010 at 14:59

I think blitzkreig could be more viable if instead of loss of attack its a bigger loss of defense. It would be an interesting game play because you have to push quickly but cant be attacked yourself.

This is how Tank Generals play anyway, right?

Tank general is similar but instead of + movement you get +attack.
13.12.2010 - 23:17
I use blitzkrieg as my standard strategy and I honestly dont see any problems there... I mean, I use it almost every game. I do agree with Muncher tho that lowering defense instead of attack would be appropriate and possibly lead to more widespread use. I also use imperialist in low income games because the miitia are 100% free... which means any smart player using this strategy can spend all their resources on offensive units and then before the 1st week of the month, use all their available units to get FREE, yes FREE defense. The only reason I would say Naval Commander, is because of the rarity of need for naval units. I think if their was a significant range increase with this strategy it would work great because why swim when you can fly 1.5x as fast?

With that said I think Perfect Defense, Master of Stealth and Naval Commander are the weakest, in that order.
14.12.2010 - 03:08
A suggestion to 'fix' naval commander (NC):

Option 1: Introduce a new naval unit, only buildable by the NC, called the 'merchantman'. This is a weak offensive/defensive unit with a small carry capacity (1?), price roughly the same as a tank (125), but instead of costing money each turn, it given income: around 20-25 a turn, I think.

Option 2: If option 1 is too hard to implement, make the other naval units pay income to the NC instead of costing money (but significantly less so than the merchantman under option 1).
14.12.2010 - 06:15
 Ivan (Admin)
Geschrieben von TP_MLD, 14.12.2010 at 03:08

A suggestion to 'fix' naval commander (NC):

Option 1: Introduce a new naval unit, only buildable by the NC, called the 'merchantman'. This is a weak offensive/defensive unit with a small carry capacity (1?), price roughly the same as a tank (125), but instead of costing money each turn, it given income: around 20-25 a turn, I think.

Option 2: If option 1 is too hard to implement, make the other naval units pay income to the NC instead of costing money (but significantly less so than the merchantman under option 1).

I like this idea. Written down for the future.
14.12.2010 - 10:21
I agree with scific...a huge range increase might make naval commander useful. If I could cross atlantic in like 2 turns id consider using it

Alternatively, if it gave you weaker air units instead of land units it might be used more - land units are essential to expanding and capturing an income base, and the costs of a weak land unit is too high to justify the benefits - but air units arent as necessary in that respect
14.12.2010 - 11:12
 Ivan (Admin)
Geschrieben von Guest14502, 14.12.2010 at 10:21

I agree with scific...a huge range increase might make naval commander useful. If I could cross atlantic in like 2 turns id consider using it

Alternatively, if it gave you weaker air units instead of land units it might be used more - land units are essential to expanding and capturing an income base, and the costs of a weak land unit is too high to justify the benefits - but air units arent as necessary in that respect

OK, now naval units are getting pretty huge benefits: +2 to attack, +2 to defence, +3 to move range, massive cost reduction. All of this only at the cost of weaker Tanks (-1 to attack, defence and move range).

Also, we really liked the idea with commercial cargo ships - this might bring more action into the seas and make the strategy more useful.
14.12.2010 - 16:10
I'd play NC if there were cargo ships. Those battleships are MEAN.
23.12.2010 - 02:02
2 people voted for tank general?
23.12.2010 - 02:31
Amok and ivan got drunk and clicked it
23.12.2010 - 03:38
 Ivan (Admin)
Geschrieben von Guest14502, 23.12.2010 at 02:31

Amok and ivan got drunk and clicked it

I didn't vote for it, but in terms of gains Tank General might be the weakest. You only get +1 to attack, a little ARB bonus and -10 off the cost for Tanks. At the same time you lose -1 for attack, defence, ARB for Infantry (and +20 to cost).

Compare it to Master Of Stealth, for example, which ads +2 to attack and range, +1 for defence and ARB for 3 different units, with -180 total price reduction. You pay for it with only slightly nerfed Tanks and Battleships.
27.12.2010 - 21:12
I would say master of stealth is the strongest
28.12.2010 - 19:54
Geschrieben von specter, 27.12.2010 at 21:12

I would say master of stealth is the strongest

Agreed. Until there is some type of stealth detection units...
29.12.2010 - 03:42
 Ivan (Admin)
Geschrieben von Sificvoid, 28.12.2010 at 19:54

Geschrieben von specter, 27.12.2010 at 21:12

I would say master of stealth is the strongest

Agreed. Until there is some type of stealth detection units...

All units will be able to detect stealth. We decided to not over-complicate matters, so it also most likely be based on current visibility range.
12.01.2011 - 06:46
I wont vote as I am still to low of a level to try them all. I have to agree on naval commander as sea fights are rare.

I also like the idea for cargo ships, however, I still think air transports will rule the day as they may be cost inefficent for only carrying 3 troops they are effective to cover ground quickly. Ill post my idea in the suggestions area to keep it in one place.
16.07.2011 - 08:53
Winning against Tank General and Blitzkrieg users is rather easy, I don't know who uses Naval Commander, so I''m not sure about that strategy.
"There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made."

-The Silmarillion
16.07.2011 - 11:55

Blitzkrieg and Naval Commander are currently two of the strongest strategies.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
16.07.2011 - 13:00
Blitzkrieg only has 3 votes.
16.07.2011 - 18:23
I think blitz is alright, but the lowered attack should be replaced with lower ARB??
16.07.2011 - 18:24
And I meant to click gw
19.07.2011 - 14:39
Imperialist is very usefull in Team Games. I use to play with Imperialist em Eurasia games, so i can be a kind of "bank" to my team mates. You can use a mate in Great Middle East to be in the front of battles and give him money to buy the units, if you're taking China/Japan, for example.

I think that Perfect Defense is the weakest, but it can be usefull too.

Every strategie can fit perfectly in a game or formation.
Ordo praeter quisquam
19.07.2011 - 14:56
Geschrieben von RafaMelo, 19.07.2011 at 14:39

I think that Perfect Defense is the weakest, but it can be usefull too.

That is why you should refrain from posting in order to learn to play as well as learn some spelling.
19.07.2011 - 15:01
Geschrieben von Aristosseur, 19.07.2011 at 14:56

Geschrieben von RafaMelo, 19.07.2011 at 14:39

I think that Perfect Defense is the weakest, but it can be usefull too.

That is why you should refrain from posting in order to learn to play as well as learn some spelling.

Sorry, man, but i learn it posting and reading the posts. I make an effort to read/post, so why can't you make an effort too?
Ordo praeter quisquam
19.07.2011 - 15:04
I know how to play already, obviously you managed to miss 3 topics about PD being overpowered just a few weeks ago and receiving a nerf of -1 movement. Good job at failing to read topics.
19.07.2011 - 15:11
Geschrieben von Aristosseur, 19.07.2011 at 15:04

I know how to play already, obviously you managed to miss 3 topics about PD being overpowered just a few weeks ago and receiving a nerf of -1 movement. Good job at failing to read topics.

I'm starting to read topics trully... I just left my opinion, just it. Why the fuck are you tease me?
Ordo praeter quisquam

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