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Verfasst von Nero, 23.07.2019 - 20:21
3.4 Do not post about locked or deleted threads on forums or in public chat channels in games. Moderation actions can be discussed privately with the moderator who applied the action. If you feel a mod is treating you unfairly, inform them you are seeking a second opinion from another mod.
See the Guidelines => "Transparency" for how a moderation action can be discussed in forums.

[old rule => 3.4 Do not post about locked or deleted threads or other moderation actions on forums or in public chat channels in game.]

==== Guidelines ======

Transparency and Forum Discussions of Moderation Actions:

Occasionally, a mod decision leaves members of the community with questions. You may request a particular issue be publicized for transparency, but this request must be made privately first, as there are likely details of the issue of which you are not aware. The request will then be opened in the mod forums, where the moderation team will discuss if the matter is suitable for discussion in the forums. Generally, there are only two reasons your request will be declined:

(1) The player involved in the issue is clearly using the incident to gain attention, notoriety, is using the action to forward a personal agenda by personally attacking an AW staff member, or otherwise create dissent, distraction, or unrest in the community.

(2) The player involved has made an honest mistake, and prefers to quietly make his amends without attention being drawn to him. (i.e. respect for the right to be forgotten.) Many new players make mistakes, and have later come to be respected members of our community. AW staff respect the intense emotional nature of this game, and most of us have 'been there' at one point, and said something in game we may not have said otherwise. As such, we will protect your privacy for these 'one time occurrences'.

Once accepted, the moderator will inform you the request for transparency has been approved, and a discussion thread will be created. The moderation team will keep the discussion unlocked provided it does not devolve into personal attacks and blame. The point of transparency is to inform, not inflame.

tl;dr - in response to players wanting more information on mod decisions, AW is now opening up discussion for moderation actions
23.10.2019 - 17:05
This looks to me like a crap load of extra work mods gotta do now. It appears as if the loudmouths have lobbied the mod team for so long they gave in. Moderator actions should only face scrutiny by two people on this game, brianwl and Dave. If there is a complaint about moderator action, go talk to another mod about it, so they can discuss the mod in question's actions. This non-written system is almost 'common law' at this point in the game, and its worked fine. There were numerous complaints about things that I did in my time as mod, only that when mods on the team talked with me about them, they realized the whole situation, and realized there was just a bunch of loudmouths who were trying to do all they could to get me removed from the position and went in some cases so far as to make things up; sounds like Trump impeachment lol. I don't think this is going to actually solve anything, and is going to be a massive headache for the already busy moderator team. I would be just fine if there was a movement to undo this, even if no one in community supported it. The only people who will care about this are the friends of people who are getting banned, which from my experience, is hardly ever good company. The only people that will demand transparency are going to be the trouble side of the community, and just to make mods work harder, will demand every time their friends are banned a reason.

In short, it won't accomplish anything, it will create more work for the mod team, and it will set a precedent going forward that it's ok to complain about bans. The mod team's job is to enforce the rules, and see to it that people follow them. There's no need for this implementation. I guess I'm open to seeing how it plays out and hearing in a few months or so from moderators how its going, but it just seems unnecessary.

The only transparency this game needs is in the actual rules, not in the enforcement of them. Codify the rules, get rid of the vague language which has plagued the forums, and help people understand what will happen were they to break certain rules. What the system here that is being created does is slap a band-aid on things, without curing the underlying problem. The mods could avoid extra work in the long run by simply fixing the problem, instead of sugar-coating it.

P.S. brianwl, coffee date?

24.10.2019 - 07:54
Geschrieben von Augustus Caesar, 23.10.2019 at 19:59

Geschrieben von Sultan of Swing, 23.10.2019 at 17:05

This looks to me like a crap load of extra work mods gotta do now.

Not really and if it means we can avoid moderators abusing their powers with no consequence then it's something I believe the community deserve.

guess u didnt read and/or comprehend what i said

24.10.2019 - 14:44
 brianwl (Admin)
Geschrieben von Sultan of Swing, 23.10.2019 at 17:05


P.S. brianwl, coffee date?

Anywhere but starbucks ♥

02.11.2019 - 21:01
Geschrieben von brianwl, 24.10.2019 at 14:44

Geschrieben von Sultan of Swing, 23.10.2019 at 17:05


P.S. brianwl, coffee date?

Anywhere but starbucks ♥

Bruh I asked you out before but you turned me down, admins confirmed biased to mods/former mods
27.02.2020 - 16:49
 brianwl (Admin)
Geschrieben von Black Vortex, 02.11.2019 at 21:01

Geschrieben von brianwl, 24.10.2019 at 14:44

Geschrieben von Sultan of Swing, 23.10.2019 at 17:05


P.S. brianwl, coffee date?

Anywhere but starbucks ♥

Bruh I asked you out before but you turned me down, admins confirmed biased to mods/former mods

now that you are mod...
still no...

confirmed (no bias)


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