06.10.2019 - 10:09
Please pay attention to what Brianwl tried to accomplish here by creating this thread. It is highly recommended (meaning you are obliged to do so) , that you (in general) make no more personal insults and have childish behaviour. Let's also not derail the topic and help Brianwl finish what he was going for here. Let me put it this way for narrow-headed people: Do not insult, do not derail, it won't be tolerated anymore.
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njab Konto gelöscht |
06.10.2019 - 10:10 njab Konto gelöscht
Speaking about competitive issues in a thread about competitive issues is derailing the thread? Please enlighten me more. Your personal disagreement with a thread supported by majority of the playerbase doesn't mean it's not worth being mentioned. ** Extra point: you never worked on the issues presented in that same thread, again supported by majority of the playerbase. However, you are more than willing to support a thread about non-issues (that suddenly turned into issues) over some dubious reasons.
06.10.2019 - 10:14
Please answer the questions Brianwl has asked and I will support you mentioning your thread.
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njab Konto gelöscht |
06.10.2019 - 10:17 njab Konto gelöscht
I already did answer them, multiple times. Every point was mentioned and I provided my perspective into them. Further posts are relevant to the discussion about competitive issues and provide deeper insight into the problem for those who want to see it.
njab Konto gelöscht |
06.10.2019 - 10:25 njab Konto gelöscht
And yet another issue which I've mentioned back in January is shown here. Those same "non-competitive lowranks forced to put an upvote support" have called competitive scene "shit", "poop", "boring" and have been supporting me ever since I pointed the same issues out. But it seems the game not being interesting for low ranks is less important issue than one guy's personal disputes.
06.10.2019 - 10:34
Using non-competitive low ranked members of your coalition to support your standings by force, even they have no clue what you are talking about, is the only issue we can talk about them. Using alt-accounts from your coalition to make dellusional fallacy thought that you're actually supported is another issue we can talk about. Yet we are again going too far away, stop catching on every word and stop going for the 6th time on another topics. Stick to the 4 Brianwl's questions. You need only 1 single comment to express politely your own thoughts. Not 11. You should stop here from spamming with irrelevant comments or they should be removed, since you were already twice warned about it. Thanks.
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njab Konto gelöscht |
06.10.2019 - 10:34 njab Konto gelöscht
When did I agree any of the points are legitimate topics? I am fairly confident all the messages I've sent you ingame were saying otherwise.
06.10.2019 - 10:35
1)Nah but all other clan should stop cwing them the next season 2)The main competitive map is 3n3 eu+ 10k if both clan agree to play on other map yes but if nah everyone know how to play eu+ 3)No its unfair except if its really too powerful like ukraine in 5k eu+ ger/uk or turk/ukr in 3n3 eu+ but if both clan picks correctly 1 clan cant have uk/turk/spa so game is balanced but if u got retard in ur team and give the strongest combo in eu+(uk/spa/turk) its ur fault 4)Its cheating and should be punished Njab asked to share our feelings so he doesnt have to D ![]()
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njab Konto gelöscht |
06.10.2019 - 10:36 njab Konto gelöscht
You are not to judge what is relevant or irrelevant to the discussion about someone else's thread. brianwl made it and since he is game administrator, he should be the only one to decide what should or shouldn't be allowed in the discussion. Since I discussed with him the same way as here, it doesn't seem he has any issue with it. Stop threatening and harassing me for expressing my views. All concerns I've raised in multiple posts offer different insights than yours, but it doesn't mean either of those insights is incorrect. Now let's get back to the topic and stop calling opinion of other people irrelevant.
06.10.2019 - 10:39
I don't know if you can read properly, but take a glance on the bolded letters:
these points were agreed by everyone from the staff as legitimate topics. You're not a staff. Neither I am. We have just talked to them about these topics which got agreed as legitimate. Now it's on you to think about how provable you're statments of these points were while convincing them how they are not legitimate.
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njab Konto gelöscht |
06.10.2019 - 10:42 njab Konto gelöscht
Everyone? Not me, not Waffel, not many others who supported the views presented by either of us.
06.10.2019 - 10:49
Anyway, let's just normally stop here with spamming useless comments, even they are within the rules. Both of us. I think what we had to say is already said. Let the staff decide what is going to happen; nothing more to prove neither from your side, neither from my side. I guess it's the best solution to be quite until the staff decide about the outcome of the occured problem(s) and then move on. Causing more mess won't help neither you, neither me with our points. On the contrary. Hope we can agree to each other at least with this. Thanks.
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06.10.2019 - 11:04
Njab acts like a cunt and mods won't do shit, as usual, welcome to atwar
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njab Konto gelöscht |
06.10.2019 - 11:24 njab Konto gelöscht
Do not derail this thread. You are the person who has the least to speak about someone's behavior, since you've been muted countless times.
06.10.2019 - 11:27
Tbh not countless times
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06.10.2019 - 12:13
Personally, I did not care much about Croat's drama on forums, until clovis1122 removed our two cw wins. This all is just talking without any possible good reason behind, with false premises and ideas.
Meanwhile EC still has the most cw's played in eu+, even though we are trying to make this community of 1 map 1 setting evolve. It is funny how Croat does not see that half of his support for this case comes from Illyria, which just use his drama to steal us 2 cw victories... The most important issue here is: Epic Clan did not do anything that VIOLATES any rule of this game, and we still got our 2 clan war victories deleted, and the case gets even worse when moderators of this game let trolls fill forums with topics similiar to this one. I do not accuse anyone for all this drama, I accuse moderators that tolerate this. David spends money on advertisting this game, and then when some new player joins forums, what can he see? This? Is topic like this something that should be out of off topic forums? Seriously? Let's revisit rules which are used for moderating this game: 1. Game Behavior 1.1 Doing anything that interferes with the ability of other users to enjoy playing a game in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of staff in maintaining the game for the enjoyment of all its users is not permitted. - For this rule to be violated, it clearly states that other rules need to be violated first, and that such behaviour is not permitted. 1.2 Exploiting any bug to gain an unfair advantage(cosmetic or not) in the game and/or communicating the existence of any such bug (either directly or through public posting) to any other user is not permitted. Players caught abusing bugs or glitches in a competitive game, similar to clan wars and/or duels, face the risk of removal of any/all rewards earned. - I see zero proofs of EC using any bugs used to gain unfair advantages in CW. 1.3 The term "FARMING" is used to describe the process of playing a game which uses exploits to gain SP or ELO. This may include using more than 1 account to win games or using custom maps made specific for ELO/SP gaining. Moderators ultimately will take into consideration with what they believe is just and unjust. - We never used 2 accounts to play CW, exclduing 2v2 starting problem. We never cw'ed on custom made maps. 1.4 The term "ELO GAMBLING" and "CLAN ELO GAMBLING" is used to describe a process in which more ELO is given out than actually necessary. This is considered abusing the game mechanics and is not allowed. 1.5 Improperly using in-game support or complaint buttons or make false reports to atWar staff is not permitted. - Out of topic 1.6 The beginner's lobby is for players ranked 0-6 only. High ranks found in this lobby will be kicked with possible further repercussions. - Out of topic. 2. Chat Behavior 2.1 Harassing, threatening, embarrassing, or doing anything to another member or guest that is unwanted is not permitted. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about members or guests, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, attacking a member or guest based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated, and we reserve the right to end any conversation to avoid further escalations. 2.2 The term "TROLLING" which we define as comments, posts or threads that knowingly lead to overly strong, negative, and emotional responses for mere shock value, is not allowed. Accounts created with the sole intent to "troll" will be immediately and permanently banned. Constant personal attacks is also considered trolling/harassment and will result with further punishments. 2.3 Disrupting the flow of chat with abusive language, use of excessive shouting (all caps) in an attempt to disturb other users, "SPAMMING" or "FLOODING" (posting repetitive text) is also not permitted, and will result in mutes or bans in extreme cases. 2.4 Mature discussions on sensitive topics can be held in private chat or in private games. However, due to the high volume of reports and chat comments considered offensive, we are suspending these discussions in the room chat. Moderators are free to clear comments considered offensive and apply punishments accordingly. - Out of topic. 2.5 Global channel is for advertising games and game related information (community events, tournaments, advertisement to a particular thread on the forum [given it does not violate and other rules], and so on.). The Help channel is for asking game related questions and technical support. Avoid any unrelated comment on any of these two channels, mutes may be applied if a player violates this ruling. - Out of topic. 2.6 Only the English language is permitted in public chat channels (room, help, global and the forums). You may use non-English in private chat and private password protected games or in their respective rooms. An exception can be made for non-English conversation in game chat based on the nature of the game. - Out of topic. 2.7 Advertising or promotional messaging, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or other commercial activities that are unrelated to the game are not permitted. - Out of topic, but very interesting rule 3. Forum Behavior 3.1 Posting comments within a thread which severely disrupts the original conversation is prohibited. Such posts will be deleted without warning and the poster may be on the receiving end of further punishment. 3.2 Petition posts are frowned on. If you have an issue with the game, please discuss it in a civil and informed fashion, staff members reserve the right to lock or delete petitions. 3.3 Do not post to pillory other players. If you have a problem with another player or want to report something please contact a moderator. 3.4 Do not post about locked or deleted threads on forums or in public chat channels in games. Moderation actions can be discussed privately with the moderator who applied the action. If you feel a mod is treating you unfairly, inform them you are 3.5 Posts deemed inappropriate due to inconsistency with the according forum's "GUIDELINES", will be moved to a more appropriate section or even removed completely. Posts that have been removed are not to be re-posted. - Out of topic 3.6 Advertising or promotional messaging, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or other commercial activities that are unrelated to the game are not permitted. 3.7 As a courtesy to players who use the general forums at work or school, autoplay is not permitted when posting videos in the forums. 3.8 Promoted forum posts should be informative and conducive to promoting positive aspects of atWar, any promoted topic that contains abusive language, flame wars, consistent trolling or any other material deemed inappropriate will be removed without warning. - Out of topic. 4. Game Accounts 4.1 Registering an alternate account or using another player's account for the purpose of disobeying the rules or to avoid punishment of your main account is not permitted. Alternate accounts created for this purpose will receive permanent bans if necessary, and this may incur additional action towards the member's main account. Player's aiding a banned or muted player to avoid punishment will result in their own account being banned or muted. 4.2 Member accounts are non-transferable. Registered users are responsible for any actions that take place on their accounts or private messaging systems. 4.3 Impersonating an admin, moderator, supporter or player is strictly prohibited. Impersonating a staff member may result in being permanently banned from the game without warning. 4.4 When playing any Duel or Coalition War, accounts must not be shared or made available to any other players to be used (also known as Ghosting), and must only be used by the account holder. Any players caught Ghosting may have their ELO (personal, or coalition) reset, with punishment to follow with moderator discretion. More severe punishment will be served for persistent offenders. Alt accounts are welcome, however only the player that registered the account may use them. 4.5 When playing any Duel or Coalition War, accounts must be the account holders original "main" account. Duel's and Coalition War's on alt accounts are prohibited. - Out of topic 5. Privacy 5.1 Communicating any player's real-world personal information in game or on forums is not permitted. Such incidents will be dealt with harshly by the staff, in the forms of mutes and bans. 5.2 Attempting to get a password, other account information, or other private information from any member is not permitted. Accounts found doing so will be permanently banned without warning. - Out of topic. 6. Uploading 6.1 Posting, transmitting, promoting, or distributing any content that is illegal or promotes or encourages any illegal activity including hacking, cracking or distribution of counterfeit software, files that contain viruses, corrupted data, or malicious software is not permitted. Accounts found doing so will be permanently banned without warning. 6.2 Transmitting or facilitating the distribution of content that is harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, or objectionable in a reasonable person's view is not permitted. Hate speech is not tolerated, and this includes graphics. Staff member have the right to prevent such discussion at any point they see fit and ban the transmitter or facilitator if necessary. 6.3 Re-posting copyright and/or press material in its entirety from other sources is not permitted. Quotations from things such as news articles are fine, provided it is cited and (if possible) linked to. Out of topic. 7. Player's Banlist 7.1 The mapmakers have the privilege to ban a player from playing on their map/scenario for breaking map/scenario rule's or leaving early in games that could potentially jeopardize the development of a game on their map/scenario; however, the mapmakers are not allowed to ban a player on a map/scenario for personal reasons or not describing the reasons for the ban. 7.2 Players are assumed innocent of breaking a game's rules unless proven guilty. It is up to the map maker to provide substantial evidence when asked to do. Map makers who fail to do so will have to lift the ban, if the map makers refuses to comply moderators will lift the ban. - Out of topic. 7.3 Players may ban other player from their games for an reason they wish, therefore they do not need to provide a reason. - If we can ban players for no reason from our games, why the heck do we waste time talking about selective cw'ing which is here since I joined the game, and before...
06.10.2019 - 12:56
For God's sake, you're out of any control. After you got the same comment deleted by mods; you keep posting it. After several public warnings, you keep avoiding the theme with spamming non-sense and calling out a single player publically for about 30 times in same comment. Directly, in direct negative context. Only thing you've changed is replacing the word 'idiot' with the word 'troll'. Seems like it is impossible for you to talk in a polite, adult way using your own intellect in which you should express your thoughts about asked questions. You're just keep doing more and more bad for the side you're standing on. Don't know if I should thank your for that or what. Anyway, ![]()
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06.10.2019 - 12:59
Bad guess, Moderator that deleted my post apologised to me, and I got permission to repost it. Cheers ![]()
06.10.2019 - 13:48
Either regulate the competitive scene or leave it self-regulate itself as it has done for the past 8 years. Self-regulation involves exposing the people who undermine our goodwill and code of fair play. So if you're going to protect njab from being called out, you'll also have to punish him and his clan for this breach of goodwill and fair play if you want to remain impartial.
06.10.2019 - 14:09
Also punish your coalition about last season.....
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06.10.2019 - 14:20
Jugers stop crying so bad after illyria cause nic and chill humiliated u once Fact is we didn't play a lot last season but offered, the last 2 days, many occasion to EC to catch up, including 5 games, they lost 4 of them Just stop being so butthurt about illyria cause they made u feel bad
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06.10.2019 - 14:23
I am just pointing out that IF epic clan gets punished THEN illyria should get punished too for last season nothing more why you gotta make drama over it.
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06.10.2019 - 14:27
Like we acted in a toxic way last season, how so ?
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06.10.2019 - 14:31
Its not about the toxicity you always were toxic its about the camping/dodging thing if a clan that has 92 cws is accused of elo stacking/dodging while its not even half way threw the season then what a clan who won a season by playing 33 games only would be accused of?
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06.10.2019 - 16:37
Couldn't you guys keep it a little more simple? For gods sake, use less words. Learn how to quote too. No one is gonna read all that shit. Got extremely bored after seeing the first big ass post
06.10.2019 - 17:45
He will have to punish Illyria for similiar behaviour in the past aswell.
njab Konto gelöscht |
06.10.2019 - 18:03 njab Konto gelöscht
But whole point of complaints of Wheelo, Croat and others is to punish Epic Clan only. Fairness of the game is of no interest to them, since all "evidence" provided here is about our clan's behavior only.
07.10.2019 - 05:26
Njab acting like he's a victim and cries like a pussy Don't you think it's weird that there is complaints from several coalition toward your own shit clan and only this clan? I mean EVERY FUCKING SEASON THERE IS DRAMA BECAUSE OF YOU SO SHUT THE FUCK UP
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njab Konto gelöscht |
07.10.2019 - 06:25 njab Konto gelöscht
There have been no complaints from any coalition except yours and PB, and it's not over fair play but personal hate. And it's not even by all members of both coalitions. It's barely a few. The facts speak against you both, i.e. members of both coalitions were punished for misbehavior in game (flaming, spamming, insulting, pilloring), while not a single person from mine was. You do not have any right to call me out publicly, let alone without any facts to back your claims up.
07.10.2019 - 06:33
Illy and PB are close to half of the active coalitions and u forget to mention maratonci who stop to cw u last season because of your constant rewalls Personal hate is due to your misbehaviors u dick head, not the other way around so don't try to act like you're a clever guy Anyway you're a fucking nerd who has enough time in his hands to respond to every fucking topic using always the same shitty logic
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