I don't tease/troll, I am irritated by people who 'just leave opinions' without knowing what they are talking about, you're one of them.
I don't tease/troll, I am irritated by people who 'just leave opinions' without knowing what they are talking about, you're one of them.
You must be channer, think that is superior people. Dude, if the people really like PD, i can change my arguments:
PD is overrated.
Better now?
Ordo praeter quisquam
Yeah, ffs, why're you unneccessarily aggressive Aristo?
I hate people like you, they make me sick.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
Much hate, less help each other to have a great competition. It shouldn't be like that. The real bad thing in games online is people calling other "noobs" instead of help with some tips.
But have nice people here yet.
Ordo praeter quisquam
Keep on posting shit uninformed opinions.
Don't forget to +rep Ironail.
Don't forget to +rep Ironail.
Good lad.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
Vafika Beiträge: 247 von: Portugal
Master of Stealth. Seriously, It's really shitty I won' play this game again until you buff MoS.
PD should be disbanded
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
Also. DONT CHANGE BLITZKRIEG!!! (unless you make it stronger and faster)
Sky Menace, because I haven't bought it yet.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
"There are no weak strategies, only weak Afterwind players." -Me
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
Geschrieben von Acquiesce, 29.07.2011 at 17:14
"There are no weak strategies, only weak Afterwind players." -Me
Then you've clearly never tried Lucky Bastard.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
Geschrieben von Acquiesce, 29.07.2011 at 17:14
"There are no weak strategies, only weak Afterwind players." -Me
Then you've clearly never tried Lucky Bastard.
Looks like the Lucky Bastard became Unlucky.
"There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made."
-The Silmarillion
I only have 12k total sp so i havn't used all the strats.
i have mainly went from tank general<master of stealth<G warfare< naval commander
the reason naval commander is last is because i TOTALLY underestimated it and threw it out of the equation. But i was so wrong, it is pretty lethal IF YOU PICK THE RIGHT STARTING COUNTRIES.
Also, its fun to play as it requires different play strats.
THIS is why naval commander is so powerfull. (people underestimate it)
plus the battleships can take on any enemy..
and i havn't even got started on the best part of naval commander, SUBS
with what i mentioned and having a starting capital next to the sea (boats are able to go into the city) you will be a very very hard target to take out.
what i do is i make tons of subs and put them all around my base (in stacks of 1-3)
and i have at least 10 destroyers (subs can't cap the base, destroyers can.) (also put in stacks of 1-3)
i have NO defense on my base, so i allow the attacker to take my base instantly. Thus allowing my next turn to use my powerful attack on my ships to obliterate their forces at my base.
downside? once the heart of the battle moves inland your disadvantage starts. Your main force on land is massive spam from naval transports/ air transports, While hopefully distracting your foe enough with your ships so you can take some major cities.
-one last thing, once you need to move inland, going for the highest reinforcement cities is a MUST
as for being the best strategy.. hell no.
most cities and most of your enemies will be inland away from you ships.
-still a very fun strat. and a must play strat.
Out of all the strategys they choose NC?
"Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword"
-Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
tophat Beiträge: 3885 von: Canada
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
NC is pretty awesome with good economy
I make Americans look bad? Are you kidding me?
NC is pretty awesome with good economy
If NC is so preety awesome, why noone use it
Anything is possible for me as long as I set my mind to it.
Geschrieben von Acquiesce, 29.07.2011 at 17:14
"There are no weak strategies, only weak Afterwind players." -Me
Then you've clearly never tried Lucky Bastard.
lol, and lucky bastard is by far the weakest
NC ia good, but it's very limited as to how it can be used. I once saw someone do great with it in a euro game, but i still have no idea how that was possible, lol
and Imp is great, if you know how to use it, however, to win with it is very hard without an ally (same for IF, in most cases). still, i don't know why its so far up the list
AlexMeza Konto gelöscht |
Why does everyone say NC is crap, it's good.
All strats are weak compaired to Sky Menace..
Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Francis L. Sampson, was an American Army officer who served as the 12th Chief of Chaplains of the United States Army.
His real life story of his rescuing a young soldier became the inspiration for the film "Saving Private Ryan
All strats are weak compaired to Sky Menace..
Geschrieben von Guest, 12.04.2012 at 20:11
Why does everyone say NC is crap, it's good.
You're joking, right? NC is a really bad strategy. Don't even bring up the "YOU HAVE TO USE IT CORRECTLY," because every other strategy, with the exception of blitz and LB, can be used better.
I was banned for your sins
VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
Lucky Bastard is disastrous. Naval Commander is too limited. And Blitz's defense is unbelievably shitty.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."
"In this game, everyone is hated."
Garde Beiträge: 2842 von: Canada
Geschrieben von Spart, 14.04.2012 at 21:48
Lucky Bastard is disastrous. Naval Commander is too limited. And Blitz's defense is unbelievably shitty.
Changing blitz def to -1 should be good, or instead making it have fine defense, but everything costs 30 more (this would definitely be a good way to nerf it so it's not OP, as I rely on heavy $$$ just to use it already).
Lucky /b/tard needs to take away the +10 cost, increase view range possibly, and make it so ARB can randomly roll in between 1 and 20, with 4 - 8 having the highest chance of being rolled.
Naval Commander is really good is some places, but most of the time is useless. I've only used it on Oceania, but it could use a boost.
I usually use GW, SM and BZ only, so this is just my two cents.
Garde Beiträge: 2842 von: Canada
Geschrieben von Garde, 14.04.2012 at 22:27
Geschrieben von Spart, 14.04.2012 at 21:48
Lucky Bastard is disastrous. Naval Commander is too limited. And Blitz's defense is unbelievably shitty.
Changing blitz def to -1 should be good, or instead making it have fine defense, but everything costs 30 more (this would definitely be a good way to nerf it so it's not OP, as I rely on heavy $$$ just to use it already).
Blitz is already an expensive strat, adding more cost would make it unusable instead of niche. Blitz is fine how it is.
Then why does everyone (even fruit) agree it sucks? And why did you guys tell me I shouldn't use it in the Blitz thread?
Just use sM.. have the range of blitz, the defense of infantry, the attack of tanks, and not be effected by terrain.. And you can use it anywhere you want
Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Francis L. Sampson, was an American Army officer who served as the 12th Chief of Chaplains of the United States Army.
His real life story of his rescuing a young soldier became the inspiration for the film "Saving Private Ryan
Garde Beiträge: 2842 von: Canada
Just use sM.. have the range of blitz, the defense of infantry, the attack of tanks, and not be effected by terrain.. And you can use it anywhere you want
You can't take everything between Shanghai and Tehran with SM though : )