Darth. Beiträge: 3783 von: Indien
"My fellow Senator, the charges brought against me are a farce. This is the message I received from the faction attempting to subvert power from the will of the people:

While I was out of Rome defeating Carthage (a task their own faction could not do), murderous felons committed an act of barbery by assassinating a fellow senator. I do not know who did such an act, nor will I accuse someone of it. As you can see in the message, they do not want the killer, only a scapegoat. This is not about seeking justice, but rather subverting the rule of law and order. With another senator murdered do to these tenacious rumours, rebel armies a narrow sea away, and barbarians at our gates, should we really be wasting time prosecuting an innocent individual for a crime he did not commit? I can only think of the great Greek Philosopher Socrates, forced to kill himself by a farce trial such as this. Are we not better than this? Are we not Romans?"
But even if you yourself didn't do it, you do know who committed it. Thus by association, compliance, and failure to report a crime to the proper authorities, (can probably throw in some 'willing assistance provided to a criminal' charges in there too), you are equally guilty.
Also, I am disgusted that you would even think of associating yourself with a Greek. Evidently you admire those barbarians, and I advise you to exile yourself there
Dictator Vote
1) Lucius Caetronianus (MrArmy987)
Consul Vote
1) Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) & Cassius Caelius (Safari)
Censor Vote
1)Augustus Damasippus (Resting Lime)
Praetor Vote
2)Galerius Nipius ( Death1816)
Pontifex Maximus
1)Sextus Varius (Meester)
Who will command the our legions against the Germanic Migrations?
2)Marco Flavius Cato Minor (Witch-Doctor) [Populares]
Who will command the the Civil War?
3)Cassius Caelius (Safari) [Potestatem]
Who will command the the Jugurthine War?
2)Augustus Damasippus (Resting Lime) [Potestatem]
Levying Forces
1)13 legions 2 fleets
Force Deployments
1)+Spanish Revolts: Legio X Fulminata, Legio VII Aquila, Legio II Lupus, 2 legions , 2 fleets
+Jugurthine War Legio III Victrix, 4 Legions, 2 fleets
+Germanic Migrations: Legio I Ex Nihilo, 1 legion
+Civil War: 5 fleets, 2 legions
+All new fleets will be sent to civil war
+All new legions will be split equally between the wars, with uneven splits in favor of civil war and jugurthine war
Trial of Gaius Marcus Africanus
1) Innocent
Mining Concession (3 Talents) - winner may reject and it will return to next years consul
Augustus Damasippus (Resting Lime)
Dictator: 1
Consul: 2
Censor: 1
Praetor: 2
Pointifex Maximus: 2
Civil War: 1
Jurgunthine: 2
Levying: 3
Force Deployment: 1
Trial: 1
Mining: Augustus Damasippus
Someone Better Than You
Geschrieben von Darth., 17.09.2016 at 01:45
"My fellow Senator, the charges brought against me are a farce. This is the message I received from the faction attempting to subvert power from the will of the people:

While I was out of Rome defeating Carthage (a task their own faction could not do), murderous felons committed an act of barbery by assassinating a fellow senator. I do not know who did such an act, nor will I accuse someone of it. As you can see in the message, they do not want the killer, only a scapegoat. This is not about seeking justice, but rather subverting the rule of law and order. With another senator murdered do to these tenacious rumours, rebel armies a narrow sea away, and barbarians at our gates, should we really be wasting time prosecuting an innocent individual for a crime he did not commit? I can only think of the great Greek Philosopher Socrates, forced to kill himself by a farce trial such as this. Are we not better than this? Are we not Romans?"
But even if you yourself didn't do it, you do know who committed it. Thus by association, compliance, and failure to report a crime to the proper authorities, (can probably throw in some 'willing assistance provided to a criminal' charges in there too), you are equally guilty.
Also, I am disgusted that you would even think of associating yourself with a Greek. Evidently you admire those barbarians, and I advise you to exile yourself there
Once again, your side has offered zero evidence that I had any complicity in the crime. You seem to forget I was killing barbs (because of your factions inability to do so) while this conspiracy occurred
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Just as the morning sun rises and breakfast is delivered, guards stumble upon the discovery that the great Africanus is missing. It appears he was able to dislodge stones around the toilet and has snuck out through the sewers. The city has entered into lockdown with the town guard quickly shutting down all exits and cavalry units being sent out in all directions to apprehend the man. But with a night;s head start ahead of the liars who wish to kill him, it appears Africanus has escaped into exile.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Just as the morning sun rises and breakfast is delivered, guards stumble upon the discovery that the great Africanus is missing. It appears he was able to dislodge stones around the toilet and has snuck out through the sewers. The city has entered into lockdown with the town guard quickly shutting down all exits and cavalry units being sent out in all directions to apprehend the man. But with a night;s head start ahead of the liars who wish to kill him, it appears Africanus has escaped into exile.
Why would you leave into exile?
The vote is going in your favour..
Geschrieben von Darth., 17.09.2016 at 01:45
Also, I am disgusted that you would even think of associating yourself with a Greek. Evidently you admire those barbarians, and I advise you to exile yourself there
Senator Rex, those words are only of the ignorant and the fool. The Greeks have been the peak of the civilised world for a thousand years, their great conquests being undoubtful proof of their military prowess, and their culture, arts and philosophy shining above all others. Truly, Rome can hardly be called Rome when the Greeks' influence is taken into account, for even our gods were taught to us by them.
Someone Better Than You
Darth. Beiträge: 3783 von: Indien
Geschrieben von Zephyrusu, 17.09.2016 at 04:15
Geschrieben von Darth., 17.09.2016 at 01:45
Also, I am disgusted that you would even think of associating yourself with a Greek. Evidently you admire those barbarians, and I advise you to exile yourself there
Senator Rex, those words are only of the ignorant and the fool. The Greeks have been the peak of the civilised world for a thousand years, their great conquests being undoubtful proof of their military prowess, and their culture, arts and philosophy shining above all others. Truly, Rome can hardly be called Rome when the Greeks' influence is taken into account, for even our gods were taught to us by them.
Actually true Greek influence came over Rome after the conquest of Greece...In this game that was like one turn ago. Roman gods weren't exactly taught by the Greeks, a Greek from Troy fled the battle of Troy, found seven hills, founded the city that would later become Rome.
This doesn't mean they're civilized, just that they know how to flee battles like cowards.
There are a few exceptions like that which occurred at Thermopylae 200 years ago, but nevertheless, my point stands.
P.S: You're supposed to think like a Roman who's been told since birth, that they're better than everyone, not as an unbiased person with full knowledge of the facts given to us by history since there wasn't a very good flow of information back then.
Africanus stumbles into the central square, blood rolling down his cheek with a hand over his stomach where a stab mark still bleeds. As the crowd surrounds himself in shock, city guard units quickly push through to see the man collapse. As more guards are come in and the crowd becomes wilder, Africanus is siezed and forced into a carriage and quicjly driven off back to his cell while the town watch disburses the growing crowd. After he awakes, it is revealed that Africanus had been coereced and kidnapped but managed to escape and is now back waiting for the results of his trial
Or in reality, feo has awoken from a very late night with some activities that may or may not have caused his ability to count rendered useless and revokes what he stated previously........
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Darth. Beiträge: 3783 von: Indien
Wow you can't even escape count properly
Geschrieben von Darth., 17.09.2016 at 09:19
Wow you can't even escape count properly 
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
==Turn 15: Phase 3 has begun==
The dictator has spoken, will begin rolling battles soon.
Darth. Beiträge: 3783 von: Indien
> 'soon'
> 6 hours later, not started
Geschrieben von Darth., 17.09.2016 at 21:05
> 'soon'
> 6 hours later, not started 
Look at rolls page
Now that I have been cleared of the ridiculous crimes brought against me, I hope the Senate and the dictator may consider appointing me as governor of Africa in order to defend the province my valiant soldiers died bringing into the fold of the Republic.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
==Turn 16: Phase 1 has begun==
6 on equite
10 to Rome
37 to faction bank
3 on equite
Raise 3 auxiliaries
roll for personal income in greece
Geschrieben von Jo Mama, 17.09.2016 at 23:57
>adds a card to stop tribune of the plebs as soon as enemy faction gets a tribune of the plebs card 
>Murder of a tribune is a mid-republic card
>I and others already had tribunes
Geschrieben von Jo Mama, 17.09.2016 at 23:57
>adds a card to stop tribune of the plebs as soon as enemy faction gets a tribune of the plebs card 
Passive aggressive calling me a cheater or something? protip: thumbup doesn't make insults any less insulting. It had nothing to do with your getting a card, its just a good counter to tribune spam.
3 on Equite, appoints Valens Phoenicus (Phoenix) as priest
With the revolt crushed it is time we turn our eyes East towards the uncivilized Seleucid. This is no time for petty squabbles band together and restore the Roman Republic to it's glory. With war upon us I urge this republic to appoint me governor of Sicily, I shall succeed where other governors have failed.
6 on equite 7 on games
We also need people to stop dying, down to a measly 12 players
Darth. Beiträge: 3783 von: Indien
Now that I have been cleared of the ridiculous crimes brought against me, I hope the Senate and the dictator may consider appointing me as governor of Africa in order to defend the province my valiant soldiers died bringing into the fold of the Republic.
You dead bruh
Also, Phoenix says he's tired of game and won't join...joins anyways lel
Edit: I like Phoenix's new name: Valens... Seems inspired from Valen from Babylon5
Darth. Beiträge: 3783 von: Indien
3 on equite
I propose a Tier 1 landbill with the first person to reply being my cosponsor
When I retire this turn, I request the Consuls that I be allowed to govern the province of Sicily
Darth. Beiträge: 3783 von: Indien
Geschrieben von Meester, 18.09.2016 at 00:17
3 on Equite, appoints Valens Phoenicus (Phoenix) as priest
With the revolt crushed it is time we turn our eyes East towards the uncivilized Seleucid. This is no time for petty squabbles band together and restore the Roman Republic to it's glory. With war upon us I urge this republic to appoint me governor of Sicily, I shall succeed where other governors have failed. 
Governors actually have no right to deploy armies unless the Roman Legions fail, and fail badly. A province is good for taking a break from the squabbles of the Senate,and that's pretty much it
Geschrieben von Darth., 18.09.2016 at 01:08
3 on equite
I propose a Tier 1 landbill with the first person to reply being my cosponsor
When I retire this turn, I request the Consuls that I be allowed to govern the province of Sicily
Quit it with the land bills, just host some games. Unless there is something I'm missing they just seem like a waste
Not request to be cosponsor
Darth. Beiträge: 3783 von: Indien
Geschrieben von Jo Mama, 18.09.2016 at 00:05
And also if it is a mid-republic card why wasn't it added in at the beginning of the mid-republic? just a thought
It's added anytime during the mid-republic. These wars are a mid-republic cards. You want them all to come at us at the start?
Also a card got freed up since your faction murdered Pyrrhus. He had 3 Tribune vetoes, the Pontifex Maximus veto, and the Consuls veto...and you bastards killed him
Darth. Beiträge: 3783 von: Indien
Geschrieben von MrArmy987, 18.09.2016 at 01:11
Geschrieben von Darth., 18.09.2016 at 01:08
3 on equite
I propose a Tier 1 landbill with the first person to reply being my cosponsor
When I retire this turn, I request the Consuls that I be allowed to govern the province of Sicily
Quit it with the land bills, just host some games. Unless there is something I'm missing they just seem like a waste
Not request to be cosponsor
They lower unrest and a Tier 1 isn't a permanent reduction of talents. A one-time 20 Talent reduction which we can afford after all the war booty. I feel games is unfair since they require you to spend too much for very little gain.
Geschrieben von Darth., 18.09.2016 at 01:10
Governors actually have no right to deploy armies unless the Roman Legions fail, and fail badly. A province is good for taking a break from the squabbles of the Senate,and that's pretty much it
I have no intention to deploy armies, my influence in the senate is essentially nothing right now. What the state needs however is the income from the province. With war nearby income is going to be essential. Sicily is richest province and a steady source of income.