Hole Premium um die Werbung zu unterdrücken
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Verfasst von Kame Sennin Taz, 26.08.2018 - 10:01
Hello everyone !!

Welcome to a whole new kind of tournament !!


AtWar is the spiritual child of the legendary RISK game.


I propose in this tournament to return directly to the source.
An opening per month will be made for this tournament, if all goes well.
A flexible trophy will be the key, but it will not be easy to win,
because for that you will have to win several parts:


1 Win = 250 PC

2 Wins = Bronze Trophy

3 Wins = Silver Trophy

4 Wins = Gold Trophy

Thanks to Dozer for the creation of trophies.


I will be accompanied in this adventure with Apocalypse,
As we will be there too to monitor the smooth running of the first rounds.

We will leave on a classic world map:

Here are the rules:


Turn 48H - Starting fund 50K - 10 countries - 10 players -
Total Annihilation - 0 Ally - No extra City -
Lock Settings - Improvements and Strategy Remove - 75 rounds


- The game can only be done occasionally, because not all participants can be connected at the same time.
I will send you a link of the part in private message.

- All players can participate, all levels are welcome, that's why I remove the improvements and strategies.

- Interdict to go beyond these countries during T1!
You can just wall your cities.
Act as if a wall stands up to your borders

- T2 to T4, participants will be able to attack other countries and neutral cities of the world.

- Interdict to attack a player before the T5 !!!

- Rule to capture neutral countries and cities between 2nd and 4th rounds.
as soon as a capital or city of a neutral country is taken by a player,
prohibition to resume within this period,
but cities still neutral after the capture of the capital, can be taken by other players,
to prevent it completely controlling the country and reinforcements before T5.

- Rewall and SerbWall are forbidden!

- The victory can be done in the end by the number of SP.

- Fictitious peace is allowed, but hey, there will be only one winner at the end.

- Players who do not respect its rules will be banned from this tournament and future games for the next 6 months.
Of course, you will have to provide me with proof of this cheating, a screen will suffice.
That way we can judge the facts.

- If a player cheats during the game and wins, he will not win.
The win will automatically go to the player who finishes second (if he has not cheated ^^) and so on until a winner is designated.
So I hope he will leave, to let other participants play quietly.

- Once the game is open, if there are players who do not enter the game, once I gave them the link of this one before the end of T1 !
without giving me reasons, will be banned for last
for 6 months.

- A week's absence during the selection of countries, without having warned Apocalypse or myself,
exclude you from the game.
A new player, will therefore take the free place.

- You can participate in as many games as you want.

- The selection of countries will take place here in turn. I explain myself hoping that it is quite understandable ^^
I divide the map into 10 parts, in each of its parts you will each choose 1 country in a list and in the predefined order of the players,
especially pay attention to your choices because the management of your finances will be very important.
This choice of countries will be turn-based as I said before, the system will be very simple, the first one that will put a post on the subject saying he wants to participate,
will be given the place 1 for the first choice, the second choice will have the place 10, the third choice the place 9, so until the 10th and last choice.

With Apocalypse we will leave each time with the number 6 place.


Choice A: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 Taz/Apo - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Choice B: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Taz/Apo - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Choice C: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Taz/Apo - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Have you understood?

- You can start choosing your countries, 1 at a time, once the list of 10 participants is known.
I am counting on you to visit regularly, to find out if it is up to you to choose your country or not,
so as not to lose too much time in the selection of countries between each player.

- Be careful, if in your last choices you do not have enough means to select your last countries in the last regions, too bad for you ^^
You will have fewer countries than your opponents.

Now that everything is explained and everyone has understood.
Let the war begin


- Here are the 10 regions of the world with the list of countries
and their values ​​to select:

Region 1 - France 7480 - Germany 7270 - Spain 5770 - United Kingdom 7230 - Italy 5870 - Turkey 5430 - Ukraine 2430 - Central Russia 6330 - Russia North West 3810 - Sweden 3730

Region 2 - Poland 2500 - Greece 2680 - Belarus 1260 - Austria 2070 - Romania 1920 - Serbia 950 - Bulgaria 1230 - South Russia 2630 - Norway 3420 - Finland 2510 - Denmark 1820 - Ireland 1430 - Russia Volga 3340 - Portugal 880 - Belgium 2240 - Hungary 1630 - Czech Republic 1220 - Azerbaijan 1060

Region 3 - Morocco 1570 - Algeria 1430 - Tunisia 990 - Libya 1590 - Nigeria 3420 - DR Congo 2270 - South Africa 5610 - Ethiopia 1360 - Ivory Coast 1370 - Kenya 1440 - Angola 1610 - Zimbabwe 1120 - Sudan 1190

Region 4 - Syria 1950 - Lebanon 870 - Jordan 920 - Iraq 2010 - Iran 4450 - Saudi Arabia 4670 - Kuwait 1640 - UAE 2390 - Yemen 860 - Egypt 2970

Region 5 - Afghanistan 1330 - Pakistan 4120 - Bangladesh 3520 - Burma 2250 - Thailand 4410 - Vietnam 2960 - Cambodia 750 - Uzbekistan 1380 - Russia Far East 2660 - Russia Siberia 3740

Region 6 - Taiwan 3030 - Japan 11170 - South Korea 4980 - North Korea 1080 - North China 7350 - North East China 5630 - North West China 4820 - South West China 5860 - South China 10140 - Southeast China 11130

Region 7 - Indonesia 7130 - Western Australia 1990 - South Australia 1330 - Australia Victoria 2920 - Australia NGS 3440 - Australia Queensland 2590 - New Zealand 2100 - Singapore 1940 - Malaysia 2700 - Philippines 2160

Region 8 - North East 8170 - Atlantic 9780 - Great Lakes 8390 - Canada Quebec 3010 - Canada Ontario 3900 - South 2950 - Midwest 5990 - Texas 6830 - Rockies 5870 - Pacific 10210 - Canda Colombia 3390 - Mexico 6340

Region 9 - Cuba 1600 - Dominican Republic 1220 - Guatemala 1490 - Nicaragua 800 - Panama 1220 - El Salvador 820 - Honduras 460 - Jamaica 500 - Costa Rica 800 - Bahamas 460

Region 10 - Colombia 3470 - Ecuador 1960 - Venezuela 3090 - Peru 2060 - Brazil Amazon 1780 - Brazil South 2760 - Brazil South East 5930 - Brazil North East 3880 - Argentina 2900 - Chile 3610



Historique :

Game 1 : Taz Youlkepoye Winner
Game 2 : Ratwar Winner
Game 3 : Taz Youlkepoye Winner
Game 4 : Taz Youlkepoye Winner
Game 5 : Noir Brillant Winner
Game 6 : Noir Brillant Winner
Game 7 : Apocalypse Winner
Game 8 : Noir Brillant Winner
Game 9 : MesopotamiaWinner


I would like to thank the following people for their support in this adventure: The Tactician - Heat Check - Alexis - Sultan of Swing and Apocalypse
19.11.2018 - 22:52
Looking for an invite to a game.
20.11.2018 - 01:30
I'm interested in joining.
20.11.2018 - 08:21
Geschrieben von redthunder, 20.11.2018 at 01:30

I'm interested in joining.

Ok good, you replace Artsinis.
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !

ゆめ の ちから
22.11.2018 - 16:16
Ok. i pick ne china
23.11.2018 - 20:51
Geschrieben von redthunder, 22.11.2018 at 16:16

Ok. i pick ne china

You need to pick Regions 5-10 also. You're next in line for each one of those.
Embrace the void
26.11.2018 - 08:02
Regio 7 australie ngs
region 8 usa atlantic
region 9 el salvador
region 10 ecuador
26.11.2018 - 16:50
R10 Brazil Amazon 1780
27.11.2018 - 16:52
R8-South 2950
R9-Costa Rica 800
28.11.2018 - 16:32
Region 10 Brazil North East 3880
07.12.2018 - 17:21
I would like be in war after T5....
Please Armand be carrefull
08.12.2018 - 03:06
Geschrieben von armandd, 19.11.2018 at 22:52

Geschrieben von mouchaillon, 07.12.2018 at 17:21

I would like be in war after T5....
Please Armand be carrefull

Geschrieben von armandd, 19.11.2018 at 22:52

I gave him as a penalty, to make no movement on the next turn,
unfortunately he has already made his turn before I warn him,
so we'll see it next round, whether it continues or not.
If it is the case another sanction will be given.
Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !

ゆめ の ちから
08.12.2018 - 07:52
My bad. I forgot that limitation. I will comply. I will not move any units, inside or outside of my countries this turn.
09.12.2018 - 02:43
Game 4 Open on 09/12 :


List Players, the selection of their countries and their remaining funds.

1 - mouchaillon : R1 Central Russia 6330 / R2 South Russia 2630 / R3 Tunisia 990 / R4 Kuwait 1640 / R5 Bangladesh 3520 / R6 South West China 5860 / R7 Western Australia 1990 / R8 Mexico 6340 / R9 Costa Rica 800 / R10 Venezuela 3090 = 23 150K

2 - Vasp : R1 Turkey 5430 / R2 Greece 2680 / R3 Ivory Coast 1370 / R4 UAE 2390 / R5 Russia Far East 2660 / R6 North West China 4820 / R7 Australia NGS 3440 / R8 Pacific 10210 / R9 Guatemala 1490 / R10 Brazil Amazon 1780 = 13 730K

3 - hulkie700 : R1 Russia North West 3810 / R2 Azerbaijan 1060 / R3 South Africa 5610 / R4 Lebanon 870 / R5 Cambodia 750 / R6 South Korea 4980 / R7 Australia Queensland 2590 / R8 Great Lakes 8390 / R9 Dominican Republic 1220 / R10 Brazil South East 5930 = 14 790K

4 - Apocalypse : R1 United Kingdom 7230 / R2 Serbia 950 / R3 Kenya 1440 / R4 Iran 4450 R5 Uzbekistan 1380 / R6 North Korea 1080 / R7 South Australia 1330 / R8 Canada Ontario 3900 / R9 Honduras 460 / R10 Brazil North East 3880 = 23 900K

5 - LordCox : R1 Italy 5870 / R2 Russia Volga 3340 / R3 Sudan 1190 / R4 Egypt 2970 / R5 Pakistan 4120 / R6 Taiwan 3030 / R7 Malaysia 2700 / R8 Midwest 5990 / R9 Jamaica 500 / R10 Peru 2060 = 18 230K

6 - Hannibal Smith : R1 Ukraine 2430 / R2 Austria 2070 / R3 Nigeria 3420 / R4 Yemen 860 / R5 Vietnam 2960 / R6 Japan 11170 R7 Singapore 1940 / R8 Canada Quebec 3010 / R9 Bahamas 460 / R10 Ecuador 1960 = 19 720K

7 - Taz Youlkepoye : R1 Spain 5770 / R2 Portugal 880 / R3 Morocco 1570 / R4 Saudi Arabia 4670 / R5 Russia Siberia 3740 / R6 North China 7350 / R7 New Zealand 2100 / R8 Rockies 5870 / R9 Nicaragua 800 / R10 Colombia 3470 = 13 780K

8 - RatWar : R1 Germany 7270 / R2 Poland 2500 / R3 Algeria 1430 / R4 Syria 1950 / R5 Thailand 4410 / R6 Southeast China 11130 / R7 Indonesia 7130 / R8 North East 8170 / R9 El Salvador 820 / R10 Chile 3610 = 1 580K

9 - Noir Brillant : R1 France 7480 / R2 Norway 3420 / R3 Libya 1590 / R4 Iraq 2010 / R5 Burma 2250 / R6 South China 10140 / R7 Philippines 2160 / R8 Atlantic 9780 / R9 Cuba 1600 / R10 Brazil South 2070 = 4 500K

10 - armandd : R1 Sweden 3730 / R2 Finland 2510 / R3 Ethiopia 1360 / R4 Jordan 920 / R5 Afghanistan 1330 / R6 North East China 5630 / R7 Australia Victoria 2920 / R8 Texas 6830 / R9 Panama 1220 / R10 Argentina 2900 = 20 650K

Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !

ゆめ の ちから
09.12.2018 - 04:36
I'm in

Region 1 Central Russia 6330
Region 2 South Russia 2630
Region 3 Tunisia 990
Region 4 Kuwait 1640
Region 5 Bangladesh 3520
Region 6 South West China 5860
Region 7 - Western Australia 1990
Region 8 - Mexico 6340
Region 9 - Costa rica 800
Region 10 - Venezuela 3090
09.12.2018 - 05:16
I am in

Region 1 : Turkey 5430
region 2 : Greece 2680
region 3 : Ivory Coast 1370
region 4 : UAE 2390
region 5 : Russia Far East 2660
region 6 : North West China 4820
region 7 : Australia NGS 3440
region 8 : Pacific 10210
region 9 : Guatemala 1490
region 10 :Brazil Amazon 1780
09.12.2018 - 05:34
09.12.2018 - 08:24
I am in.
09.12.2018 - 13:06
Region 1 : Ukraine 2430
region 2 : Austria 2070
region 3 : Nigeria 3420
region 4 : Yemen 860
region 5 :Vietnam 2960
region 6 : Japan 11170
region 7 : Singapore 1940
region 8 : Canada Quebec 3010
region 9 : Bahamas 460
region 10 : Ecuador 1960
09.12.2018 - 15:57
Im in
09.12.2018 - 16:01
Are there cash prizes for this? :)
09.12.2018 - 17:56
Region 1 (8th): Germany
Region 2 (7th): Poland
Region 3 (6th): Algeria
Region 4 (5th): Syria
Region 5 (4th): Thailand
Region 6 (3rd): Southeast China
Region 7 (2nd): Indonesia
Region 8 (1st): North East
Region 9 (10th): El Salvador
Region 10 (9th): Chile
Embrace the void
09.12.2018 - 19:39
Geschrieben von redthunder, 09.12.2018 at 16:01

Are there cash prizes for this? :)

Depend what you mean by "cash" ^^
If you win one game you will earn 500 PC!
10.12.2018 - 07:52
Geschrieben von redthunder, 09.12.2018 at 16:01

Are there cash prizes for this? :)

I'm sure they can find a few lonely Francs sitting in their drawers...
11.12.2018 - 14:51
I'm In

Region 10 (1st): Argentina
12.12.2018 - 12:59
REGION 3 I PICK south africa 5610
12.12.2018 - 13:02
Region 2 2nd i pick azarbedjan 1060
12.12.2018 - 13:03
Region 1 3th i pick turkey 5430
12.12.2018 - 17:01
Region 5 Pakistan 4120
12.12.2018 - 20:43
New zealand region 7
12.12.2018 - 22:02
Region 1 : United Kingdom 7230
region 2 : Serbia 950
region 3 : Kenya 1440
region 4 : Iran 4410
region 5 : Uzbekistan 1380
region 6 : North Korea 1080
region 7 : South Australia 1330
region 8 : Canada Ontario 3900
region 9 : Honduras 460
region 10 : Brazil North East 3880

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