Geschrieben von 4Chan, 20.01.2014 at 19:17
What if seamines?
Yeah, sea mines. Stealth units in the water. They would function like a broken missile. It would take transport ships to place them in the sea.
Already implemented in some maps/scenarios (Lunar Colonization, some WWII versions, etc.).
Oh cool. I'm assuming they would be a naval unit with no range, but is transportable?
Exactly. Naval, 0 range, transportable and stealth. Just as you detailed it.
Geschrieben von 4Chan, 20.01.2014 at 19:17
What if seamines?
Yeah, sea mines. Stealth units in the water. They would function like a broken missile. It would take transport ships to place them in the sea.
Already implemented in some maps/scenarios (Lunar Colonization, some WWII versions, etc.).
Oh cool. I'm assuming they would be a naval unit with no range, but is transportable?
Exactly. Naval, 0 range, transportable and stealth. Just as you detailed it.
Sweet. I'll probably do some map editing today
[  img]http://atwar-game.com/user/463574/signature.png [/img]
Geschrieben von qusack, 30.12.2010 at 02:11
Anti-air would be real nice. Something is needed to battle the instant air rush. Don't know what. But disabling air the first 1-2 turns would make the instant air rush a bit more difficult. Maybe just allow one load or unload per turn for transports.
There already is anti aircraft. It's an upgrade
[  img]http://atwar-game.com/user/463574/signature.png [/img]
Geschrieben von qusack, 30.12.2010 at 02:11
Anti-air would be real nice. Something is needed to battle the instant air rush. Don't know what. But disabling air the first 1-2 turns would make the instant air rush a bit more difficult. Maybe just allow one load or unload per turn for transports.
There already is anti aircraft. It's an upgrade
Just have a look at the date from the original post (30.12.2010). Back then there were no AA.
Geschrieben von qusack, 30.12.2010 at 02:11
Anti-air would be real nice. Something is needed to battle the instant air rush. Don't know what. But disabling air the first 1-2 turns would make the instant air rush a bit more difficult. Maybe just allow one load or unload per turn for transports.
There already is anti aircraft. It's an upgrade
Just have a look at the date from the original post (30.12.2010). Back then there were no AA. 
Oh. Didn't know that. I only started 2 months ago
[  img]http://atwar-game.com/user/463574/signature.png [/img]
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Un-sticked and locked!