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08.10.2016 - 23:34
 atWar_Official (Admin)
SP Multiplier

We often receive complaint about certain maps being unfairly treated by having their SP multiplier lowered, I can personally guarantee you that SP multiplier are not set willy nilly. In this section I will talk you through the process of setting an SP multiplier, with some popular examples.

SP multiplier are always to force the average SP per player of a map to more closely represent the default map. The default map is chosen as a reference because it is the most played map and is the standard model for reinforcement to city ratio.

Above you can see some statistics about the default map from the month of September 2016. A few things to remember when a SP multiplier is set is that the map in question must have a reasonable sample size, and must exceed the average SP per player of the default map by at least 120%.

Above you can see a map that qualifies to have a SP multiplier. A suitable SP multiplier is calculated by rounding down the percentage ratio of the average SP per player of the map to the average SP per player of the default map.

Above you can see two examples of maps with SP multipliers. Clearly(unless you are blind) both maps more closely represent the default map in terms of average SP per player.
08.10.2016 - 23:37

Geschrieben von clovis1122, 13.10.2016 at 09:57

IMO using the average SP per turn is a better indicator. With this you're missing the actual game duration which could influence in the average SP per player but not in the average SP per turn.

In your example Europe atWar have higher average SP per player, yet lower average SP per turn than the default map. Couldn't it be, because a match of Europe atWar lasts more than one of the default map?

Valid concern, however from what we have noticed, SP per turn tends to not be a good indicator due to a number of key reasons, the presence of stealth units in a game, the distance between cities, and income. Distance between cities and city reinforcement rate tend to be the main reason most maps have low SP per turn but high SP per player.

Moderator do have access to game logs though and we do cross check to see the mean time of a certain map. Most maps tend to however around 4 minute mark though so unless we did miss something most complaints are normally outliers.
09.10.2016 - 16:03
09.10.2016 - 23:30
Geschrieben von Need Mental Help, 09.10.2016 at 16:03

I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward

11.10.2016 - 16:19
Geschrieben von Mr Tyler, 09.10.2016 at 23:30

Geschrieben von Need Mental Help, 09.10.2016 at 16:03

Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
13.10.2016 - 09:50
Great info there.

But I once again I believe that this system is broken, very broken.

Geschrieben von clovis1122, 19.06.2016 at 13:22

Geschrieben von Meester, 18.06.2016 at 21:59

average SP per player

Do you guys also include the turn duration in the calcs?

Endsieg for example, drops between 2k-6k SP in 30 turns (assuming your team die and you killed everybody else), but the dimension of the map are so big that you require 6 minutes per turn. At turn 30 you've already played for three hours but mods reduced the SP earned to 50% of the map...
13.10.2016 - 09:57

Above you can see some statistics about the default map from the month of September 2016. A few things to remember when a SP multiplier is set is that the map in question must have a reasonable sample size, and must exceed the average SP per player of the default map by at least 120%.

IMO using the average SP per turn is a better indicator. With this you're missing the actual game duration which could influence in the average SP per player but not in the average SP per turn.

In your example Europe atWar have higher average SP per player, yet lower average SP per turn than the default map. Couldn't it be, because a match of Europe atWar lasts more than one of the default map?
13.10.2016 - 21:05
Strong nerf to sp multiplier.anything above world map in sp per turn reduce those sp map by 25%
15.10.2016 - 15:43
Geschrieben von Nero, 11.10.2016 at 16:19

Geschrieben von Mr Tyler, 09.10.2016 at 23:30

Geschrieben von Need Mental Help, 09.10.2016 at 16:03

16.10.2016 - 09:06
Geschrieben von clovis1122, 13.10.2016 at 09:57

IMO using the average SP per turn is a better indicator. With this you're missing the actual game duration which could influence in the average SP per player but not in the average SP per turn.

In your example Europe atWar have higher average SP per player, yet lower average SP per turn than the default map. Couldn't it be, because a match of Europe atWar lasts more than one of the default map?

Valid concern, however from what we have noticed, SP per turn tends to not be a good indicator due to a number of key reasons, the presence of stealth units in a game, the distance between cities, and income. Distance between cities and city reinforcement rate tend to be the main reason most maps have low SP per turn but high SP per player.

Moderator do have access to game logs though and we do cross check to see the mean time of a certain map. Most maps tend to however around 4 minute mark though so unless we did miss something most complaints are normally outliers.
16.10.2016 - 10:53
Geschrieben von Meester, 16.10.2016 at 09:06

Valid concern, however from what we have noticed, SP per turn tends to not be a good indicator due to a number of key reasons, the presence of stealth units in a game, the distance between cities, and income. Distance between cities and city reinforcement rate tend to be the main reason most maps have low SP per turn but high SP per player.

To my understanding the mean it's an indicator of all the data, so the SP distribution between turns per player shouldn't matter much. If you were to get low SP in some turns and high SP in other turns, the average should reflect that. Say you get 0 SP for 4 turns, then 150 SP in the 5th turn your average would'be 30 SP per turn (150 / 5).

Low SP per turn but high SP per player only makes sense when the turn duration is long enough, imo...
16.10.2016 - 12:34
Geschrieben von clovis1122, 16.10.2016 at 10:53

Geschrieben von Meester, 16.10.2016 at 09:06

Valid concern, however from what we have noticed, SP per turn tends to not be a good indicator due to a number of key reasons, the presence of stealth units in a game, the distance between cities, and income. Distance between cities and city reinforcement rate tend to be the main reason most maps have low SP per turn but high SP per player.

To my understanding the mean it's an indicator of all the data, so the SP distribution between turns per player shouldn't matter much. If you were to get low SP in some turns and high SP in other turns, the average should reflect that. Say you get 0 SP for 4 turns, then 150 SP in the 5th turn your average would'be 30 SP per turn (150 / 5).

Low SP per turn but high SP per player only makes sense when the turn duration is long enough, imo...

You get more sp if longer turn, because you work your butt off more. You work harder with longer duration time.
30.10.2016 - 02:23
BTW, lets say sp multiplier is at 75%, because of nerf the first time.
does map get additional sp nerf if it surpass the default world map world map average sp, again? like to 50% for failing the test again.
30.10.2016 - 21:50
Geschrieben von Htin, 30.10.2016 at 02:23

BTW, lets say sp multiplier is at 75%, because of nerf the first time.
does map get additional sp nerf if it surpass the default world map world map average sp, again? like to 50% for failing the test again.

31.10.2016 - 15:27
Geschrieben von Meester, 30.10.2016 at 21:50

Geschrieben von Htin, 30.10.2016 at 02:23

BTW, lets say sp multiplier is at 75%, because of nerf the first time.
does map get additional sp nerf if it surpass the default world map world map average sp, again? like to 50% for failing the test again.


I don't think map should keep decreasing the sp multiplier another time for going above the world map sp multiplier. This would make people leave at-war. I notice it happen in some map
09.05.2017 - 06:45
Can the game of thrones maps Sp be increased from its already reduced rate?
~ King Jon Snow
"First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm and True heir to the Iron Throne"
15.05.2017 - 22:20
Geschrieben von Jon Snow, 09.05.2017 at 06:45

Can the game of thrones maps Sp be increased from its already reduced rate?

We rate all maps on how close the sp correlates with the world map, and currently the sp is set correctly. Sorry.
15.05.2018 - 13:05
I dont know.....why??
23.09.2018 - 05:31
Then why endsieg isnt fixed? 3k sp a game for each player (aka 12k for the winning team)

>playing atwar:

Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed

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