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13.11.2020 - 12:19
New Game Starting Now

World at War XX Release.2


1. Game Upgrades and Enhancements:

Here are the main upgrades and enhancements for this release:

• The USSR can now build M4 Sherman tanks in the USSR Arctic
• All countries can now build Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA)
• Players can now have 3 allies.

2. Pax Romanus XVI Startup Funds Poll:

Get in on the latest Pax Romanus XVI Startup Funds Poll. Should you start the game with 50k, 25k or 10k? Right now the polls are as tight as a US Presidential election. Make sure your vote counts:


3. Known Bugs:

If you run into an error or inconsistency in the game, please send me a message specifying the error. In the good news category, the known error which restricted naval and ground movement in and around Malaysa has been fixed. You will find a noticeable improvement in game play. Thanks to Eridans for raising this as an error and to Dave for fixing it.

4. Turn One (1) Protocol:

Please do not move units outside of your home country on turn one (1). Player's who move units outside of their home country on turn one (1) will be required to either forfeit a turn or the game. Repeat violations will result in the player not being invited to future games.

Good luck to all...

Commodus, World at War Game Admin

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