Geschrieben von nonames, 24.08.2012 at 16:10
Ok i'll start of by judging jamaican me crazy.
poor pun for a name cln
crappy ranks that are not humorous at all
quote page copied from srb
i give you a -1/10
good day
*inb4 u haven't become a judge
*inb4 I used to be Srb so this cln is somewhat of an extention of it
*inb4 rank names weren't meant to be funny
*inb4 was VAGlNEER made pun so if u hate it say that to his face
*inb4 u realize that post was clearly made from your fucked up forever alone life and u are pissed cos no life so u try trolling
*inb4 ur trollling is FSM tier making u look like a 3 year old fuck tard