Ever thought of a small idea that you forget later on because you think you can live without it? This is what this topic is about!
Most of these tweaks are for aesthetics, except for the one about selecting one unit.
- Keep the Chat
When changing from menu to menu (Ex 1, entering game option screen from lobby. Ex 2, exiting game and going to lobby) the chat disappears. Let's keep it there!
- Start and Exit at the Same Time
When going from the Lobby to new game Option Screen, the 'Exit' button appears before the 'Start Game' button. Is it possible to make it appear together?
- Transitions
Fading transitions from menu to menu (ex. add a transition from the 'Victory/Loss' screen to Lobby)
- Hovering Over Games in Lobby
When you hover your cursor over the bottom thumbnail--at the bottom, where the name of the game, map, and player count is shown--it pops up, revealing more details about the game. What about making it so that if you hover your mouse on the thumbnail (anywhere on the thumbnail, not just the black part on the bottom), the details list will also pop up?
- Available SP and SP until next rank
When hovering your mouse over the top--the bar showing how much SP you need until the next rank--a popup appears, telling you how much available SP and SP to rank #--when you hover your mouse over the Total SP, this doesn't appear (instead, only available SP). Why not make it show available SP and SP to next rank?
- Reordering Strategies
Reorder strategies in order of most recently used--possible (who am I kidding...practical is would be a better word)?
- One Unit At a Time
Tired of dragging out one unit (or clicking on 'None' then on the right hand side number once) all the time? Why not a function that automatically drags out one unit at at a time? Might have to work out how this will work though. Perhaps in preference of Ground Secondary Defense, Ground Main Defense, etc?
- In Game Notifications
In game notification system for when your coalition has a CW with another clan. Maybe a invite system would be good too (where you can invite people into games. would work well on private games; better than distributing a password around, and more secure too (depends on what you think is secure though)!)
- Auto Scroll
In the in game chat, whenever someone says something the chat automatically scrolls down to the latest message. This is helpful at times, but other times when you're trying to copy a message, the game keeps scrolling down, making it impossible to copy the message. Is it possible to make it auto-scroll at some times, like when you're not copying to copy a message, and automatically turn off auto-scroll at other times? Also, I find the scroll bars a big buggy (jumps once in awhile--Safari 6.0.5, Mac OSX Lion, Silverlight 5.1.20513.0)
That's all I got. Post what you think needs to be added!
The bitterest truth is sometimes better than the sweetest lie - Griffin, MIB III