I'm pleased to announce a new strategy called "Counter-Insurgency" is now available for a limited time!

Counter-Insurgency turns air support units (i.e. sentries) into, essentially, predator drones. The strategy also gives you extra protection against Insurrection. Here's a breakdown of exactly what Counter-Insurgency gives you:

All units get:
+2 defense against militia, marines, submarines, stealth planes, sentries
-1 defense against tanks, destroyers, bombers, infantry
+1 view range

Sentry Planes get:
+4 attack (making a total attack of 5)
+5 critical chance
+20 view range
-230 cost

Infantry gets:
-10 cost

Militia gets:
-1 range

Marines, Submarines, Stealth get:
-1 attack
+20 cost
-1 defense when attacked by sentries

To get the most out of Counter-Insurgency, you need to have the Air Support upgrade.

Counter-Insurgency will be available for 1 month, until March 18, 2019. So give it a try!

EDIT: extending CI for 1 more week until March 25, 2019.

Since Insurrection will remain available until March 6, this gives you 2 weeks to try Insurrection vs. Counter-Insurgency, if you want to.

A reminder to scenario players -- if you are concerned about strategies effecting the balance of your scenario, don't forget there is a "disable strategies" option you can use when starting a new game.

As always, please post your feedback about Counter-Insurgency and any if needed adjustments can be made along the way.



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Kommentare: 78   Besucht von: 1150 users
22.02.2019 - 13:07
Geschrieben von Black Vortex, 21.02.2019 at 22:19

Geschrieben von AndrejUuU, 21.02.2019 at 12:59

Geschrieben von Waffel, 19.02.2019 at 07:38

we've seen 2 new strats in less than 2 months, while we haven't seen a new strat for years now.

That is a nice way to trick to community into thinking you are doing something creative while doing nothing creative at all

stop being such a tightass seriously, I peronsally do not like these new strats but players like you cannot be satisfied with anything. >have admins that do nothing >proceeds to bitch and complain >has admin that makes TEMPORARY update just to see how players feel about it >gonna bitch and complain
Honestly, people are getting way more overzealous over these new strats that are temporary than they did when Ivan and amok changed the already existing strats like IF, RA, etc permanently.

Why break the game with an unstable untested strategy when you dont have to? how about dave does something productive and actually polish the htlm5 editor rather then do useless strategies to satisfy the small-minded atwar community
22.02.2019 - 13:09
Geschrieben von AndrejUuU, 22.02.2019 at 13:07

Geschrieben von Black Vortex, 21.02.2019 at 22:19

Geschrieben von AndrejUuU, 21.02.2019 at 12:59

Geschrieben von Waffel, 19.02.2019 at 07:38

we've seen 2 new strats in less than 2 months, while we haven't seen a new strat for years now.

That is a nice way to trick to community into thinking you are doing something creative while doing nothing creative at all

stop being such a tightass seriously, I peronsally do not like these new strats but players like you cannot be satisfied with anything. >have admins that do nothing >proceeds to bitch and complain >has admin that makes TEMPORARY update just to see how players feel about it >gonna bitch and complain
Honestly, people are getting way more overzealous over these new strats that are temporary than they did when Ivan and amok changed the already existing strats like IF, RA, etc permanently.

Why break the game with an unstable untested strategy when you dont have to? how about dave does something productive and actually polish the htlm5 editor rather then do useless strategies to satisfy the small-minded atwar community

That's Clovis' job.
22.02.2019 - 19:39
Geschrieben von AndrejUuU, 22.02.2019 at 13:07

Geschrieben von Black Vortex, 21.02.2019 at 22:19

Geschrieben von AndrejUuU, 21.02.2019 at 12:59

Geschrieben von Waffel, 19.02.2019 at 07:38

we've seen 2 new strats in less than 2 months, while we haven't seen a new strat for years now.

That is a nice way to trick to community into thinking you are doing something creative while doing nothing creative at all

stop being such a tightass seriously, I peronsally do not like these new strats but players like you cannot be satisfied with anything. >have admins that do nothing >proceeds to bitch and complain >has admin that makes TEMPORARY update just to see how players feel about it >gonna bitch and complain
Honestly, people are getting way more overzealous over these new strats that are temporary than they did when Ivan and amok changed the already existing strats like IF, RA, etc permanently.

Why break the game with an unstable untested strategy when you dont have to? how about dave does something productive and actually polish the htlm5 editor rather then do useless strategies to satisfy the small-minded atwar community

How is it gamebreaking in any way? lol
First of all insurrection is only OP in low income maps, which isn't every existing map, therefore it cant possibly be gamebreaking if it doesn't apply to the entirety of the game.
Second, counter insurgency only works against strats like insurrection, and that's implying you know for sure that your opponent will use that strat, otherwise it'll be pointless. And Plus counter insurgency can only apply to few maps like world map, not many custom maps and scenarios utilize support units.
Neither of them are gamebreaking, they add more dynamic gameplay to gameplay which gets stale upon constant repetition, which is not a bad thing. Plus both are temporary, so they're in no way bad updates, just because you don't like them doesn't mean they're "gamebreaking". And plus that's implying Dave is a coder which you don't know if that's what he does. You arguments are very weak and hold no weight to them
23.02.2019 - 17:58
Geschrieben von JF., 18.02.2019 at 20:23


useless strat.

Just tested it. It is essentialy blitz vs anything but gw and ins, with the -1 defence to tanks, destroyers, bombers, infantry.

You have to be certain your opponents will be using ins or gw to use it, which is hard.

120 cost for 5 attack units, gl expanding...

It's not even a massive counter to Insurgency, with its high cost and low attack.

overall 0/10.

STFO Freders, you and the toxic "competitive" players now are as cancerous like the RP ones. All in the life change, so evolve, or die.
23.02.2019 - 18:48
Geschrieben von Weisser Wolf, 23.02.2019 at 17:58

STFO Freders, you and the toxic "competitive" players now are as cancerous like the RP ones. All in the life change, so evolve, or die.

Take your pills, kid

Geschrieben von Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
23.02.2019 - 22:43
Geschrieben von AndrejUuU, 22.02.2019 at 13:07

Why break the game with an unstable untested strategy when you dont have to? how about dave does something productive and actually polish the htlm5 editor rather then do useless strategies to satisfy the small-minded atwar community

you'd rather the strategy not be implemented? why?

24.02.2019 - 01:49
I honestly wonder if the community would be okay with just letting Dave revamp all the strategies from scratch. It's extremely difficult to manage the strategies whether it's to tweak or add new ones when there are so many players who are sentimental over what their favourite strategy inherently should look like.
24.02.2019 - 08:02
Both new strategies are interesting , we need somthing new . Good job !:thumbup:

Fears are strong
24.02.2019 - 08:14
Next we need a strategy called "Assimilation". You successfully kill an enemy stack and you acquire that stack as part of your own army.

Inspiration: The white walkers.

It's new, its interesting, therefore we should add it right?
24.02.2019 - 10:12
Poor don.. getting roasted when hes totally innocent

Geschrieben von Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
24.02.2019 - 10:51
Geschrieben von Permamuted, 24.02.2019 at 08:14

Next we need a strategy called "Assimilation". You successfully kill an enemy stack and you acquire that stack as part of your own army.

Inspiration: The white walkers.

It's new, its interesting, therefore we should add it right?

How about a strategy where we salt the potato
24.02.2019 - 10:56
No no I'm serious. We can call it "ass" for an abbreviation.

-10 cost to all units but -2 attack to helis because helis bad!! And I'm not just talking about helicopters. That'll be balanced.
25.02.2019 - 04:38
 Dave (Admin)
Heads up, I applied a small buff to Counter Insurgency. Sentries are now 6 att (instead of 5). Let's see how it goes...
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

26.02.2019 - 02:03
Both the newly added strats need to go. Period.
26.02.2019 - 02:09
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
Geschrieben von minusSeven, 26.02.2019 at 02:03

Both the newly added strats need to go. Period.

Who would have thought that people get so upset over some new content. Players like you need to go. Period.
26.02.2019 - 06:01
So one strat includes 4def militia,so in order to defend anything u need to spam 60cost 2att infatry,is useless in late game and in anything else rather than EU ukr, while other strat is usable again only as I don't even know what.It literally has no point in existing rather than wds obsession with gw.6att 4def units with 130cost.Sounds cool.
16.03.2019 - 02:04
 Dave (Admin)
Counter Insurgency has just been buffed a little. Removed the -1 defense debuff against tanks, bombers, destroys, infantry... but changed the +2 def against stealth units to only +1.

Extending the strategy 1 more week until 3/25, so we have a little more time to test and get feedback.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

16.03.2019 - 03:49
7 atk 3 def sentry plzplzpzlpzlzplzplzpzlpzlzplzpl
16.03.2019 - 14:07
Geschrieben von Permamuted, 24.02.2019 at 08:14

Next we need a strategy called "Assimilation". You successfully kill an enemy stack and you acquire that stack as part of your own army.

Inspiration: The white walkers.

It's new, its interesting, therefore we should add it right?

Could be a good Strategy in a zombie game.
19.03.2019 - 22:06
With the last buff the strat is really good, i like it!
19.03.2019 - 23:03
Geschrieben von Apocalypse, 19.03.2019 at 22:06

With the last buff the strat is really good, i like it!

still sux cuz mil range and weak sentry
19.03.2019 - 23:05
Geschrieben von boywind2, 19.03.2019 at 23:03

Geschrieben von Apocalypse, 19.03.2019 at 22:06

With the last buff the strat is really good, i like it!

still sux cuz mil range and weak sentry

Nah u just bad, boi
19.03.2019 - 23:14
Geschrieben von Garde, 19.03.2019 at 23:05

Geschrieben von boywind2, 19.03.2019 at 23:03

Geschrieben von Apocalypse, 19.03.2019 at 22:06

With the last buff the strat is really good, i like it!

still sux cuz mil range and weak sentry

Nah u just bad, boi

no it literally sucks cuz sentry is useless for attacking or def vs normal units. plus this is not even good west cuz with germ u cant expand through balkans using militia cuz shit range. uk is the only decent country for this strat because you can at least rush czech with this. but even with uk u cant move madrid militia to take cities or paris mil to protect benelux or stack london so i give this strat 6/10. with ukr it just feels like im playing none with a inf cost buff and mil nerf.

just buff sentry or remove milita range nerf so i can at least play this like a knockoff lb uk
19.03.2019 - 23:20
Geschrieben von boywind2, 19.03.2019 at 23:14

no it literally sucks cuz sentry is useless for attacking or def vs normal units. plus this is not even good west cuz with germ u cant expand through balkans using militia cuz shit range. uk is the only decent country for this strat because you can at least rush czech with this. but even with uk u cant move madrid militia to take cities or paris mil to protect benelux or stack london so i give this strat 6/10. with ukr it just feels like im playing none with a inf cost buff and mil nerf.

just buff sentry or remove milita range nerf so i can at least play this like a knockoff lb uk

Geschrieben von Garde, 19.03.2019 at 23:05

Nah u just bad, boi
19.03.2019 - 23:21
Geschrieben von Garde, 19.03.2019 at 23:20

Geschrieben von boywind2, 19.03.2019 at 23:14

no it literally sucks cuz sentry is useless for attacking or def vs normal units. plus this is not even good west cuz with germ u cant expand through balkans using militia cuz shit range. uk is the only decent country for this strat because you can at least rush czech with this. but even with uk u cant move madrid militia to take cities or paris mil to protect benelux or stack london so i give this strat 6/10. with ukr it just feels like im playing none with a inf cost buff and mil nerf.

just buff sentry or remove milita range nerf so i can at least play this like a knockoff lb uk

Geschrieben von Garde, 19.03.2019 at 23:05

Nah u just bad, boi

the truth hurts
20.03.2019 - 00:44
 Dave (Admin)
Geschrieben von boywind2, 19.03.2019 at 23:14

just buff sentry or remove milita range nerf so i can at least play this like a knockoff lb uk

When's the last time you played it? Cuz I did remove the militia range nerf...
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

20.03.2019 - 01:10
Geschrieben von Dave, 20.03.2019 at 00:44

Geschrieben von boywind2, 19.03.2019 at 23:14

just buff sentry or remove milita range nerf so i can at least play this like a knockoff lb uk

When's the last time you played it? Cuz I did remove the militia range nerf...

oh, i played it yesterday. i see the range has changed. i like it!
20.03.2019 - 04:36
Geschrieben von boywind2, 20.03.2019 at 01:10

Geschrieben von Dave, 20.03.2019 at 00:44

Geschrieben von boywind2, 19.03.2019 at 23:14

just buff sentry or remove milita range nerf so i can at least play this like a knockoff lb uk

When's the last time you played it? Cuz I did remove the militia range nerf...

oh, i played it yesterday. i see the range has changed. i like it!

Soywind ...
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