It's been suggested I should do an AMA, like Amok & Ivan used to do. I thought "sure, why not", so here we are!
As the title says, feel free to ask anything, including (or especially) non-game related stuff.
Ready.... go!
30.01.2020 - 17:10
30.01.2020 - 17:15
That must be a reference to something, but I don't know what it is. So I'll just go with one of my favorite lines from Family Guy:
30.01.2020 - 17:16
30.01.2020 - 19:26
That's tough, it's hard to pick just one favorite. If I had to pick one, probably I would say... Blazing Saddles. (But really if I could pick all of Mel Brooks' movies I would... Young Frankenstein, Robin Hood Men in Tights, High Anxiety... each one is a classic) Close runners up would include... Patton, Casablanca, and Star Trek's II & VI (Wrath of Kahn and Undiscovered Country, respectively... hard to decide which is better).
Right now I'd say Steel Diver: Sub Wars (Nintendo 3DS). I'm addicted to it. If you ever play it, go to the Worldwide Random room and keep an eye out for me... my name there is Kapitän. (the LV99 one.... any lower ranked Kapitän is an imposter.)
Great question. No, I don't consider myself successful yet, because I still haven't achieved where I want to be in life. If I died right now I wouldn't be content at all. But maybe that's just my personality... I don't think I've ever been content with my life, to be honest. Don't get me wrong, there are many things I've accomplished and that I'm grateful for. For example, I'm grateful to have found the most amazing woman in the world... and married her. ![]() I'm grateful to (finally) own a business that makes a reliable income... enough money to pay my bills each month. I mean literally I could quit my job tomorrow, sit on the couch doing nothing, and as long as I still owned my business I wouldn't ever have to worry about paying my bills. Considering that when I first met my wife (some years ago) I was completely broke and living on a couch in the back of a computer shop (true story), I've come a long way. I'm grateful that I'm able to get jobs as a programmer, which allow me to work remotely and make decent "fun money"... which I then spend on travel or occasionally buying up random business ventures like atWar. ![]() However the things I'm not content with are... my own business is not yet as successful as I want it to be. I wish my business made surplus piles of cash so I didn't need to work a 2nd job to have "fun money". There are other business ventures I would buy in a heartbeat, if only I had the cash sitting around. I'm not content that I still live in California. I fucking hate it here. I'd like to have kids someday. I'd like to run for office, and do something that makes a positive difference in people's lives. So I dunno, if/when I accomplish all those things maybe I'll finally feel successful... or maybe by then I'll just have a whole new set of things I want to accomplish next. Who knows.
Activision. Because Activision are the ones who bought out Infocom, who in turn made the original Zork games. Even though I (sadly) haven't played them in a while, the Zork series are probably my all time favorite. So I would love to own the rights to them. ![]()
I guess I should say Mexican food because that's what I eat the most of. But I love a lot of different kinds of food, so it's hard to pick a favorite.
Not that I know of. I have one of my team watching the atwar email inbox for me now, but I don't know if she's ever made an account or played the game. The others haven't said anything about atwar so I'm assuming no.
"So, do you come here often?" (I never used pickup lines...)
Sure ![]() Here is the actual "list"... it's pretty long so I'll just show you the top of it: (I blacked out a few things I need to keep confidential and/or to be surprises for later:) ![]() So when I say something is "on the list", this is where it goes.
I think it's a few things (not necessarily in this order): 1) lack of a mobile version 2) the tutorial isn't effective (i.e. the percentage of new players who make it past the tutorial is way too low) 3) a community that hasn't been very noob friendly (by that I mean rankism, toxic behavior, and hackers who cheat and ruin games for everyone; although these things are slowly improving) 4) and about a billion other things that need doing around here ![]()
Love you too #nohomo
30.01.2020 - 19:37
Yes, but it cleared up after I deleted SP Police ![]() ![]() ![]()
31.01.2020 - 15:25
Forgot to ask, what language is atwar coded in? I vaguely remember clovis mentioning it was a whole mish-mash.
31.01.2020 - 16:49
Right now it's a mish-mash, but most of it is in C#. The website itself (i.e. the forums) is PHP 5/JS/MySQL, the backend of the game is all C#, and the frontend of the game is C# code compiled into JavaScript using Saltarelle. ![]() One of my goals is to remove the C#-Saltarelle step completely so we can work directly in JS, at least for the frontend. I hate having to manually recompile everything from C# to JS every single time I make the slightest change... it wastes so much time. Someday I'll rewrite the entire backend for similar reasons... every time I make even slight changes I have to recompile it, then shut down the service while I swap out the files, hence the 2-3 minute downtime whenever I do this. If I rewrote the backend in say PHP then at least I could deploy changes in real time.
28.03.2020 - 02:27
Hey just wanted to let you know this is now fixed:
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