"Courage is what takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." -- Winston Churchill

I am pleased to announce the start of an unprecedented event within the AtWar community: the first scenario tournament! A round of applause, please! From the heart of the battle to the command center, you will lead your nation to glory, through war, boldness and invasions. You have the power to change the balance of World War II. It's time to show your skill as the greatest military leader in the world. Will history repeat itself or will you change your course? Will you change the fate of the world to achieve victory at any cost? Choose big powers eager for victory or small nations that seek to survive.

The scenario to be used in the tournament is World War II 1939-1945 by George Bush (also known as Witch-Doctor), created in January 2019. Having more than two hundred games played, it is a masterpiece that is featured in the AtWar catalog, made with care from start to finish, over time it has found the perfect balance between historical acuity and lots of fun.

For those interested who have never heard of this scenario or have not yet had the opportunity to play it, there is a showcase made by the author himself that is available for everyone to read. The topic also contains several tips and guidelines so that no one starts the game totally bewildered, which makes reading practically mandatory, since it also points all important events. Briefly, the scenario is divided into two teams: Axis (5 factions) and Allies (7 factions). Where each faction has a unique economy, diverse units, and important cities that need to be protected or captured, playing a crucial role during the match.

Game configurations must follow the author's recommendations, that is, 5-minute turns, maximum duration of 50 turns, capture enemy capital and hold for 3 turns in order to eliminate opponents. The scenario rules must be followed strictly. A single match can extend to a maximum of 4 hours, but knowing the scenario it probably won't take more than 2-3 hours to finish.

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27.10.2020 - 10:55
Good luck to all teams

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