After the release of the Custom maps alpha there's been all sorts of rumors about the future of the game, including various doom and gloom scenarios. Well, now we can finally set all these matters straight.

On the 1st of December we're planning to merge the two separate games we currently have (the old game + Alpha). This is when the hard work some of you put into making custom maps will finally pay off (as people will actually start playing them!)

As part of the process:

  • All existing custom maps will be kept intact.
  • SP and stats from the Alpha will be added to your SP and stats in the old game.
  • Upgrades will be reset (with SP refunded).
  • All players will have access to the game. As in the old version, some features will be Premium-only.
  • All Premium packs will remain, with a few (small) changes. Scenarios pack will be used for custom maps, as well as for scenarios.
  • Basically, things will continue as with a regular update, so DON'T PANIC!

    We want to ensure a smooth transition, so if you have any concerns, let us know and we will do our best to address them.


    We also decided to to a bit of re-branding, changing the game name to atWar. For a transitional period, the name "Afterwind" will be kept as as subtitle ("atWar: Afterwind"). Here's the new logo:

    The reason for the change is that 'afterwind', while being a cool word, has a very obscure meaning, and is not descriptive enough. We feel that atWar sounds more appropriate for a definitive strategy game we are building here.
    The website will be accessible from both and

    EDIT: I guess I need to explain our reasoning a bit more.

    Why we feel "Afterwind" is not a very good name:
    The meaning is so obscure that only those who already play the game know it (even then, probably only the hardcore 10% or so). This means if you encounter it browsing the internet, it tells you absolutely nothing about what kind of game this is. Besides, the 'nuke' thing is not so relevant anymore, with the new focus on custom maps and the blend of all places and ages.

    Why we feel "atWar" is a good name:
    It's short, it's straight to the point and it's very descriptive. A lot of people here mentioned that it's generic, but that's kind of what we were going for - not generic, but definitive name, a go-to game when it comes to strategy games. It's generic in the same way "Star Wars" is generic - it's supposed to embody the entire genre. At least, that's where our ambitions are.

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    Hole Premium um die Werbung zu unterdrücken
    Kommentare: 72   Besucht von: 495 users
    03.11.2012 - 12:50
    Geschrieben von Aristosseur, 03.11.2012 at 12:36


    You win the internets.
    03.11.2012 - 13:34
    Ok let me sum up the conclusion of the complaints here.

    Afterwind: very unique name, and already well established with the current community. However, not very significant to the entirety of the game and for newcomers.

    AtWar: A bit more definitive for the game, however generic and kinda unoriginal.

    So IMO, afterwind is the better name. But I do agree that the game needs a new name to complement the diverse aspects of it and to attract newcomers. So I suggest making a thread to discuss possible names for the game.
    Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
    03.11.2012 - 13:37
    I've a new name "Explicit Lucifer Effect."
    Lil D has now become Deray of YGMG Here!
    03.11.2012 - 13:38
    Geschrieben von tophat, 03.11.2012 at 13:34

    Ok let me sum up the conclusion of the complaints here.

    Afterwind: very unique name, and already well established with the current community. However, not very significant to the entirety of the game and for newcomers.

    AtWar: A bit more definitive for the game, however generic and kinda unoriginal.

    So IMO, afterwind is the better name. But I do agree that the game needs a new name to complement the diverse aspects of it and to attract newcomers. So I suggest making a thread to discuss possible names for the game.

    Should we rename Halo because it doesn't take place on a Halo anymore? How about renaming Yahoo! because it it's slow as shit nowadays? /thread
    03.11.2012 - 15:36
    I appreciate the name change. I have always frowned a bit upon Afterwind because I never got the impression
    that it represented the game very well. AtWar it less 'poetic' but way more straight to the point. This is a game
    about war that is the most important thing to notice.

    And I agree whith TopHats who suggested to get rid of 'Afterwind' in the new logo as its just confusing to have
    two names for the game. In my opinion 'Make peace through world domination' would make a grea subtitle.
    03.11.2012 - 17:01
    Geschrieben von VRIL, 03.11.2012 at 15:36

    I appreciate the name change. I have always frowned a bit upon Afterwind because I never got the impression
    that it represented the game very well. AtWar it less 'poetic' but way more straight to the point. This is a game
    about war that is the most important thing to notice.

    And I agree whith TopHats who suggested to get rid of 'Afterwind' in the new logo as its just confusing to have
    two names for the game. In my opinion 'Make peace through world domination' would make a grea subtitle.

    Agreed that the secondary title should be "Make peace through world domination".

    Here are some titles that can replace AtWar:

    - Chronicles of Warfare
    - Modern & Ancient Combat
    - War Generals
    - Strategy Veterans
    - Strategy Gurus
    - Onslaught
    - Strategy Onslaught
    - Warborn Empires (totally inspired from wbl)
    Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
    03.11.2012 - 17:08
    Lol more that I thought of...

    - The War Project
    - The Onslaught Project
    - The Peace Project
    - The Strategy Project
    Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
    03.11.2012 - 17:50
    AtWar: The father of the Back-Stab 'Em All Genre
    04.11.2012 - 10:00
    I'm sorry but I honestly do not see the new name having any positive side to it, unless you consider how tacky and obvious the name is to be something to be happy about. I definitely do not find the new name in any way "descriptive". Honestly, I think Afterwind is more descriptive.

    Afterwind gives off a vibe of sinister-ness and mysterious-ness. Anyone who knows what it means could easily figure out that the game is a war game as it relates to the after affects of a nuclear bomb which are most definitely related to war.

    Maybe I'm just attached to the old name like everyone else. idk. But I don't see how you came up with such a bland name like AtWar :/
    04.11.2012 - 12:34
    As one of the older members, I've grown quite fond of the name. Just like most other players who are still with us, apparently. And just like the majority of the new players, I had never heard the term afterwind before I started playing. It didn't matter. I tried the game, I googled the name, and both became connected.
    Afterwind is a term not yet integrated into the common vocabulary. We have the chance to claim it, and while it may not be as descriptive a name as "Drag and Drop Soldiers" or something (D&D Bombs or anything else war related would work just the same), it certainly is war-related and interesting enough to both give the game a try and find out what the hell an afterwind is.
    So essentially the choice is one between an interesting, formative name or one with broad market appeal.
    Ok, that might be a bit too harsh, but while I'd love to keep AW, keep Afterwind, I don't want the abbreviation to stay AW if it means we get something like AtWar. Come on, AtWar? It is more descriptive, I give you that, but it's so bland, so generic it might as well be the name of just about any kind of war-related strategy game there is. Please, if you definitely want a more descriptive name, put more effort into it. Your target demographic plays strategy games, damnit! We want to challenge our brains; anyone who doesn't will soon get tired of every good strategy game anyways.

    Please, Amok, Ivan, Morten, if the old name has to go, at least give us an equally good new one.
    Besides, good job. Thank you for this game, regardless how you decide to call it.

    P.S.: Maybe keep Afterwind, add a subtitle? Also, on second thought, Drag and Drop Something doesn't seem to bad...
    Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
    04.11.2012 - 12:50
    Konto gelöscht
    I think that you guys will get used to the new name.
    04.11.2012 - 14:24
    I hope it will be great
    Always follow your heart cause it will lead you to anywhere in life
    04.11.2012 - 15:18
    Geschrieben von Guest, 04.11.2012 at 12:50

    I think that you guys will get used to the new name.

    Of course we will, it's an integral part of the human nature to adapt. But that's not the point. We want to get used to a name we like from the start. Or, ideally, keep the one we already are familiar with.

    On that note, an idea for a subtitle: war drags on.
    We'd keep the name and get a descriptive addition. To the old players it'll still feel like the game they love, and the new ones would get a better idea about what they will learn to love.
    Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.
    04.11.2012 - 18:22
    I like the new name.
    "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
    04.11.2012 - 20:32
    Please keep your posts on topic here or they will be removed. Thanks for your cooperation.
    06.11.2012 - 19:08
    I love the name Afterwind, AtWar just makes me think of WWs and the "Cold War". Which I guess that's what AW is about: nukes, world wars, and scenarios.

    Afterwind sounds like a name where there's wars after the nuke, nuclear wind, something. Let me start thinking. Hmmm.
    06.11.2012 - 20:26
    The scenarios package is going to be useful at last!
    25.11.2012 - 09:33
    [|hmm maybe even AtWar A|Effect or something who knows.|]
    [|I think everyone will get used to the new title either way and also it is a good idea to keep Afterwind as the sub-title to remind the old and introduce the new players.|:yes:]
    29.11.2012 - 18:18
    I don't like that name change, but if we are changing it, maybe there shouldn't be a subtitle "Afterwind" becouse it will remind people of the old name and they wouldn't be able to let go of it.
    30.11.2012 - 14:21
    Ancient War Wind???
    War of Times,
    And finally,
    After Time
    01.12.2012 - 09:40
     Ivan (Admin)
    Geschrieben von CRYB, 01.12.2012 at 09:27

    How to download the new game like we did for afterwind?
    I don't want to play it browser based and there are no download links in the site yet

    Open the game. Right-click anywhere - you'll get a menu with 'Silverlight' and 'Install atWar onto this computer'. Click on the second, then 'Install' - now you can launch atWar directly from your desktop (you will have a shortcut there), without a browser.
    01.12.2012 - 09:49

    Open the game. Right-click anywhere - you'll get a menu with 'Silverlight' and 'Install atWar onto this computer'. Click on the second, then 'Install' - now you can launch atWar directly from your desktop (you will have a shortcut there), without a browser.

    Thanks a lot
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