This is possibly the most epic update so far. Take a look at what we've got for you:

  • Armies are now shown as icons on the map, not just circles. There are 5 different ones: soldier, tank, ship, submarine and plane - they indicate the predominant type of units.

  • Captured cities will now spawn free Militia in the numeber of the city's reinforcements. This is done to make the conquests more final and avoid pointless exchange of empty cities.

  • Air units can no longer capture cites. They can destroy all units inside, after which they will 'park' next to the city.

  • 13 new upgrades and 1 new strategy (unlockable). Some people were already running out of upgrades, so they can finally spend their hard-earned SP now

  • Some upgrades introduce the After-roll bonus (ARB) tech, that has always existed in the game, but was rather undocumented. Now you can see the unit's ARB in the Units menu and in the City menu (by expanding unit info). ARB is a sort of a 'critical shot' - it's number indicates the maximum after-roll bonus. ARB % shows the chances for the minimum bonus to apply. The higher bonus has proportionally less chances. So, if the unit's ARB is 5 and the ARB chance is 50%, 1 will be added to the roll every other time. Adding 2, 3, 4 and 5 has less chances, with 5 being pretty damn rare.

  • The SP requirements for ranks have been lowered significantly. Expect a new rank next time you finish a game!

  • Player status is now displayed in the game over stats panel (playing/won/lost/kicked/left).

  • Turn duration is now maximum 12 minutes. This is done to avoid exploits with losing players setting the turn to 60 minutes.

  • Capacity has been lowered to 10 for Transports and to 4 for Air Transports. These can be expanded with some early upgrades.

  • Fixed the bug with being able to kick players on their first turn.

  • "Capture selected country" victory condition now allows alliance victory (still, one player must hold the entire country for it to work).

  • Winning SP is now divided between the allied players.

  • Maximum city reinforcements are now 7.

  •   |


    Hole Premium um die Werbung zu unterdrücken
    Kommentare: 7   Besucht von: 188 users
    25.11.2010 - 10:00
    What we need in a big war.

    1.when we play and we have many citys we need a funktion to see all citys that has reinforcement and no reinforcment on the whole world map.
    2.when we select or click an city the city must show it ... blink or shining or something.
    3.Mines... a vehicle that can make mines for other vehicles or troops.
    but only for the land and sea not for citys.
    and the mines only explode when any enemey walk over it.
    25.11.2010 - 10:25
     Ivan (Admin)
    Geschrieben von Seradest, 25.11.2010 at 10:00

    What we need in a big war.

    1.when we play and we have many citys we need a funktion to see all citys that has reinforcement and no reinforcment on the whole world map.
    2.when we select or click an city the city must show it ... blink or shining or something.
    3.Mines... a vehicle that can make mines for other vehicles or troops.
    but only for the land and sea not for citys.
    and the mines only explode when any enemey walk over it.

    1. Cities that have reinforcements have thicker border. Quite easy to distinguish, once you know this.
    2. The city icon has a glow around it when selected. Perhaps needs to be more obvious.
    3. Good idea, will write it down.
    28.11.2010 - 12:07
    I don't like the free militia or splitting the SP between allies.

    Why was max reserve count lowered to 7?
    28.11.2010 - 12:42
     Ivan (Admin)
    Geschrieben von Blah64, 28.11.2010 at 12:07

    I don't like the free militia or splitting the SP between allies.

    Why was max reserve count lowered to 7?

    Free militia will keep empty cities from bouncing between players. Conquests will be a bit more permanent. Also, at the moment people can't afford leaving any defence in captured cities (except for some important capitals, perhaps). This is an easy way to provide some basic defence with minimum hassle.

    Splitting SP makes a lot of sense. If you want all SP for yourself, don't join alliances. As things were, alliances were a bit too profitable.

    The gap between big cities and small was too big. The map is already very uneven, but we feel that owning certain cities/areas gives you way too much advantage.
    28.11.2010 - 14:18
    Free militia doesn't seem to work out all that well in play. I keep looking for a way to kill them off so they don't suck up all my money.
    28.11.2010 - 14:30
    I'm quite happy with the Milita taking their 3 somethings a-day. Saves me spending on Infantry which are, admitatly, superior defenders, but are probably less efficient (in the short term, definatly) for defending less significant cities.

    It is also nice to have that garenteed re-inforcements even if you end up with just one unit left after combat, saving you the expense and risk of sending extra units to protect the place.

    However, it is 'odd' that malitia should appear after every conquest, though population/infrustructure reduction would make this less significant an issue I think.

    I like the reverse count limitation also - means that a player can't afford to NOT defend his Capital from the start as he/she can't just flood it with troops the minute a tank comes in range.
    peveyom heekaht setuh ei iqeht eineta kelah gohk seluxah gohk
    15.06.2013 - 12:12
    Captured cities will now spawn free Militia in the numeber of the city's reinforcements. This is done to make the conquests more final and avoid pointless exchange of empty cities.

    Air units can no longer capture cites. They can destroy all units inside, after which they will 'park' next to the city.

    I was just reading forums. And suddenly saw that. It was my first update after i join i guess

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