08.11.2019 - 18:40
It's clear from the responses most players and coalitions don't want mods to intervene in coalition wars. The guidelines were posted ahead of next season in response to requests for mod interventions on several CWs, so mods wouldn't have to get involved, and if they were called in, they'd have clear guidelines on which to base a decision. They were posted, and i think it's fair to say that aside from the dozen or so up-votes, most of the response has been negative. It wasn't the intent of mods to do anything other than improve the quality of the games and reduce the conflict between players. Hopefully most people see that, despite posts to the contrary. So i thought i'd ask just the coalition leaders if it makes sense to scrap the guidelines entirely, or to adopt those that can be agreed on by all. I put it to you (the (1) Scrap the Guidelines completely. (Result => Mods simply won't need to respond to CW issues next season). (2) Go through the 8 Guidelines one by one, and keep only those that have unanimous agreement of the coalition leaders for next season. ============= If you are not a coalition founder planning to CW next season, please don't post... it's hard enough to get agreement on this among founders/leaders, let alone all the players. Contact your founder/leader instead, inform them, and support them with your upvotes. Note to self: 12 Coaltions: 0 for option( #1), 12 for option (#2) ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
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08.11.2019 - 19:17
2 + you guys are doing a great job. Almost all active mods, including you, brian, as admin. So stay consistent. You have to be aware, over any kind of issue in competitive scene, one side will be satisfied and another won't, that is simple. But also, you have to be aware that someone who committed wrong moves (not the ones within the guidelines), should be punished, independently of how unsatisfied he/they will be with the final staff decision. No one forced them to behave unproperly. You have to care less about consistent banalizing of clear things which mustn't be banalized in any way. Wrongdoings in clan wars are pretty clear and they should remain clear without too much discussion, since every discussion leads just to the one thing - over-banalizing and mixing various themes into the case, which makes the current case be confusing and out of target. Inb4 someone says I am licking some admin's or mod's butt; no I am completely not. They are doing all they can do. I made sure of it on few previous cases. According to that, let me add, when I felt injustice, I was even standing up against certain mod(s) who got demoted after. But for the current staff team I've got just hats down and letting them be out from competitive scene would be a defeat and punch in a face for any normal and reasonable brain who want to throw out negative moves, toxic behaviour, calculated uncompetence or disrespect from cw scene. COMPLETED Guidelines are the best possible move which can be done for the next season. Will fully shorten all these last time's reports, threads, discussions and also, generally said, will stop what needs to be stopped at competitive scene on the most easiest way. Not respecting the guidelines should lead to a punishment. And everything stops there. So, my vote for number 2 and support ![]()
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08.11.2019 - 19:58
I only kneel to only one king, the king in the north! and his name is stark! Gorde says this Me and Helly mutually agree with option (2), we should open discussion on each guideline and refine their definitions. I think the guide lines are good and should be a permanant fixture in coalition wars. besides the rules on walling.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
njab Konto gelöscht |
09.11.2019 - 07:54 njab Konto gelöscht
Only 6th option (not walling on enemy's country T1) is agreed on unanimously by all players, and maybe 1st (no T1 wallfuck) depending on how you interpret it. Some people consider wallfucking the bigwall as T1 wallfuck. Hence choosing option #2 is almost completely the same as choosing #1. On top of that, the moderator overinvolvement in the matter has shown to be detrimental to the activity. There has been a sudden large drop in the activity around the time all this needless drama started. Clarification: as I already told brian, it's option 1
09.11.2019 - 15:00
Option 2 i pick... 5 is same as 3. Support for no wall glitching in cws. 7. 2v1 cws should be allowed if all participants agree and if theres any chance that one person can win. 8. Ghosting....... If other clan knew who play, then k ( but that shouldnt be offten), but in case player from clan 1 dc and clan 2 refuse to allow other player to keep playing on that acc. Clan 1 should instant lose that cw.
---- ![]() http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page= ![]()
09.11.2019 - 15:18
Illyria is fine with these guidelines and we are willing to respect them
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
15.11.2019 - 15:29
Alright.. so here's how it stands... the results are in. Clan names have been removed to protect the innocent. Martonci was inactive, and is not represented. white = YES (or ACWL Agree/Can Live With) red = NO (or D Disagree) The green ACWL's show that a discussion took place, and the coalition later agreed to change. Usually this was a misunderstanding or some problem in wording. For instance, with respect to offering win with d/c, discretion lies with the winning clan - this would be exploited if it were universally accepted, and so it was implied, but the guideline will be changed to be a bit more explicit that the winning clan doesn't HAVE to accept this if they suspect the losing clan is falsifying the screenshot. ![]()
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15.11.2019 - 16:14
For the issue of Serbwalling, I will make a writeup either tonight after work or this weekend on the nature of it and our stance regarding the practice.
15.11.2019 - 16:17
Unless it's a solution, it's not needed. I have heard the rationale, and it is valid and sound.
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15.11.2019 - 19:06
Beat you to it when i was being interrogated by the gestapo.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
15.11.2019 - 19:34
You haven't seen the essay I've written yet boobear
23.11.2019 - 23:45
Option 2 And why wans't SP Police contacted? Are we a joke to you? We performed just fine this season. Forgive me for my language, but for you to exclude us is BULL SHIT. I want this post edited to include SP Police so that we actually have a voice. I speak on behalf of 117 people. We worked day-in and day-out for those clan wars, and you're just gonna pretend that we aren't a "competitive" clan? We fought Illyria multiple times, and since then we've been ostracized from the competitive community. The other clans don't fight us because every cw we play gets deleted by the admins... hmm... definitely not the exercise of monopoly power to keep the good people down... hmm.... But don't do this for me, do this for the hundreds of players in my clan who have been asking me, "why aren't we clan warring?" What am I supposed to say? The least you can do is give us a voice in these important votes. We're not a "troll" clan, and I'm more than willing to accept some rules. I will accept any rules that the 117 people of my clan agree to based on a majority vote. In the event of a tie, I'll break it. We recently added "Wunderwaffen" to the clan. He is a competitive player, and we're gonna clan war next season whether you want us to or not.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
26.11.2019 - 00:03
---- The Gifted INC. ![]() ![]()
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