Geschrieben von Cpt.Magic, 29.07.2014 at 19:24
Geschrieben von Cpt.Magic, 29.07.2014 at 19:21
Geschrieben von Cpt.Magic, 29.07.2014 at 19:17
not ur game
What you fail to realise is, as tunder has mentioned, is that plays =/= good maps. Your maps are no better than tempted's rp.
still have more plays pls name one original game u have made :/
Napoleon, LoN, sort of EU - kinda - no one's really made a large EU map for UN so that's sorta new.
LON is a copy of un idea just re skinned for ww2 EU map for UN utah all ready done it Napoleon maybe was all ready done i respond next after im done eating
You don't know shit about what you're talking about then, you're too autistic to talk to. I don't even want to respond right now. But let's do it to once again prove how autistic you are
Point 1) LoN is a form of controlled warfare supreme to whatever UN was out there - either way no one has made a map like that during that time period either.
Point 2) I never heard of Utah making one but sure
Point 3) No one has made a Napoleonic map during the coalition in which I made it in. All other napoleon maps are shit, where Paris and London are misplaced etc.